The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 776: School starts

An emerald dragon streaked across the blue sky, broke through the clouds, and looked down at the ground from a thousand meters high. . .

The Emerald Dragon is an extremely proud and suspicious dragon species. Although this individual with sea-green transparent scales is obviously not yet an adult, its arrogant nature will not be restrained because of its young age.

Due to their suspicious nature, it is very difficult to communicate with them. In fact, in the entire human history, the number of emerald dragons who identify with humans as friends is even smaller than the number of chromatic dragons who have a certain hatred for humans...

However, there are two people sitting on this emerald dragon.

"I think I'm about to freeze..." Xier Wen said, trembling all over, "Can Jade fly a little slower?"

Although she is a magician and has become an intermediate magician during the summer vacation, Xierwen is not very good at temperature control.

After all, the element she is good at is the earth element.

"I didn't leave the warmth and safety of my lair to hear your complaints, Silva."

The giant dragon under her said in a helpless voice.

"Woo... If I had known earlier, I would have exchanged my credits for the magic robe that can automatically adjust the temperature. Anyway, it's very cheap..."

The girl let out a pitiful whimper and mumbled tremblingly.

Behind her, Donald in armor sighed, and regardless of the frost condensation on his eyebrows, he reached out and hugged the girl's soft body: "Can this be better?"

"It's not good at all, your armor makes me colder than before!"

The girl waved her hands in protest.

Even so, she didn't push Donald's body away.

"You just have to be patient. And if you exchanged for that magic robe instead of this one with special protection ability, I'm afraid we will die in the emerald trap before then."

Donald comforted softly.

As I said before, emerald dragons are suspicious and vigilant by nature. Their lairs are usually set up in the craters of extinct volcanoes, and a large number of magic traps will be arranged inside to protect their safety.

And the two of them who strayed into the emerald lair also suffered enough from those traps in the previous series of events.

Fortunately, the girl didn't work hard when she was studying in Edric. In addition to Edric's hodgepodge of teaching and the girl's talent for intelligence, she actually let her rely on the analytical magic that comes with her magic robe, and she insisted on using magic one by one. All the traps were broken, and they came to the depths of the lair.

"It's because you guys did unnecessary things that I'm so unlucky..."

muttered the Emerald Dragon where they sat.

It's just that as a giant dragon, even the muttering voice is almost the same as that of ordinary people talking loudly. So Donald and Xierwen heard it clearly.

The two could only look at each other and smile wryly.

At the beginning, he cracked the magic trap. And when they asked Jade to send them away, several giants suddenly attacked the dragon's lair along the path that had destroyed the magic trap, so that Jade, who could not be used for a while, was caught by them, and they were about to be skinned and dismantled. When turning into a pile of raw materials and roasts. It was rescued by Silvin and Donald, who were ignored by the giants. escape the catastrophe.

It is precisely because of this that they have become friends who share weal and woe.

"Ah! We can see Morag!"

Suddenly, Xierwen let out an excited cry.

As the emerald broke through the clouds again. It suddenly became clear in front of them.

There, there is a magical city sunken into the ground and the huge amber that flows through the city and finally occupies half of the huge pit.

It's just that the college that was originally located above the huge lake has disappeared, replaced by a sky blue circle.

The ring exudes brilliant colors like the aurora, which is fascinating.

That is a space door.

"Miss Feite really didn't lie, the academy has been moved to a demiplane..."

Looking at the magnificent Wheel of Light, Donald muttered involuntarily.

"Recently, the climate has become a bit strange. Although it was summer a few days ago, it has suddenly cooled down these two days. Although Mr. Dean can return to the academy at any time, just to be on the safe side, we finally decided to move the academy temporarily Go. Don't forget the Shakespeare Mininick tragedy."

Only at this time, Xierwen regained some of her former heroism, and pointed at the wheel of light: "Then the target is there, Jade, let's go!"

The emerald dragon's wings trembled, its huge body sank, and it glided towards the airspace where the wheel of light was.

The moment they touched the light wheel, the surrounding scenery changed immediately, and the three of them (two and one dragon) found that they seemed to have entered a very strange state, as if the seemingly extremely narrow light wheel had an infinite width. Endless, no matter how you fly, you can't fly to the end.

"It's a defensive magic. It's useless to continue flying. We can only turn around and leave this space door..." Emerald is the most knowledgeable of all gem dragons (some emerald dragons have mastered a lot of difficult Imaginary knowledge is even called a sage by some people), and it is also a kind of magic with extremely high attainments. She immediately discovered the mystery of it, and was planning to leave here first. When there is a way to come back, Xier Wen Hold up your student ID card.

I saw a wonderful ripple of magic power flashing on the ordinary card, and the next moment, Emerald's eyes suddenly became bright again.

The only difference is that this place is no longer the main material plane, but a plausible space. There is no sun in the sky, and there is no natural wind on the earth...

Only one magnificent city was built here, and above the city was Edric's academy and school buildings.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to control that kind of defensive magic mechanism? I haven't seen that kind of magic, show me it later?" Emerald Dragon became curious about those devices again at this time .

"How could I have control, I just have access." Xierwen smiled wryly.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Donald could already see a few people dressed similarly to Xierwen on the academy platform not far away, as if they were already waiting for their arrival.

"Sure enough, the four monitors and other second-line students were all called back to the academy by Miss Fit."

After circling a few times, Jade landed steadily on the berth where the academy originally used to dock the magic ship.

"Welcome back." The leader who greeted them was naturally Sophia who appeared at an unknown time.

"Professor Sophia, what's the reason for calling us back in such a hurry this time?" Sylvan, who was helped by Donald from Emerald, asked curiously.

"Well, it was actually Xi Wei before... the dean came back for some reason and informed us of our preparations." Sophia did not hide the truth from Xi Wei, with a slightly gratified expression on her face: "He Say, we Edric are almost ready to start school.” (To be continued..)

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