The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 804: Enemy of the Gods

Gurgling bubbles began to appear on the surface of the ice-free dark river.

It looks like it's boiling.

But the biting cold air can't make people think of this aspect at all.

Sophia and the others knew very well that this was a sign that something was about to appear.

Obviously they haven't shown their faces yet, but that great fear has already gripped their hearts like an invisible hand.

Even Franken, who has long been dead, has a shivering feeling in the fire of the soul.

Terrible auras continuously emerged from the water, so dense that it was nauseating.

Although it felt like this momentum should have reached its limit a moment ago, it will become stronger and denser in the next second.

If Sophia, who is the weakest, hadn't built a magic formation as soon as possible, she might not even be able to stand firmly now.

And all of this was based on the fact that the other party did not show up.


Fleur's rotating sword of victory has long been facing the direction of the ice-free dark river, and the winged angel did not continue to manifest in the form of a phantom, but instead leaned on the rotating sword of victory-this is what Fleur recently discovered. After comprehending it, it is the strongest move used to suppress the bottom of the box, but in this situation, the opponent can't help but use it just because of his aura...

Even Saintess Irelia, who always looked calm, showed a serious expression, whispering something softly. Sophia guessed that she should be preparing for the magic of the Church of Pure White.

The armor on Tio's body has been functioning to the extreme, all the seams are emitting a faint blue magic light, and Star's figure is looming beside her, obviously sharing the pressure of guiding and storing a huge amount of magic power.

The skin on Franken's face began to crack, but he didn't respond to it. His attention was almost attracted by the figure that hadn't appeared yet. His body was covered with various magic items, and from those items Judging from the brilliance that circulates from time to time, it is obvious that they are all in a state that can be stimulated at any time.

Sophia's magic formation has also accumulated a considerable amount of magic power, and some alchemy items have long been piled up in the corner, ready to be used at any time. Like Franken, this time Sophia also brought out almost all her old background.

It stands to reason that this team would have the power to fight even against the great magician... and even the kind of great magician who is at the peak and will step into the legend at any time, but no one has even the slightest confidence in his heart.

Fleur's hands holding the sword were trembling slightly, this was the first time that the Holy Silver Sword Princess had experienced such a battle in her life.

It's not warrior shock (referring to trembling with excitement because of wanting to fight the enemy), nor is it fear... It's just because of the natural reaction of the body when facing this level of coercion, even with the addition of a winged angel Even the guards couldn't stop it.

Elilia clenched her hands tightly, her nails even embedded in her flesh, but she didn't realize it, which also showed the nervousness of this lady saint.

Tio is a little bit better, except for the huge magic power flowing in her armor, if it is detonated, it can blow up a small half of the city into the sky...

Franken's soul fire trembled more and more, Sophia's forehead was also covered with cold sweat, and the cold sweat had a tendency to freeze...

The next moment, something floated up from the water.

It was too late to see what it was, and the terrifying aura accumulated so far finally broke through the boundary between the invisible and the tangible, turning into a gust of wind and gushing out in all directions.

A huge amount of magic power gushed out from that thing, and its amount alone even exceeded the magic power in Tio's armor, because the surroundings were surrounded by a hurricane of momentum and coercion, and the magic power was concentrated and turned into purple light that soared into the sky.

That beam of light was so terrifying that it even directly penetrated the roof of the cave above it, pierced through the thick earth, and after breaking through all obstacles, it shot through the thick dark clouds in the sky and went straight to the sky!

"Those grown-ups don't know what's going on..."

The magic ship that was almost hit by the beam of light carefully walked around the beam of light, and was almost overturned by the sudden hurricane immediately.

After finally holding the magic boat steady, the leprechaun controlling the magic boat wiped off his sweat with lingering fear, and looked worriedly at the place where the beam of light came from below.

The momentum and coercion turned into a hurricane raged, and the water of the ice-free dark river was swept upside down, and immediately turned into drizzle and sprinkled on everyone.

Fortunately, everyone has already prepared the highest level of vigilance, and this level of extremely cold water droplets cannot harm them.

On the contrary, the increasingly stronger hurricane made them even more frightened.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The first one to be swept away was Irelia, the saintess was completely incapable of dealing with this kind of situation, even with a lot of magical spells on her body, she was still caught by the wind." Pull it up, you are about to be pulled into the hurricane, and experience the feeling of minced meat.

Fortunately, Sophia has been paying attention to the situation outside, and quickly pulled her into the magic field.

"Thank you... I was really scared to death..." Illeria, who was still in shock, put her arms around Sophia's slender waist, and thanked the red-haired girl.

"You're welcome, compared to this, you might as well quickly use magic to help me strengthen the magic formation."

Sophia took a breath, and then continued to concentrate on maintaining the magic formation.

The impact of the hurricane is not limited to this. The cold air that originally existed only in the ice-free dark river was completely sucked out of the ground by the hurricane, and then pushed to all parts of the world.

For a time, the cold disaster in the whole world intensified rapidly.

Morag, Edric College.

"Ms. Sophia, are they really all right?"

Kamiyu looked out the window and asked with some concern.

"Although it's not as reliable as Mr. Dean personally acting, but since Professor Franken and Mrs. Fleur went together, there shouldn't be any problem."

Dorothy threw aside the pile of unofficial documents that she had just processed, and sighed exaggeratedly on the table. Although the little girl has been honed to maturity this year, she is only a child after all: "I still compare Worried about other cities. Even Morag, which has an enchantment, has become like this, so other cities must be more severely affected, right?"

"It's bad!" Suddenly, Riddle barged in without even knocking on the door: "The blizzard has gotten worse, and it's very difficult to leave Morag now!"

Camille and Dorothy looked at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

At this time, the five people who were near the hurricane circle all felt powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

Although the hurricane can't do anything to them for the time being, the problem is... so far, they haven't even seen what the enemy looks like. r1152


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