The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 806: Mystery of the Seabed

Orcas are pretty much the pinnacle of conventional power in the ocean. ;

The hardness of their skin is comparable to that of mountain rocks, and huge internal energy is generated in their huge bodies all the time. The moment they spit out that heat with the help of spouting, they can make the sea water boil, scald or directly scald the enemy to death. , in addition to storing heat, and then erupting it in waves when it has accumulated to a certain extent, unless it is an adult of the same kind, no matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it is within its range, it will be shocked to death or stunned, and will lose resistance ability……

In addition, its huge body is also an invincible weapon. Even the largest human ship is not half the size of it. No matter what kind of ship it is, as long as it gently jumps out of the water and hits it, it will undoubtedly be The end of the ship wreck!

When the orca was equipped with a fierce and aggressive mermaid, it undoubtedly became the overlord of the sea—except for the twilight squid, which is an epic creature left over from the last era, the number of existing individuals is less than the number of hands, there is no one. Any creature can be compared with it!

However, the situation has changed now.

In the middle of the ocean, there is a triangular sailboat that looks a bit thin and rises and falls with the waves, as if it can't stand the wind and waves at all.

It's just that around it, there is a circle of orcas with their stomachs turned upside down. No matter how you look at it, the orcas have already rushed to the street. In addition, there are murlocs that are ten times more numerous than the orcas. It looks subtle. It's kind of funny.

"These guys are surprisingly unbeatable."

Xi Wei muttered with some desire and dissatisfaction.

After he retracted his hand into the robe again, the huge phantom palm that beat the orca to pieces - the 'Dean's Aether Grip' also dissipated into the air.

And Misaka's mermaid song "Heir of the Sea" is only halfway through...

"No, no, no. You are too strong!" Yina Li, who watched everything from beginning to end, and her mood changed from worry at the beginning to surprise and finally to surprise, said: "Those guys are already in this world. The top-level army is deployed, but it is like a child in your hands, powerless to fight back!"

Xi Wei's Yingying magic eye can transmit almost all attacks to other places, so that the enemy can only hurt his own people, and the immobile magic eye can block all the enemy's actions, so that they can only be beaten, and the dean's ether The grip is even more capable of throwing orcas, which are as huge as islands, as tadpoles, even if other murlocs later drove away the distant relatives of the evening squid, the King Physalis, to support them. In the end, he was still beaten by Xi Wei in various ways.

The strength he displayed has far exceeded the common sense of this world. If Xi Wei came to the mermaid clan in this state and claimed to be a god, maybe some people with bad brains would really believe it...

After a while, Misaka's song score was finally sung.

Xi Wei found that there seemed to be several cuts on both sides of his neck. They are being combined one by one. Like the gills of a fish.

He simply jumped from the boat into the water. After wandering in the sea for a while, I finally confirmed that the things on both sides of my neck were indeed gills...

Afterwards, Xi Wei, who returned to the ship, asked Mishaka, and learned that the power of the song score "Heir of the Sea" can last for a long time.

Let Nyos, who remains on board, drop anchor. Xi Wei and Sha Lan grabbed the slowly sinking anchor and dived with the two mermaids to the place where they said the murlocs gathered.

With gills, even talking underwater is no problem.

Xi Wei's words were okay, but Shalan felt very fresh about it, and kept talking while gurgling and spitting bubbles.

On the way, some murlocs who didn't come up to attack Xi Wei and the others wanted to stop them from advancing, but in the end, without exception, Xi Wei beat them into the air...

"Is this where the murlocs gather?"

As far as the eye can see, the bottom of this sea area is full of rough houses made of jagged rocks and coral reefs. The magical barrier cuts off the sea water, and inside the barrier is a highly civilized city... It turned out that this kind of crude thing appeared in front of him, which naturally made him extremely disappointed.

It's like looking forward to a full feast of Manchu and Han people, but they only serve you a bowl of salty rice...and it's the kind of vegetarian...

Disappointed, Xi Wei found the murloc palace with the two mermaids.

But after he entered, he was taken aback by what it looked like inside.

A burly, huge murloc used many gemstones to form a strange magic circle on the ground, and the magic circle seemed to be working... You know, there is no way to use magic in this world theoretically. Yes, but the magic circle is the same power as magic!

"Welcome, invaders... I was supposed to fight you to the death, but now it seems that this is no longer necessary."

Kash is in a good mood, and his final preparations have not been in vain, and will soon take effect.

"Murloc King, what are you planning! What's that under your feet!" Inari seemed to have met Kashi before, and recognized him immediately.

"Now I am no longer the Murloc King. In fact, I have always wondered why all sea creatures have a good impression of you mermaids, but ours will not be affected..." Kashi said with a strange smile: "It was not until later that I I understand that you mermaids were born in the chaotic ocean and are the children of the ocean, so the creatures in 'this world' whose home is the sea will naturally feel close to you."

Xi Wei, who noticed that the other party added the accent on the word "this world", frowned: "Could it be that murlocs are not creatures of this world?"

"That's right, I searched for a long time to confirm this... Our family is from a place called Abyss Styx, and our real name should be Abyss murlocs! That's why we hate sunlight, and that's why we like fighting!" Kash confessed to this: "And the magic circle under my feet is the passage that allows me to return to the River Styx!"

It paused, then continued to quack and say with a strange smile: "Before I leave, let me tell you something interesting."

"This world was almost on the verge of destruction... When you mermaids set off a tsunami that destroyed human civilization in the last century, even the bottom of the sea was affected and turned into a slope. If it wasn't for that guy named Bosnia who turned into a sea The eyes of the bottom of the sea that almost completely collapsed, the world has long been destroyed by you!" It narrowed its eyes, and its figure became ethereal under the light of the magic circle: "And that guy who called himself a god brought A group of my kind went to Haiyan, I think you should be very clear about what this means..."

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