The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 808: Undersea Mutations

After leaving a bunch of words, the original figure of the Murloc King Kash became more and more ethereal, like a candle in the wind that would disappear at any moment.

"Don't try to keep me! I've prepared this magic circle for a long time, even that damned god can't stop it after it's activated, so you can only watch the great me..."

Before it could finish its ramblings, Xi Wei activated the new Dean's Grip.

This time it is not the big hand made of etheric clumps like the previous "Dean's Grip of the Ether", nor is it the "Dean's Grip of Healing" hand that is purely composed of concepts and has no entity.

Judging from the appearance, this time the Dean's Grip is like the entire Milky Way flowing backwards, and finally poured into it. With a pitch-black base, countless dazzling stars are embedded on it, which is extremely gorgeous.

The new dean slapped off the magic array protection that the murloc said was 'indestructible' and 'the gods can't interfere', and then pulled the dumbfounded former murloc king out of it.

However, Xi Wei was not busy interrogating the other party. Instead, he switched the brilliant Dean's Grip to the Dean's Ether Grip, allowing the huge palm to be held around everyone, forming a space similar to a protective shield.

Almost at the next moment when he did this, the energy inside the magic circle, which seemed to be quite stable before, suddenly rose sharply, and then an earth-shattering explosion occurred.

Nearly half of the houses made of strange rocks and corals in the entire murloc gathering place were blown away by the shock wave. Judging from this momentum, they might fly directly out of the sea, creating a more spectacular scene than the school of flying fish...

"Idiot, do you think your god really doesn't know what you're doing?"

As a legendary great mage, Xi Wei naturally had a very high attainment in the magic circle, and when he discovered that the magic circle could actually work in this kind of world, he felt something was wrong.

While talking nonsense with Kashi, Xi Wei took a look at the magic circle by the way, and found that both its wrists and ritual parts were very rough. It was not so much a magic circle set up by a magician as it was completely devoid Ordinary people with magical talents compared the records in the magic guide book, and made out the above things according to the script...

If that's the case alone, the magic circle can't work naturally, but there seems to be a strange power injected into the magic circle, and it's not like Xi Wei has never seen this kind of power—when Misaka and Inaly chanted their When reading the song score, what flickers around the mermaids is this kind of power that only exists in this world.

Undoubtedly, what drives the magic circle is naturally the power of the "song book", and the song book is obtained by the murlocs by hunting mermaids according to the meaning of the so-called "god". The source is also obvious.

"I'm afraid that your god has already noticed your behavior, and specially injected the power of 'songbook' into the ritual items you prepared, so once you activate this magic circle, the magic circle will be activated during its operation. With different strengths, there will naturally be problems..."

It's like a diesel engine. If you ask someone to burn gasoline, it will definitely not turn up. If you insist on burning it, it may explode...

"Then why did you save me?" Kashi asked in shock, "Don't human beings hate murlocs?"

Because mermaids will actively avoid humans, humans in this era regard mermaids as a myth, but murlocs have no such concerns.

Murlocs are omnivorous creatures, and of course they prefer meat. Many murlocs will quietly follow behind human fishing boats. When humans salvage a considerable number of sea fish, they will swarm them, bite the fishing nets and take the fish as their own food. .

What's more, they even capsize the fishing boat and treat the fisherman as a delicious meal...

So for human beings, murlocs are enemies, and their physical harm to fisheries and fishermen is even greater than those sharks.

"Nonsense, of course it's because I still have a lot to ask you... It's hard to find such a talkative talker like you, if you let you die, wouldn't it be a waste of information?"

Xi Wei said without hiding anything.

Hearing that Xi Wei seemed to be begging for himself, Kashi, who had been reluctant at first, suddenly became more energetic: "It's fine if you want me to answer your question, but you have to let me go after that, otherwise I will I won't even say it to death!"

It seems that this guy has not yet understood that he is only a captive.

So Xi Wei beat it... Because the process was a little bloody and violent, so let's skip it for now. All in all, the other party was shocked and realized that it didn't make any difference to Xi Wei and his group whether he died or not. In the end, it explained a lot of things in a very simple way.

It's just that Xi Wei only cares about one of them.

"You mean, there is a strange cube inscription in the hand of that so-called god?"

"That's right, he often deliberates on that inscription alone. I've always felt very curious about it. Unfortunately, he is too defensive and attaches great importance to that inscription. I have no way to get in touch with it..."

Kash knows everything.

"X...Dean, do you know what that is?"

Shalan almost revealed Xi Wei's name, but fortunately, she was quite cautious and quickly changed her words.

"Of course I know... If I'm not mistaken, what that guy got is the legendary Truth Astronomy!"

The corners of Xi Wei's mouth turned up slightly. He didn't expect that after staying in the main material plane for a long time, he couldn't find the truth astronomy. He actually found clues and traces in this world of no shit. It was really hard to find. Feeling effortless...

"Get ready to go, we're running out of time."

Xi Wei floated up a little distance, and found that due to the shock of the explosion just now, many craters on the seabed were exposed from the ground in such a grand manner, as if there were signs of eruption at any time.

Seeing this scene, Xi Wei believed to a certain extent what Kashi said just now that there had been a change in the bottom of the sea, and he also knew that if this matter is not resolved quickly, a chain eruption may form , no matter in the sea or on land, I am afraid that a terrible mass extinction will start.

"Whether it's to keep this ocean from being destroyed, or to seize my truth astronomy, we must go to the sea eye to prevent that guy from destroying the sea eye."

Xi Wei said after pondering for a moment.

"And I happen to be very interested in the vision that happened over there..." r1152


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