The Dean Has Arrived

Main Text Chapter 82 First College Experience (2)

"Is the teacher going to class too?!" Alisa stared at Xi Wei with wide eyes, not even noticing that the fried egg covered in sauce on her fork fell back to the plate.

The living facilities of Huolian National Academy of Magic are quite complete.

When there is no major meeting, the auditorium acts as a canteen. Although there will be maids pushing the dining car and knocking on the door of each room to provide breakfast service, but that way the choice will be much less. As long as the students are not used to staying in bed, they will choose to eat in the auditorium - while enjoying a rich breakfast, they can also stop by to see if there is any lecture they want to listen to on the board.

By the way, unlike those private magic academies, the meals here are all free.

"Well," Xi Wei munched on the bacon and egg sandwich he ordered indifferently: "After all, I don't know what the lectures are like here, so it's better to scout the enemy first and see how the general professors teach."

"Enemy..." Alisa smiled wryly, then ate her fried egg in one gulp: "Then teacher, are you also going to take the first-grade class?"

Because his mouth was full of sandwiches, Xi Wei just nodded, then took another glass of milk, and washed down all the bacon, eggs and bread: "I plan to teach only the first grade."

And Xi Wei is also very clear that before he was promoted to an intermediate magician, even if he went to a lecture on second-level magic, the effect would probably be the same as grinding his gun in front of the battle.

"Well, there are three classes in the first grade today. Teacher, are you going to listen to them all?" Alisa looked at the huge signboard on the other side of the hall. Xi Wei and the others who were far away could still clearly see the words on it.

Usually a class lasts between one and a half hours to two hours, Xi Wei glanced at the board and made a decision: "I still have time to go to the library in the afternoon, so let's just listen to the two classes in the morning. "

It is impossible to objectively evaluate the teaching level of this college by listening to only one professor's course. Although listening to two professors at the same time may still be biased to a certain extent, at least it will not be wrong.

"Really?" Alisa nodded her head to show that she understood. Then the girl looked around suspiciously: "Speaking of which, where did Tio go?"

"She and Alice went to the kitchen." Xi Wei, who had almost eaten, wiped his mouth and stood up: "It seems that it's because that girl suddenly said that she wants to eat croquettes..."


"Although I felt that this kind of education method was unreasonable at the beginning, I didn't expect it to be so unreasonable..."

Hiding in an inconspicuous corner of the classroom, Xi Wei kept frowning for nearly four hours, which made him feel that his facial muscles were about to cramp.

The professor of the first class was a senior magician who was over 60 years old. Judging from the content of his lectures, he did have a good attainment in magic structure.

But the problem is that the content of the old man's lectures is too casual, and he seems to talk about wherever he thinks, and many of the contents are completely lacking in coherence. And I don't know if it's because the old man is naturally chatty or has a poor memory, but Xi Wei has heard the point about 'the difference between the earth element in casting spells on sandstone and clay and the ratio of the magic power' in two hours about seven times... …

If it weren't for the extremely active wind element around the old man, Xi Wei might have thought that the other party was a magician who specialized in earth element.

If the first class just made Xi Wei feel bad, then the second class was a complete torture.

Xi Wei once thought that after gaining the knowledge at the time of promotion, his understanding of one-ring magic had already surpassed ordinary people - you must know that even Mrs. Sharron admired him for this, but now he realized that he was wrong, and Very wrong.

The middle-level mage in the second class was able to use all kinds of powerful-sounding terms to send a simple free electric eel (one-ring magic of the wind element) to Xi Wei. What's going on to the extent...

Are you doing those reports that are specially used to fool the leaders, dear! Tio, who managed to catch up with the second class, fell asleep after listening for only three minutes! It's not just Tio, most of the students seem to be hypnotized, dear!

And what Xi Wei wanted to say was that although what he taught was difficult to understand because of the teaching level, in fact, the content taught by this guy should be much simpler than what the old man taught before, right? Aren't there any sequence in these courses at all?

Peat which school will teach calculus first and then four operations!

Xi Wei sighed, sorted out his confused mind, and went to the auditorium with Alisa and the others. After lunch, he bid farewell to the two girls who planned to continue to attend the afternoon class, and set off for the library alone.

There are quite a lot of people in the library. After all, it is still very difficult to obtain the qualifications for further studies just relying on the lectures taught by those unreliable professors. Therefore, trying to supplement more knowledge for yourself in spare time has become an important link. .

If Xi Wei was very disappointed by the professors of this college, then the National University Library made him feel satisfied.

The dazzlingly rich collection of books and those quiet and elegant reading areas are very good.

Xi Wei came to the book collection area and picked up a book with a green cover and gold writing.

"On the Optimization of Air Fluidity and Levitation Technique." He looked at the cover and then directly turned to the last page, page number 181.

How on earth does it take so many words on this argument? Xi Wei couldn't help but become curious.

So he simply found a reading area with fewer people and began to flip through the book roughly.

Although the title sounds a bit like natural science, in fact, the most talked about in this book is about the use of levitation and the optimization of spell chanting, which also contains a lot of knowledge about charms, according to The author said that as long as he can understand all the content written in this book, even if he is not at the level of a great magician, he can shorten the thirteen-syllable incantation of the levitation technique to four syllables.

Xi Wei, who read this book as a novel from the past, flipped through it quickly. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had actually finished reading the entire book with nearly two hundred pages.

And according to the book, Xi Wei always had a feeling that the floating technique seemed very simple.

He rubbed his chin, then opened the magic academy system as if he remembered something, and turned directly to the page of the magic skill tree.

The levitation technique, which was still gray in the first ring of magic, has become active!

Although judging from the introduction, the levitation technique is only in the state of 'acquired' rather than 'fully mastered', but Xi Wei doesn't care about it - as long as the proficiency is accumulated with a lot of experience in actual combat later, or directly Just smash it with the Technician Crystal! The key is to learn!

And you must know that Xi Wei has never learned the pre-magic of levitation! In other words...

"Could it be possible to master magic by reading books?" Xi Wei looked at the rich collection of books with hungry eyes like a lion that had been starving for three days when he saw food—he could finally get rid of the kind of food that was used to There are only a few kinds of magic to use up the dilemma!

But soon reality hit him in the face.

"You can only learn one ring?" When Xi Wei took the book he brought from the library area, titled "Powerful Spells—Even Dragons Can't Stop You", he put it on the pile of books on the left hand side that was already a bit crumbling. Finally, he finally confirmed that he could not acquire more than one level of magic by reading books.

Not only that, even in the magic academy system, Xi Wei, a part of the magic that is not on the page of the magic book, can't quickly learn it through quick browsing, and can only learn it slowly like ordinary people.

"Forget it, you can't be too greedy..." Xi Wei sighed, and was about to get up and leave. A somewhat indifferent voice stopped him.

"Hey! Are you planning to run away after throwing so many books there!"

Xi Wei looked at the opposite side of the table in astonishment. There was standing a very ordinary-looking girl in a black robe, with beige hair messily tied into a ponytail, and holding a few books in her arms.

"What..." Xi Wei was about to say something inexplicable just now, but suddenly found that there were nearly fifty magic books piled up in a mess on his left hand.

"Is there nothing to justify?" The girl looked at Xi Wei awe-inspiringly: "Books are not toys."

"Uh..." Although Xi Wei always felt that he should say something, but this time it is really not good for him to throw a book aside after experimenting with whether he can learn magic: "Sorry... wait, who are you?"

"Librarian!" The girl replied loudly, and then added in a very low voice: "Temporary."


"All in all, do you know how much trouble your actions will cause us!" The girl continued, ignoring Xi Wei's speechless expression.

At this time, Xi Wei discovered that the books in the girl's hands were "Elementary Elemental Magic Explained", "Standard Spells - Level 1" and "Curse and Anti-Curse~The Charm of Black Magic~"

Except for the last one which looks more suspicious, judging from the first two books, the girl is only a first-year student.

Xi Wei's lack of reply made the girl mistakenly think that he acquiesced to what she said, so the girl continued: "According to the school regulations, if you don't take good care of the public property of the college, you will be punished by sweeping the castle of the whole college. But it depends on you It's a first offender..."

Xi Wei raised his eyebrows when he came back to his senses - the school rules were made for the students, and as a professor Ke Qing, he naturally didn't have to abide by them. However, it seemed that the girl did not intend to report him. As long as the other party's solution was not too excessive, Xi Wei planned to sell her face and do as she said.

Probably because she was very satisfied with Xi Wei's 'confession attitude', the girl nodded: "Well, then put these books back together with me."

"As long as this is all right?" This time, Xi Wei felt a little surprised. Originally, he thought that the girl would make some difficult requests - such as cleaning the library that was bigger than the playground.

"That's right." The girl confirmed: "It's time to close the library soon. I can't put back so many books by myself, so I need the help of you, the culprit!"

"The really are ruthless when you speak..."

Speaking of which, Xi Wei looked out of the window in surprise, the sky had turned bright red, he didn't expect that he had been sitting in the library for so long.

"I've always said one thing!" The girl said proudly with her breasts puffed out: "Compared to this, you should move faster. If you make it too late, dinner will be very dangerous!"

"I see." Because the request was very reasonable, Xi Wei did not intend to refuse. But although I didn’t take dinner seriously (if it’s too late, I can ask Alice to do it again—this is a life with a maid…), but if I make Alisa and Tio wait too late, I won’t alright.

So Xi Wei finally decided to seriously help the girl put those books back.

★Irrelevant to the text

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{Floating astronomy

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