The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 824: Doomsday

The time was the third day after Xi Wei left the main material plane, and the location was the edge of the Tuekou plateau.

The coalition forces dominated by Edric College,.

"How is the communication now?" Sophia looked at the monster from a distance and asked Feite beside her.

"No problem, just now the choral team of the Pure White Church also sent a contact, and they have joined the mage troops of the Qiyao Mage Association and the forest elves."

Feite closed his eyes, confirmed the situation of the backups through the academy beacon handed over to the opponent, and then reported to the red-haired girl.

"That's good. We won't be able to do anything about that guy until he escapes into the Fengkou Plateau. Now let the mage troops shoot a volley to stop that guy from continuing to climb up!"

Sophia began to order.


There are nearly 300 mage troops sent by the Qiyao Mage Association. The lowest ranks are middle-level mages, and many of them are kingdom mages (enshrined mages). It is already under normal circumstances that humans can make up the strongest mage lineup.

Even if the magic volley of 300 people cannot cause substantial damage to Balor, at least it can smash the cliff of the West Continent and make the opponent fall from it.

However, the plan was met with unexpected obstacles at the outset.

Sophia couldn't help but frowned after not seeing an attacking spell launch for a long time: "Fite, what happened to the mage army?"

The ghost girl closed her eyes, as if she was obtaining information through the academy beacon.

It took a moment for her to open her eyes. An expression of disbelief appeared on her pearly face.

"In the mage army, affected by it, the spirit is in an extremely unstable state, the spellcasting fails, and I become a firework..." Although as a ghost, he does not need to breathe, but after taking a deep breath because of the habit of his life, Fate said, Then he continued: "The mage troops are basically in a half-destroyed state now...The strongest combat power of human beings died directly due to the explosion caused by the failure of casting spells!"

"Are you kidding me?! Fear aura or fear aura? Even if it's an advanced fear technique, those high-level magicians who lead the team can't possibly fail to notice it! And there are two great magicians there!"

Sophia stomped her feet hard, her hard-soled leather boots rattling on the bluestone floor.

"The reason for the failure is unknown, but what is known is that the opponent did not use magic or spell-like least not the kind of magic or spell-like abilities that have long been known."

Compared to young Sophia. Feite is obviously much calmer: "Please calm down, continue to order, and stop the other party from advancing."

"The Luna Guards don't have the ability to attack from a distance... Can the chant team of the Pure White Church strike the enemy in a large area?"

"Yes, but their mental state is not stable now. Psalm singing is a mode similar to coordinated spellcasting. In this case, fighting forcibly. I'm afraid it will not end well."

The ghost girl still calmly reminded.

"In the end, we can only rely on is the loading of the magic cannon?" Sophia asked in a muffled voice, biting the nail of her index finger.

"After loading, it can be fired at any time. In addition, those sentry towers can also fire magic rays."

It's different from those magical ships that are about to be frozen into popsicles. The second school district was left in the demiplane by Xi Wei from the beginning, and Sophia and the others opened it after opening the barrier. Although it has been a period of time, the magic weapons inside can still be used basically. .

"Very good, all fire!" Sophia's order was immediately conveyed to the dean's room by Fate, and the little guys inside carried it out.

I saw those magic cannons that had already been buzzing because they were fully charged shot a faint blue beam of light at the monster on the cliff of the West Continent, accompanied by dozens of more thinner beams of light. of magic rays.

A violent explosion immediately occurred on the cliff of the West Land, and the snow and debris raised a huge cloud of dust all of a sudden, covering the sky and the sun.

It's just that the smoke and dust were immediately blown away by the strong wind from the tuyere plateau.

The other party's neck was twisted one hundred and eighty degrees, and his cold eyes were fixed on the second school district in the sky.

Sophia, who can look directly at the opponent through magic like a magnifying glass, immediately has the illusion that her body is frozen.

In the next instant, the magical elements around the opponent were completely emptied, and condensed into a ball that was not magic at all, but shone with dazzling white light, and then the ball turned into a ball that was far thicker than the magic cannon. The beam of light hit the second school district directly!

"Fite!" Sophia shouted subconsciously.


As one of the three sages, Feite can operate the defensive enchantment of the second school district. If the enchantment is evenly distributed around the entire empty island in the usual form, it will definitely not be able to withstand this blow, so at this time To compress it to a point.

Dozens of magic circles fit and resonate with each other, and finally formed a huge magic circle, which forcibly blocked the beam of light... No, rather than blocking it, it was better to say that it scattered to other places. direction.

"The defense system is overheated, Xi Wei doesn't seem to have upgraded this enchantment... I hope the opponent won't be so fast..."

Before Feite finished speaking, the second beam of light shot over again!

"Isn't there no magic element around it!" Sophia shouted in horror.

"This time it's all earth elements and water drew the magic elements from the ground to cast this kind of attack..." Feite replied immediately.

The beam of light collided with the huge magic circle again, and the magic circle made a sound of being overwhelmed. Many small magic circles were like light bulbs whose lifespan had come to an end. They flickered and then lost all their brilliance. .

By the time the opponent's beam of light ended, the magic circle had become tattered. Like a dying candle in the wind.

"The defense system is useless. If there is a third round, it will be unstoppable." Fit's voice became a little weak.

Then the third beam of light shot towards here...

This time, is it relying on the wind element that surges down from the tuyere plateau?

Sophia shook her head, got rid of those distracting thoughts, and concentrated on operating the magic formation, trying to use the magic formation to block the blow that could penetrate the entire second school district.

As expected, the beam of light easily penetrated the defensive barrier and enveloped the entire academy like a desperate aurora.

"Miss Sophia, please help me take care of Her Majesty Elilia in the future."

At this moment, the holy silver sword Ji Fulei who had been waiting by the side suddenly called out her one-winged angel, and let the angel possess herself. Both hands drag the rotating sword of victory. It turned into a flash of light, and bumped into that beam of light abruptly.

There is a huge difference between the two - the beam of light emitted by Balor is enough to cover the main building of Edric Academy, while Fleur is just a silver light.

Comparing the two is just like elephants and ants.

But it was that tenacious ant that forcibly resisted the attack of the beam of light. Block it completely.

subsequently. Fleur, who was covered in green smoke, turned her head and smiled slightly. The whole person was like a shot put, falling from mid-air, and blood fell from her body. Like bright red petals, it looks poignant...

"Damn it, the magic field can't spread out of the academy, Feite, can you save her?" Sophia shouted hoarsely.

"Sorry, Miss Sophia..." Fate stretched out his hand, which was much more transparent than before, expressing that he was powerless: "Most of my power is used to maintain the operation of this empty island."

However, even though Fleur risked her life, she still couldn't save Edric's second school district. It just delayed the time of disintegration by a few minutes.

The fourth beam of light was barely blocked by the magic formation dispatched by Sofia, after which the girl fell to the ground and vomited blood; the fifth beam of light penetrated the academy directly from the bottom, and the magnificent sky island crashed from the sky just like that, becoming It became a pile of ruins.

Pushing away the rubble on her body, Sofia, who survived the catastrophe, managed to get out of the rubble.

But the scene in front of her has already made the girl feel desperate from the bottom of her heart.

"...If Xi Wei was still there, things wouldn't have gotten so bad, right?" She looked at Balor who had climbed to the top of the Fengkou Plateau at some point, and muttered to herself softly.

"No, you're wrong, things haven't turned out to be the worst yet."

Suddenly, a voice she had never heard before sounded behind her, startling the girl.

She turned her head and saw a pair of huge eyes.

The sapphire dragon was lying there, and the originally beautiful dragon scales were now full of cracks.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked the other party, "In addition, your voice..."

"Now is not the time to care about such things." Sapphire Dragon raised his head and looked towards the Fengkou Plateau: "To be precise, you are about to witness the worst situation happen..."

Sophia followed its gaze subconsciously, and at some point a huge tornado appeared on the edge of the Tuekou plateau. , seems to be the inside of that tornado.

"What's going on here?" Sophia asked in surprise.

"There is a 'key' sealed on the tuyere plateau, take out the 'key', and then open the 'lock' to release the locked monster."

The sapphire dragon didn't hold back, but replied very directly.

At this time, Balor had already broken into the tornado, and the sky was suddenly occupied by darkness, as if something gathered over the entire world.

"Is everything over..." Feeling the desperation coming from the sky, Sophia lost her life and was on the verge of falling, as if she would fall to the ground at any moment: "I can feel something coming out... No ,hundred times……"

"The world is indeed over, but you still have hope."

The sapphire dragon put one of his own dragon scales in front of Sophia, and there seemed to be some words engraved on it: "This is after I interpreted the "Old Book of Heaven"."

"It's too late to take it out now, isn't it?" Sophia looked blankly at the dragon scale in her hand.

"... Sophia, do you know my name?" Sapphire Dragon asked suddenly.

The girl shook her head blankly.

"Remember, my name is Nuo'er." The sapphire dragon suddenly spread its wings, and the scales on its body were shattered, revealing the green body inside: "Perhaps you can learn about the specific situation from another 'I'."


Before Sophia raised any questions, the sapphire dragon spit out a strange thing and handed it to Sophia's other hand.

It was a bit like a pocket watch, and a bit like Sinan, it was covered with cracks and rust, it looked like an antique that no one wanted.

This thing is very heavy in the hand, and it is extremely cold, it doesn't look like it just spit it out of a dragon's mouth.

"This is the last insurance made by the 'Leader of Dawn' exhausting the power of Dawn. It is one of the few 'artifacts' that can be confirmed in this world." The sapphire dragon who called himself Nuo Er said to Sophia: "It The conditions for using it are very strict, at least I can't use it under normal circumstances, but when that monster is released, the whole world is on the brink of destruction, and even the laws start to become chaotic, I can barely use it."

Sophia looked at the strange little thing in her hand, and asked puzzledly: "What is this..."

"Xixiao's pointer, that's what Xi Wei called it." At the same time Sapphire Dragon said this, Xixiao's pointer began to shine brightly: "It has only one effect, and that is that it can bring you back. But it can only go back to two days ago."

A huge tentacle protruded from the darkness of the sky, and wherever it touched, whether it was a mountain or a river, whether it was a village or a farmland, everything fell apart, the ground collapsed, and everything collapsed into the ground below. In the dark.

Sophia was taken aback by this sudden change.

If that tentacle is allowed to continue to be destroyed, the whole world will soon be turned into darkness, right?

When she thought so, more tentacles began to stretch down from the sky...

"Although I still want to say something, but now it seems that time is too late." Sapphire Dragon... No, maybe it would be better to be called Nuoer now, it flapped its wings and took off, flying towards a dark sky In the past, only a few voices remained: "Come on girl, in the time when Xi Wei is not around, create a miracle that belongs only to you, and become a living myth to save the world!"

As soon as the words fell, the light engulfed the girl.

When Sophia woke up again, she found that she was sitting on a magic boat, and the scenery was constantly receding outside the window.

Surrounded by a group of people who went to the ice-free dark river together, and Laven and Holo who came out to save the scene later.

It seems that this time period is really...

"—Two days ago, when you just escaped from the ice-free dark river."

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