The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 828: Reincarnation at dawn, saving the world from Shaoai (3)

The unique fishy smell of the ocean came to the face with the sound of waves and the chirping of seagulls—if the giant white bird with open wings that is not much different from a bus can be regarded as a seagull.

Without personal experience, probably no one would believe the foundation of this world, that is, the entire seabed has tilted drastically. If there is a slight accident, let alone the mermaid, at least human civilization will definitely die out completely.

Since it takes so much time to analyze the origin of this world, Xi Wei can only stay in this world patiently.

But it's not his style to just stay like this and do nothing. Apart from brushing up equipment in the dungeon, his only pleasure now is to interpret the astronomy of truth he got from Asachel.

"Is this thing interesting?"

Shalan lay on top of the black hexahedron stele, looking boredly at Xi Wei who was squatting in the lower part of Truth Astronomy, reading something, and asked boredly.

"Well, not very interesting to be honest."

Xi Wei raised his head, with a subtle expression on his face: "However, most of the time when we want to do something, it's not based on whether it's interesting or not."

"Then what did you learn from it?"

"This piece of truth astronomy records a mythical story, and its age may be older than the night devil era..." Xi Wei glanced at the inscription, combined with the results of the past few days, and translated with some stumbles: " There is a very great existence, let's call it the 'supreme will', it awakened in this world, and began to guide the development of the world, all living things thrive with its help...but at this moment, There are three powerful creatures from outside the world, um, let’s just become ‘outer gods’ for now—the three outer gods discovered this world, settled here forcibly, and developed their race.”

"It's not that the Supreme Will has never accepted visitors from the outside world, but the existence of the Outer Gods has seriously threatened the operation of the world itself—they and their races feed on existence, gnawing at the laws and the foundation of the world. Let the whole world become precarious."

"So the supreme will thinks that it can't go on like this. It created a door and wanted to seal the outer gods into the door, but unfortunately its attempt was noticed by the outer gods, and in the end only one outer god was locked in the door. In addition The two Outer Gods fought against the Supreme Will. In the end, although the Supreme Will defeated the two Outer Gods, the world was also completely destroyed because of their battle... This piece of truth astronomy ends here."

Xi Wei said to the little vampire.

"Huh?! With the destruction of the world as the ending, this kind of aftertaste is too bad!"

The little vampire raised his hand in protest.

"Even if you tell me that, it's useless... I didn't write this."

Xi Wei spread his hands and said helplessly.

But his heart is not as relaxed as it appears on the surface.

Although it's just a guess. But is the 'gate' recorded in the astronomy of truth the gate of truth? If this is the case, then the Outer God locked inside the door is undoubtedly the Eldrazi named Ulamog of Endless Reincarnation...

Xi Wei couldn't deal with Ulamog alone, but according to the records in Truth Astronomy, there are actually two monsters of that level? !

Now I can only hope that those two monsters have been completely wiped out by the Supreme Will...

From an angle Sha Lan couldn't see, Xi Wei secretly sighed, thinking a little uneasily.


"Thank you." Elilia jumped off the magic boat, and at the same time said hello to the leprechaun who was in charge of driving the magic boat.

"You're welcome...but are you really planning to do that, Lady Elilia?"

asked the leprechaun nervously.

The whole ground was trembling slightly, and the Leprechaun and Elilia knew very well that it was because a monster was really heading for the Westland Cliff from the ground.

, At the same time, I tried my best not to let the other party go to the Westland Cliff, but Elilia was very clear about the current situation.

"Don't worry, according to the forecast of the intelligence report and the prophecy class, the opponent's course of action is far away from here, and it will not attack things far away meaninglessly."

Elilia replied casually, and at the same time, she took out a small silver knife that looked like a table knife from nowhere, and with a light wave, she cut a wound on her wrist, and the silver blood suddenly gushed out and flowed to the ground .

While squeezing the wound hard, the girl only gasped in pain and did not allow it to heal easily, while stepping on the pool of blood that flowed to the ground.

Immediately starting from her toes, the silver blood began to spread out from the pool of blood as if it had life, and spontaneously and slowly formed a complex magic circle... It was just because the blood volume was insufficient, so Many details of the magic circle have not yet been completed.

"And my sealing magic circle is the highest level among the divine arts handed down so far. If it is converted into magic, it is the highest level of the four rings, which is the power closest to miracles!"

Naturally, this level of magic cannot be cast easily. Even if the chant team of the Pure White Church wants to cast this divine spell, they need a large amount of holy water as a medium, and then chant for three full hours. The spiritual attunement of each singer must be maintained or it will fail. The conditions are extremely harsh, and the success rate can only be said to be pitifully small.

But Elilia is different. As a saint, she has a photophilic physique that can rival the creatures of the kingdom of God. In addition, the silver blood is not only the raw material of holy water, but also contains a lot of divinity and magic power. Since it comes from her own body, it is perfect as a material for casting spells and a medium for divine spells.

Relying on these two conditions, the girl can use the magic circle to cast the powerful sealing magic.

After releasing this trick, I will probably fall into a coma for several days due to excessive blood loss and overdrawn magic power...

Elijah said to herself.

And even if the opponent is successfully sealed, the seal will definitely not last for more than a hundred years. When the time limit is up, the other party will definitely awaken again.

It's just that for Elilia, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all, even if it can only be sealed for a few days.

Because as long as that person returns to the main material plane, everything will definitely be solved——.

"Lord Elilia, hurry back to the magic ship!" Suddenly, the leprechaun shouted loudly, his voice full of panic: "That monster... that monster suddenly gave up its original route and came this way !"

As soon as the words fell, a huge palm protruded from the ground, like piercing a biscuit, easily pierced through the thick armor of the magic ship, and directly inserted into the star pulse furnace inside the ship. The body went berserk, the pipeline that transported the magic power exploded, and the sparkling crystals that were used as spare fuel and magic cannon ammunition were ignited.

The whole magic ship exploded in front of the girl like this, turning into a huge fireball, and the girl herself was blown away by the hurricane caused by the explosion, rolled a few times on the ground, and seemed to hit a lot of stiff rocks during the process. It made her grunt a few times. If it wasn't for the thick snow layer as a buffer, she might not be able to stand up now.

The girl spat out a mouthful of silver blood, and then desperately drove her body, causing her to stand up in the snow staggeringly.

But when the girl raised her head again, she found a huge figure standing in front of her. It was a disgusting monster that seemed to be composed of countless corpses drained of blood. The monster still held magic The wreckage of the ship exploded, and above the monster's head, an eye that was shining with a strange light was staring at Elilia for a moment.

A huge chill engulfed the girl all of a sudden, causing her to tremble uncontrollably.

, There was a mad smile on the organ that could no longer be called the face. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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