The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 835 Come to an end

Although it is a bit serious, it does not need to be difficult to solve this problem... Just cut off the fragment of the plane where the iceless dark river is located from the main material plane, and then throw it into the void...

Perhaps for ordinary magicians, this kind of work is as difficult as impossible to complete, but for Xi Wei, this matter is only 'a bit troublesome'. {

"The removal is complete..."

After a long while, Xi Wei, who fixed the space where the Iceless Dark River was located somewhere in the void with the thought of "this thing might come in handy in the future", stretched his waist: "Then the matter here will be settled."

"It's incredible..."

Because the ice-free dark river was removed from the main material plane, although the surrounding temperature is still not high, the deep cold that pierced into the bone marrow just now has disappeared. With a slightly complicated expression on her face, Sophia muttered softly with.

Obviously, for her, for the whole of Edric, and even for the whole of the pan-human unity alliance, it could be regarded as an unsolvable problem, but it was solved so lightly in Xi Wei's hands, and the whole process took less than Fifteen minutes, so simple that it feels unreal.

Sure enough, as long as Xi Wei is around, no matter what happens...

It's just that while feeling a sense of peace of mind from the bottom of her heart, Sophia was also a little worried: when she first met Xi Wei, the gap between her and her was not too big, but as time went by, after only one year, Xi Wei had already reached the pinnacle of humanity, but he still only took a small step forward.

She could really keep up with Xi Wei's pace. Follow his back?

"Sophia, are you listening?"

Suddenly, Xi Wei's call brought Sophia back to her senses.


The girl lowered her head, afraid that Xi Wei would see through what she was thinking, so she hurriedly asked.

"Miss Sophia, please don't be in a daze at this time, otherwise, as Edric's dean, be careful that I deduct your salary."

Xi Wei first made a harmless joke, and then said seriously: "There is still a lot to do, hurry up and follow."


The girl froze. Then he showed the most beautiful smile of the day.

--Dividing line--

Walking in the snow covered with silver. Carrying an iron bucket, Misha tugged at the hem of her long robe, which was a little bulky for her thin body, so as to make her steps more stable.

This robe is the new uniform of Edric College.

In other words, after experiencing the cataclysm of the deep cold, Misha, who performed well in the catastrophe, has been admitted by Edric. became one of them.

But even though school has started. But Edric's teachers and students are all committed to helping those who were affected by the previous deep cold event. Misha is no exception.

This is a small village. When the deep cold came, the village chief immediately ordered everyone to squeeze into the big farmhouse to keep warm together. Several layers of thick straw were placed on the outside of the house for insulation, and the bonfire constantly burning in the center of the house allowed them to barely survive the crisis.

It's just that almost all their poultry were frozen to death, and the seeds that had just been sown in the farmland were probably wiped out, and many houses were directly crushed by the heavy snow, which looked extremely bleak.

Even if the seeds are re-planted now, I am afraid that the people in the village will not survive the harvest season.

Just as the village chief was so worried about this matter that his hair was turning white, Edric's men came.

Besides Misha, Edric College also had a second-year student named Riddle and a centaur.

In fact, every incoming student is looked after by a sophomore.

They first brought to the village a kind of millet that ripens extremely quickly. This is a crop improved through alchemy technology. It ripens every three days. Although the millet produced is only about the same as that of a good harvest, it is faster. Crop seeds will deteriorate as the number of sowing increases, and after three times, they will be no different from ordinary grains.

In addition, this kind of crop will also greatly deplete the fertility of the farmland, so it will not be used under normal circumstances.

It's just that the surrounding area of ​​the village is still covered by heavy snow, and the snow in the farmland has not been cleaned up, let alone planting new seeds...

So Misha would feel embarrassed every time she faced the eager eyes of the villagers.

She is very envious of the senior who can manipulate the wind element to rebuild the homes of the residents, and the centaur senior who can run a hundred miles without getting tired even if he carries hundreds of catties of goods a day.

"Misha, are you going to distribute food again?"

Riddle waved his fingers, and under the command of a resident, he passed a lot of wood into the air to be used as materials for repairing the roof.

"Well, everyone looks hungry."

The iron bucket was a bit too big for Misha, and it was full of porridge, which was very heavy, making the girl stagger when she walked, giving people a very uneasy feeling.

Fortunately, the refugees were already waiting for the food. After seeing the girl staggering over with an iron bucket, the refugees who were still working spontaneously stepped forward, took the iron bucket in her hand, and helped She distributes food to refugees.

"My little lady, I just want to ask... When will this situation be explained?" The grey-haired village chief quietly walked up to the girl and asked with his head bowed.

This startled the girl, and she replied with some hesitation: "Our college is already researching countermeasures, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer soon."

"It would be great if that's the case..." The village head smiled wryly.

He is not ignorant, the current situation obviously cannot be resolved immediately, but if the problem is not resolved for a day, the village will not be able to cultivate new crops for a day, nor will it be able to recover.

If it really doesn't work, it seems that the only way is to organize the villagers to work together to shovel the snow.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

An orange-yellow ball of light curled up from the horizon, hanging in the sky like a second sun, spreading warm light to the entire land.

While Misha and Riddle were as shocked as everyone else, they also felt a burst of joy... In the center of that ball of light, Edric's school badge was shining brightly, showing this round of 'sun' to the whole world Whose handwriting is it?

Thanks to it, the snow that looked as thick as a quilt began to gradually melt because of the appearance of this round of 'sun'.

With the help of members of Edric College, spring came ahead of schedule. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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