The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 851: Xi Wei and Kuran

After Barris finished talking about her experience, the witch nodded slightly. \u003c

"I see, you go outside and wait."

Although he was a little puzzled by the witch's decision, Barris knew that now was not the time to offend her, so he left the room as he said.

Miraculously, the corridor that was originally extremely dark is no longer that gloomy. Although it is still not bright, at least the surroundings can be seen.

Barris was quite curious about this, but he didn't have the courage to stay and investigate the witch's details, so he left the witch's forest hut straight away.

After Barris left, the room suddenly brightened.

The witch's immature face was also exposed.

If Barris were here, he would definitely not believe that such a young girl is the legendary witch of the Black Forest.

She turned her head and stared at the magician behind her with questioning eyes.

"What exactly were you trying to say just now?"

The witch of the Black Forest is naturally Kuran.

Originally, after listening to Bai Ruisi's narration, she planned to answer the other party's request.

Although it is true that witches in the Black Forest of all ages earn enough money to survive by accepting commissions from ordinary people, or collect weird things such as 'memory', 'feelings' and 'dreams' as witchcraft materials.

If the scope of entrustment is expanded to a certain extent, it will become quite troublesome. After all, the profession of a witch is not well received by people, and it would be fine if she just lived in the forest honestly. Once a certain boundary is crossed and the interests of people who are enough to instruct magicians or members of the Holy See are touched, there is no guarantee that one's life will not be in danger.

This is also what Kuran's teacher told her many times when she became a witch. Kuran has come here so far.

This time, Bai Ruisi's purpose can be said to have involved the entire kingdom, and it has undoubtedly crossed that line.

This time, if Xi Wei hadn't been poking the girl's back from behind to signal her to accept the commission, she would have rejected it straight away.

But even so, she still didn't accept the commission directly, but delayed for a while, intending to ask Xi Wei what was going on before making a decision.

Some time ago. Xi Wei also taught the girl a lot in Potions and Alchemy. Finally, it reversed the girl's fear at the beginning because of his terrifying way of appearing.

Facing the suspicious question from the girl, Xi Wei thought for a while, and then said with a righteous face.

"You go first, I will come to the queen!"

"Let's go! Nothing happened just now that was as thrilling as in a novel about knights!"

"Kuran, do you still read knight novels?"

"A little bit... No! This is not what I want to talk about now!"

The girl banged on the table loudly. The crystal ball on the table was shaken out of its base. Gulu Gulu rolled towards the edge of the table.

The black cat Nana hurried over to put her head against the expensive crystal ball. Kankan let it stop at the edge of the table.

Kuran didn't notice this, but just stared angrily at Xi Wei who wanted to change the subject: "This commission is too troublesome, it's definitely not something I can solve! I don't want to be taught by the Pure White Church." The heretics crusade organization is tied to the stake!"

I have to say that the girl is still very self-aware. This should be one of the reasons why the witches of the Black Forest family can inherit for so long.

"I'm actually a little bit interested in the situation."

Xi Wei didn't do nothing during this time. While waiting for his body to recover, he also asked Feite to inquire about the difference between the current situation in the Eastern Plains and before he left.

As a result, many members of the king's council were assassinated, and the biggest suspect at the moment was needless to say Xi Wei himself.

Although Shaman, the president of the Mage Association, supported him, he obviously couldn't suppress the discussions of the people below.

If it wasn't for the fact that Balian wasn't like an enemy, and his current weakened situation was just a series of coincidences, Xi Wei would even think that he was being plotted against...

But that doesn't mean he can't do anything.

Now that Barris has sent up all the ready-made cases, he will naturally not let them go.

"In short, for that guy, Barris, you should come forward as a witch. For other people's inquiries, I will use my identity as a magician to prevaricate. And we don't have to help him solve the problem, as long as the investigation is credible. If there is evidence, neither the King's Council nor the Mage Association will continue to pretend to be crazy."

"Wow, is ordinary divination okay? I'm pretty good at astrology and tortoiseshell divination, but it's investigations... I don't have the confidence to do it..."

Kuran lay down on the table with a bitter face.

In fairness, she wanted to refuse the commission. But Xi Wei was the first friend she made besides her familiar black cat Nana.

In addition, Xi Wei taught her a lot of knowledge in various aspects intentionally or unintentionally, making the relationship between her and Xi Wei a teacher and friend, and as an orphan, it might be a bit like a daughter's admiration for her father Because of love, she didn't want to refuse Xi Wei's request.

After thinking hard for a long time, she hugged her head and moaned as if giving up: "Ah, I see, I just accept this commission!"

"Thank you, Kuran."

Xi Wei reached out and touched the girl's head with a gentle smile on his face.

The girl turned her head with a reddish face and snorted softly.

"It's not because of you..."

Now that he has decided to accept the commission to investigate the cause of the death of Lu Zhanting's former king, it is natural to make some preparations.

Kuran dug out a dusty dress from the drawer, which looked like a windbreaker, took off his oversized wizard hat, and wanted to put it on his head.

"Wait, what kind of clothes are these?" Xi Wei looked in amazement at the clothes that could be used as antiques outside.

"It is said to be the most popular clothes in the outside world? And it also has a hood, which is also the kind of concealment. Otherwise, is it possible that I will wear a wizard robe?" The girl blinked and said: "That If so, wouldn’t the matter of me being a witch be exposed all of a sudden?”

"...Well, that's true. About ten years ago, it was indeed the most popular clothes in the outside world."

Xi Wei nodded, and said with pity on his face.

The girl opened her mouth wide in surprise, opened and closed a few times like a goldfish, and then let out a scream while holding her head.

"Oh meow! I was cheated by that old woman! I said how could it be so cheap——!!!"

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