The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 862: Dawn

Horna looked at the familiar young man in front of her who was drinking tea leisurely. \u003c

In addition to that guy, there was another man who was staring at him, and a little girl who was eating tea.

"Suddenly ran into someone's room, drank his Hilton black tea without saying a word, and brought all the unwelcome guys... Even you, it would be too rude Bar?"

Horna rubbed the ring on her finger, and said to Xi Wei maliciously, with the look of "I want you to look good if I don't explain it well".

"It's actually not a big deal."

Xi Wei put down his glass and turned a blind eye to the veins on the girl's forehead: "I just want to ask you, where did the saint of your church come from?"

"Sorry, I have nothing to say."

Horna snorted softly with her nose, and rejected Xi Wei's request without any hint of tact.

"Then how about taking us to see that lady saint?"

At this time, Nero, who was directly listed by the girl as an unwelcome guy, spoke.

"Please don't make such jokes!"

The girl knocked on the table and said, "I also have my own standpoint. How could I let you see the saint of our church casually! Didn't your pure white church keep the saint tightly covered so that no one can see it?" !"

Actually, if you want to see the Holy Maiden of the Pure White Church, you can come to our academy.

Xi Wei complained in his heart. However, because he felt that it was not an atmosphere where he could complain casually, he swallowed the words back to his stomach.

"I'm an inspector from the sanctuary. All so-called 'miracles' need to be inspected by the sanctuary before they can be established. This is the consensus reached by the three major forces a long time ago."

Nero was not overwhelmed by the girl's aura, and insisted on saying, "That's why I came here!"

Not long after the Great Migration, many black wizards and witches used black witchcraft to create some miraculous phenomena, and lied about miracles to deceive ordinary people, blackmail money materials, and even use believers as witchcraft materials.

Many people have suffered from it.

It wasn't until the establishment of the Heresy Judgment Agency of the Pure White Church that they began to hunt down those who used black witchcraft on a large scale, and this restrained the spread of this trend.

And once someone claims that a miracle has occurred in a certain place, the Pure White Church must send an examiner to review it. This rule was also established in that era.

"There are former elders of the Pure White Church in the Necessary Evil Church. They have already submitted the review report of our saint to the Pure White Church as acting review officers."

Horna still didn't give in easily, she narrowed her eyes, and confronted Nero: "I think you will receive an evacuation order from the sanctuary soon."

"But the other way around. Before I get the order. I'm still the inspector. I have to perform my duties."

The corners of Nero's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a handsome smile.

"So, can I think that the negotiation has broken down?" It's a pity that this smile is invalid for Horna. She crossed her arms and said coldly.

"I'm very sorry about that."

Nero's left hand touched the leather glove of his right hand nonchalantly.

"Although the Necessary Evil Church is indeed a small church compared to the Pure White Church, we will not remain silent in the face of your bullying."

Horna also rubbed her ring.

"It's not insulting, it's just correcting some of your behaviors that violated the rules. This is what we should do, thank you."

Nero's smile also became brighter.

The atmosphere in the entire room suddenly became extremely heavy, and the battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

"Hi everyone, this is Edward Alphonse, and I am now broadcasting the live broadcast of the battle between Pope Horna Branra of the Church of Necessary Evil and Nero, the current head of the Knights Templar of the Church of Pure White. Ronger Miss, who do you think will win between them?"

"...cookies, delicious."

"Very good, thank you Miss Rong'er for your wonderful review, I think so too."

Suddenly, two voices without tension came from the side, dispelling the tense atmosphere between the two at once.

The instigator of the incident, Xi Wei, and Kuran were sipping black tea and snacks, and from time to time they would wave flags for the two who seemed to be about to fight, but the expressions on their faces were more like gloating.

"Alas..." Horna was discouraged all of a sudden, she sat back on the sofa, and waved her hands in a dispirited manner: "I always feel that I suddenly don't have the strength to fight."

"What a coincidence," Nero also sighed, "I feel the same way."

"Oops, what happened..."

Xi Wei suddenly yelled, and said to Horna with a livid face: "My stomach is full, and I need the help of the saint to treat it!"

"This kind of reason is a lie!"

The girl threw the sofa cushions angrily: "Actually, the reception work of the saint has nothing to do with me. You guys know that my position in the church is actually very delicate, right? So it's useless even if I agree, Don't bother with me anymore."

"Tch, I should have said it earlier."

Xi Wei immediately continued to eat refreshments with a normal face.

"...Even if it is true, your attitude still makes me very unhappy." Horna's eyebrows twitched, and it could be seen that the girl's anger was growing at an extremely fast speed.

"By the way, I've seen a pattern on the back of your hand since just now..." Xi Wei ignored the girl's anger again and asked her, "What is that?"

"You mean this?" Horna pulled back her sleeve, revealing the purple mark on the back of her hand and her forearm: "This is a new thing made by the Presbyterian Church, and it is said to be a symbol of the necessary evil of faith. Only Only those who have reached a certain level of status in the church can get it... but it should actually be some kind of magic emblem, which can draw magic power to a certain extent. It's very useful."

The girl explained casually, but she didn't notice that Xi Wei's eyes looking at the mark became deeper.

"Magic emblem...?"

After muttering softly, he suddenly stood up and hugged Kuran, who was still eating tea like a hamster, by the waist: "Then that's the end of today, good night."

"Good night... that's not right! I ran here talking to myself, and then ran away on my own, what kind of place do you think I am here!"

The girl is a little crazy.

"What's the matter, do you want me to stay overnight?"

Xi Wei was surprised and said, "I didn't expect you to be so bold..."

"Get out of here! Its shape is a sword, its quality is an arrow, shoot—!"

Horna's cheeks flushed. She waved her right hand. They issued an expulsion order (physical) to Xi Wei.

After leading the two of them out of the residence of the Pope of the Church of Necessary Evil in embarrassment, Xi Wei looked at the night sky and fell into deep thought.

"Although I always feel that you won't tell me, but you must have discovered something, right?"

Nero looked at Xi Wei, hesitated and asked, "Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed to leave there so suddenly."

"Well. Saw something interesting."

Xi Wei touched Kuran's head. Then he said to Nero: "Although I'm a little sorry. But can you send me to the Rongerhui Hotel? I still have something to investigate."

"Is it about the Church of Necessary Evil and the Holy Maiden? If that's the case, our interests are aligned, and it doesn't matter if I use the power of the Pure White Church to help."

Nero suggested.

"I appreciate your kindness. But it seems that the situation has become a little complicated..." Xi Wei sighed, and Kuran under his hand looked at Xi Wei suspiciously.

This should be the first time the little girl saw Xi Wei showing such a distressed expression.

"Is it okay?" She asked Xi Wei in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Xi Wei squeezed out a smile and replied to her.

"Do you really not need my assistance?" Nero reconfirmed.

"No. All in all, if I find anything strange, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible. Before that, just wait a little bit."

In the end, Xi Wei still said so.

Regarding Xi Wei's request, Nero naturally could only nod in agreement - in fact, as long as it was Xi Wei's request, as long as it was not too excessive, Sanctuary would almost always agree. This is also the sequelae left after Xi Wei made a big disturbance in the sanctuary...

After Nero left with a somewhat disturbed Kuran, Xi Wei turned around and walked towards the area near the palace, which is currently designated as the parish of the Church of Necessary Evil.

Although Horna didn't tell them where the saint was, but according to the general situation, she should be in this parish. Although it is also a good idea to ingeniously let the saint hide in a manor in the outskirts, since the Church of Necessary Evil wants to launch its own saint during this period of time, naturally it will not let her hide all the time.

Compared to hiding in the parish and taking a low-key journey to various banquet venues in just ten minutes, it is obviously more conspicuous to have a horse-drawn carriage running to the aristocratic district in the suburban manor all day long. However, there was no such rumor in the intelligence that Tom and the others investigated, so Xi Wei judged from this that the saint should still be in the parish.

For the current Xi Wei, it doesn't matter if he walks in with a big swagger. After all, just relying on the necessary evil to teach those miscellaneous fish can't stop his pace.

It's just that if the commotion is too big and the people in the Church of Necessary Evil take the saint away, it will be troublesome to find them again... In fact, compared to blocking his pace, those who have been killed by Xi Wei The frightened old guy is more likely to choose to escape with the saint. In order to avoid this from happening, Xi Wei could only choose a more troublesome method, which was to sneak into it.

After melting the wall into a passable entrance by turning the fossils into mud, and walking into the parish, Xi Wei snapped his fingers, and the wall returned to its previous appearance.

There is an air-forbidden barrier set up over the parish. Although Xi Wei can ignore it and continue flying, but in this way, the other party will probably find it, so he used this method to enter the parish.

After all, those old guys, as half-sacred spirits who had abandoned their bodies, had far stronger perception than humans. Even Xi Wei, if he was too careless, might be noticed by them.

As for the believers patrolling the parish, it wasn't a problem, although Xi Wei wasn't very good at illusion and magic. But it is still easy to fool those believers who are at the most intermediate magician level.

"Compared to Brunei City, the quality of believers here seems to be much higher..."

Secretly observing the believers patrolling the parish, Xi Wei compared them with those in Brunei City, and found that the believers here were stronger than those in Brunei City in terms of strength and mental outlook.

Apart from the flying Edric Academy, is there really any other force in this world that can improve its personnel so much in less than a year?

Or did they use some method unknown in this day and age?

"I hope it's just my worry."

If it is really as I guessed, then the current situation may be a little troublesome. But before seeing decisive evidence, there is no need to be so pessimistic... Maybe the imprint on the back of Horna's hand is just something passed down from an ancient document. This can also explain why the imprint is in that incomplete state.

After saying a word silently in his heart, Xi Wei continued his infiltration.

The method of sneaking in is simple. Start with the most gorgeous house. One by one, they used fossils as mud to invade them, searching for their own targets.

Although space magic is more convenient, even when Xi Wei uses space magic, he can't perfectly shield the fluctuation of magic power.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong. Only then did he choose the simplest and crudest method.

Naturally, they also encountered some alarm barriers during the invasion. But those old guys in the Church of Necessary Evil are just priests after all. He's not a full-time magician, so the quality and rigor of the barriers can't be compared with Hornhag, the capital of magic. Xi Wei easily untied those barriers without anyone noticing...

Just like that when invading the fifth mansion. Xi Wei finally got something.

It was a two-storey building with a beautiful courtyard and a small hot spring. The plants in the courtyard were well trimmed. Compared with the previous few gorgeous mansions, this one is obviously more suitable for women to live in.

Moreover, on the periphery of this mansion, Xi Wei encountered a total of five barriers, including a special barrier that used the principle of divine magic, which almost made Xi Wei stumble...

With such a tight defense, it is natural that something important is hidden inside.

So when Xi Wei finally removed all the barriers, as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he saw what he was looking for.

On the balcony on the second floor, a silver-haired girl was leaning against the white marble railing. She was wearing a white tulle dress. very cold. But the girl didn't shiver at all, as if she didn't notice the deep cold of the night at all.

He just looked up at the quiet moon in the blue sky with a look full of nostalgia.

The blue moon coated her thin figure with a layer of mysterious brilliance, and built around her an illusory feeling that did not belong to this world like a goddess.

"...It really is you, Shuguang."

After stepping into the courtyard, Xi Wei walked quickly towards the house and said loudly at the same time.

In the quiet courtyard, his voice was so clear that the girl who was looking at the night sky also turned to look at him.

Long silver hair brushed across her fragrant shoulders, hanging down to her chest and swaying endlessly. Her body looks very slender, even her chest is a bit crippled, maybe this is the only flaw on her appearance.

Her pupils, which were slightly darker than her hair color, looked at Xi Wei, full of confusion.

"Who are you?"

the girl asked softly.

Her voice, while pleasing to the ears, is somehow inorganic, giving it a subtly robot-like quality.

After such a long time, hearing her voice again filled Xi Wei with emotion.

"There is a problem with the memory unit, have you forgotten me... It's no wonder, after all, it's been so long."

Xi Wei scratched his head, looking distressed: "It's better to say that I am even more surprised that you are here now."

Just when he was about to ask something more crucial, a scream pierced the silent night sky.

"Yes, there are intruders——!!!"

Xi Wei heard the reputation and looked around, and saw a woman dressed as a maid screaming at the top of the window on the first floor.

Maybe it was because he spoke too loudly just now that he was discovered by the servants in the room.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, it's impossible for a saint to be in charge of food and daily life—although Her Royal Highness Edric's saint is indeed doing this, and she's having a great time.

All in all, this gave Xi Wei the illusion that Romeo was caught having an affair with Juliet at night, and subconsciously wanted to use gap magic to escape.

But the next moment he suddenly woke up again.

Originally, the main reason why he sneaked into this parish was because he was afraid that if he came here with great fanfare, the saint would be secretly taken away by those old guys and hid. Now that even the saint has been found, he still has to escape!

Rather, this happened to be an opportunity to question those old guys.

Why did the dawn appear here.

In addition, now that the dawn has appeared, the origin of that mark can almost be determined.

——That is not some weird magical emblem, but the dawn emblem developed by Xi Wei himself in the age of mythology, and promoted and used by the Dawn Mercenary Group and the Human Salvation Army during the final war.

It's just that this emblem, theoretically speaking, should have been buried in history long ago. After all, all people with this mark, and all have disappeared from this world.

As for the origin of Shuguang, that is, the girl who was regarded as a saint by the Church of Necessary Evil and given the name Mira Angel, it has to start from the age of mythology. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: I haven't written a 5,000-character chapter for a long time, and it's a bit laborious to write...

The next step is to fill in the pit of the age of mythology.

In addition, I would like to recommend the new "Phantom Fleet" released by a friend of a certain author group. Although this product is a scam, the writing and story are very good, and it is worth watching.

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