The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 864: The Voynich Manuscript

Xi Wei didn't intend to rely on some vague words to let Aesop and the others go all out to stop the decisive battle between the Salvation Army and the Abyss Demon. "

In fact, even if they wanted to stop it, they would probably be powerless.

Although in front of ordinary people, Aesop and Jones are heroes who stand tall and indomitable, but looking at all human beings, their combat power is only similar to that of a great magician, and they cannot be regarded as the existence that affects the overall situation.

Even the original intention of the Salvation Army to set up the hero mechanism is to use this mechanism to create some idols for ordinary people to worship, and to boost the morale of the soldiers at the bottom.

But this also means that Aesop and the others have great popularity and prestige among the huge number of grassroots soldiers. And what Xi Wei wants is for them to spread the news that "a rash decisive battle will not necessarily defeat the abyssal demons, but may even wake up some terrifying existences" to attract more people's attention .

When the spread spreads to a sufficient extent, even if the top management of the Salvation Army insists on a decisive battle, because of the pressure of public opinion in the army, they will inevitably detect the surrounding area of ​​the battlefield first.

In this way, it is not impossible to find the Eldrazi colony below the battlefield before the battle begins.

The only thing that is uncertain is that Xi Wei doesn't know if people in this era know about creatures like Eldrazi - in later generations, he searched through almost all the ancient documents he could find, even the knowledge sent by the academy system There is also no knowledge about the Eldrazi in the package. If it hadn't been for the fact that he had obtained a part of Truth Astronomy by accident, Xi Wei would still be at a loss for weird creatures like the Ozaki.

This means that there is a high possibility that people in this era are not aware of the existence of the Eldrazi.

If so. Then maybe even if they found Eldrazi, they would cause serious underestimation and misjudgment because they didn't know the terror of the other party...

"In short, now we can only take one step at a time."

After quietly leaving Aesop's room, Xi Wei sighed softly, feeling a little helpless.

In this strange era, his actions can be said to have been constrained a lot, and even the heroes under him couldn't act openly. The only Laven who can move freely was directly swept back to the later generations by the space-time vortex...

Even if you spend money to buy someone else to do things now, the credibility of the other party is also a problem.

This made Xi Wei feel a little bit of emotion, as expected, it would be better in later generations, at least in that era, there were few legends, and as the only legend of mankind, it didn't matter what he did. In contrast to this era. Although the legend is not as numerous as dogs. But because of the relationship between the Salvation Army and the Abyssal Demon War, nearly one-third of the legends are crowded into the small town of Stein. In addition, it is estimated that half of the remaining two-thirds of the miles will also rush here.

No matter how courageous Xi Wei is, he cannot act rashly without any scruples, let alone he is now parasitized by the Ozaki. The strength is even more discounted.

certainly. If you just go shopping aimlessly like now, you can still do it. As long as you don't face off with other legends it shouldn't be a problem.

Walking on the streets of Stein City, Xi Wei found that there were a lot fewer people on the streets of the city. Almost all the merchants who came to the front line from the rear at the risk of being attacked by demons had already left—they were very sensitive to threats after wandering outside all year round. He probably sensed the tense atmosphere in the air and guessed that a real war was about to break out, so he simply sold off the goods, packed up the money he earned, and rubbed his feet with oil.

This also made Xi Wei's hope of finding someone for help even slimmer.


At this time, he accidentally passed an old bookstall.

There are all kinds of messy books on the old bookstalls, and there are even quite a few collections of spring paintings specially designed to relieve people's anger.

It's just that it wasn't the half-naked woman with open breasts and breasts that attracted Xi Wei's attention... Well, he admitted that it was because of those hot covers that he took a second look at this bookstore, but now his interest But I was attracted by another book.

"Dear Master Magician, I think you should have already discovered it."

Seeing Xi Wei stop in front of his booth, the boss immediately leaned over and whispered, "Although I don't have many things here, it's not as good as those big bookstores in the city, but the books here are definitely hard to find in those big bookstores." I found it. And the guest should have sensed it too... It is said that there is a magic book in my pile of books! That is an incredible treasure!"

Xi Wei almost couldn't help laughing.

It is true that there are a few books in this booth that exude a magical aura, but in fact, those auras are very weak, and they may dissipate at any time.

You must know that magic guide books are relatively rare even among magic items, and they are of a relatively high level. How could it be this kind of tatters that even have a faint breath? Rather than talking about magic books, I'm afraid those books are just items that have been enchanted. As time goes by, the imprint of magic power begins to disappear, so the breath gradually fades.

However, this had nothing to do with Xi Wei. What he was looking at at this booth was not those superficial magic items in the first place.

"How do you sell this manuscript?"

Xi Wei just pointed to a notebook that was left in a corner with unknown contents, and asked casually.

"Oh, master magician, you have a good eye!" The book stall owner immediately began to flatter: "This is the greatest magician Hulaan in the legend..."

"If I remember correctly, among the magicians who can be called great in the history of mankind, there is no Hulaan."

However, before the sales pitch was finished, Xi Wei interrupted him with cold words.

"Ahem, I must have misremembered it." The book stall owner coughed a few times in embarrassment: "In short, this manuscript is also very precious, at least two gold coins are needed."

Xi Wei thought about it for a while, and felt that the price was really okay, so he didn't bother to bargain, and threw out a gold nugget. Then, ignoring the other party's persuasion, he took the notebook and left the bookstall.

"I didn't expect to find the "Voynich Manuscript" in such a place..." Xi Wei sighed after re-reading the contents of the notebook.

In the academy of later generations, he had a treasure called Craddick's Box, which could be exchanged for corresponding books by asking students to complete tasks, and the "Voynich Manuscript" appeared in that thing, which is a collection of books. He has mastered the two schools of potion and alchemy, and has a lot of fantastic manuscripts. It’s just that the task of exchanging this manuscript is too difficult. No student can complete it, so I can’t buy it. I didn’t expect to see it in this kind of place...

For Xi Wei, the knowledge of potions in the "Voynich Manuscript" has long been negligible. What really moved Xi Wei was the knowledge of alchemy in it, for example——

The manufacture of alchemical life. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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