The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 867 Artificial Soul, Alchemy Life (Part 2)

Although the chattering holy sword or magic wand is also very interesting as an alchemy life carrier, but Xi Wei thinks that the first alchemy life he made is really better in the form of a human (naked) (li). {3w.

It's just that I don't know what went wrong. I have already prepared the simulated soul and the alchemy body, but the two can't be integrated at all.

"...This phenomenon is subtly similar to ghost disease, but Freud's dragon blood has been used up. Moreover, the simulated soul and the body prepared by alchemy are not together, and they are not as fleshy as ordinary people` Body and soul have a natural affinity."

After the experiment failed again, Xi Wei took a break and thought about a solution to the current difficult situation.

In fact, as a legend, if he insisted on stuffing a soul into a certain body, it would not be impossible, but this would distort the soul to a considerable extent.

However, Dawn is still the last insurance he uses to deal with emergencies during the decisive battle between the Salvation Army of Humanity and the Demon of the Abyss. There are a lot of divine words engraved in her soul itself, God knows if those runes will still work after being distorted...

And if a person's soul is distorted, regardless of other things, his personality alone will definitely become very perverse.

If possible, Xi Wei didn't want his daughter's dawn to become that kind of existence in a sense.

"Could it be that the soul's awareness of the 'self' is not enough, resulting in too weak will. Is there no way to combine with the body?"

After technically excluding possible problems one by one, Xi Wei finally came to this conclusion.

"Tsk, this is a bit difficult."

Generally speaking, if the simulated soul wants to develop self-awareness, even with the help of an alchemist, it will take a long time to grow. For example, Aesop's clothes hanger was his first alchemy life, and it took a whole year to change from an ordinary clothes hanger to a real alchemy life. Even so, that simple clothes hanger can only distinguish between people you like or hate, and use escape as the only way to fight against people you hate...

obvious. Dawn's complexity is much higher than that of a clothes hanger. If self-awareness is cultivated in ordinary ways. It will take at least five to ten years-this is still a relatively optimistic situation.

But now there is not so much time for Xi Wei to waste.

"I originally thought that with my legendary ability, making alchemy life would be much easier than the record, but I didn't expect to be so helpless..."

Now if you want to be able to complete Shuguang ahead of schedule, you must greatly improve your self-awareness. Or greatly increase Dawn's self-awareness. But this kind of thing is almost impossible without considerable experience and knowledge. And only thinking about this kind of thing can't be replaced by others...

Think here. A sudden flash of inspiration came to Xi Wei's mind.

"Wait a minute." He touched his chin and thought again: "If there is a way to quickly acquire a considerable degree of knowledge and provide her with the ability to think, maybe the combination of the two can successfully strengthen her. Self-aware!"

This kind of thing is almost impossible for other people, even other legendary magicians, with the exception of Xi Wei.

In fact, even he can only use this method that he just came up with just once.

——The Salvation Army High Level Meeting——

"Yesterday, hundreds of minotaurs attacked our supply corps. Although some of the supplies were snatched back through the dimensional anchor, most of them have been lost."

A man in military uniform made a serious report to the others present: "There are a lot of shadow demons scattered over the abyss demons. If those low-dimensional creatures gather in large numbers, it will affect the space of a place, so it is engraved on the supplies. The Dimensional Anchor runes on the chests are so unstable."

"Then, including this time, it is already the fifth convoy attacked."

The leader of the meeting, the supreme commander of the Salvation Army, the Magic Emperor Alexander VI put his hands on his chin, looked around the room, and asked loudly: "Do you have any ideas?"

"This is undoubtedly a provocation!"

Another officer in charge of the army knocked on the table angrily: "Our current strength is actually not much inferior to the demons of the abyss. Please let us set off immediately, crush those monkeys from the abyss, and taste the fruits of victory!"

"Very well, please General Porosius to win the victory for us...Although I really want to say that, it's a pity that this is not possible."

Alexander spread his hands and rejected the other party's request.

"Because the opponent has a lot of unconventional combat power."

The one who answered the officer was a legendary mage named Teras with a long snow-white beard.

"Even if you can kill the minotaur with crowd tactics, what about the hundred-eyed giant? What about the two-legged poisonous dragon? What about the Chimera?"

The army composition of the Salvation Army is very complicated, but the highest combat power in the regular army is probably only the first-rank magic swordsman and the rudimentary magician. It is almost impossible to rely on them to defeat those terrifying monsters on the side of the abyssal demons.

Because he was a little afraid of this moody but extraordinary old man, the general trembled subconsciously at first, but then he argued with his neck: "Since you can't use human lives to fill it, then you can lend us the unconventional troops." Is that enough? The elves’ moon god guards, and your high-ranking mage group and emperor sword knight group... Let alone the hundred-eyed giants, if they are there, even the great demons are not to be feared!"

"Idiot! If they are transferred away from the place they are currently guarding, then it will not only be the supply troops that will be attacked, but our guarding empty barracks and human cities!"

Teras slapped the table, blowing his beard and yelling.

"Okay, Mr. Teras, please calm down. General Porosius made such a proposal for the sake of human beings."

Alexander persuaded the two of them quite a lot: "However, as Teacher Teras said, our main force is now stationed in important places, so we cannot transfer them away for the time being... Now we can only escort supplies Doubling the number of troops of the product, and if there is any great magician who is free, please ask them to help escort them."

He quickly made a plan: "As for the decisive battle. To be honest, we are not fully prepared yet, so please wait for a while. Rest assured, the time will soon be ripe..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature , the novel is better and updated faster!

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