The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 869: Xiwei is in the middle of a pyramid scheme...

When Xi Wei walked out of the alchemy room with a yawn, several people who had been waiting outside for a long time came over immediately.

"Boss, you've finally come out..." Hai Sen hiccupped, his face flushed, and he seemed to be about to say something, but he saw the man behind Xi Wei who was obviously wearing a size that didn't fit him, and looked very fat The little girl in the mage robe couldn't help being taken aback.

"I'll go, you have an extra daughter in just a few days?! Could it be that you are a woman?"

St. George and Sandler, who have had a lot of contact with magicians, naturally wouldn't think it wrong, but Heisen was just an ordinary army general (and he was not a high-ranking one), and he obviously didn't know about alchemy creatures. Such an advanced thing, subconsciously blurted out to the disheveled Xi Wei.

"...Very good, Hai Sen, I don't know if your strength has regressed after seeing you for a few days."

The corners of Xi Wei's mouth twitched. Although he tried his best to keep his tone calm, the uncontrollable murderous look made St. George and Sandler subconsciously take a step away from him.

"Show your weapons, I want to fight you one-on-one!"


Because the scene was too bloody and violent, let's skip the one-on-one scene between Xi Wei and Heisen.

After Xi Wei finished beating Heisen refreshed and returned to the living room of the house, he began to introduce Shuguang to Lixiao's members.

"Is it really an alchemy creature..."

St. George looked at Dawn carefully, while Dawn shyly hid behind Xi Wei.

"Intellect seems to be very perfect... The alchemy creatures I came into contact with in the Emperor Sword Knights before. Basically, they are known for their combat effectiveness, such as the Arniel Shacklebreaker Giant and the Machine City Dragon. Such a small alchemy creature is still See you for the first time."

"It's better to say, apart from Aesop's clothes hanger, what's the use of this kind of alchemy creature that doesn't seem suitable for combat?" Sandler also asked Xi Wei curiously: "Or is it just her appearance? Looks weak. Actually strong?"

"No, Shuguang is a purely auxiliary alchemy creature. In terms of combat power, I'm afraid it's not as strong as an ordinary mid-level magician of the actual combat system. But her role is also very huge."

Xi Wei shook his head and explained to the others: "For example, as long as they are within the range of Suguang's perception, our Lixiao members can talk with almost no time difference."

Ji Luo raised his hand high: "So what is the range of Miss Lixiao's perception?"

"The radius is about 300 kilometers."

Xi Wei showed a "good question" expression, and replied without hesitation: "This is still not a case of any equipment bonuses. After she gets familiar with her abilities, she should improve."

"A radius of 300 kilometers... Well. In terms of pure perception, it is indeed a large range."

St. George also nodded, showing a hint of surprise.

The perception range of an ordinary high-level magician will not exceed a radius of one kilometer, unless it is too far apart. Otherwise, Sugon's instant messaging can almost deal with most situations.

Of course, Dawn has many other abilities besides being a signal tower - otherwise Xi Wei wouldn't have spent so much to create her. For example, Xi Wei was very pleasantly surprised to be able to enter the copy of the academy system with Xi Wei. It's a pity that she appeared too late. There are very few college dungeons that can hurt Xi Wei. Even if there is one more person, at most they will help pick up some materials that Xi Wei is too lazy to pick up.

"Besides that, Suguang has other abilities, but it's too troublesome to explain, so let's leave it at that."

With that said, Xi Wei also took out a magic scroll. Open it to the crowd, revealing what is depicted on it.

It was a slightly complicated magic circle.

"What kind of magic circle is this? I've never seen a similar structure before." Sandler asked curiously.

"This is called 'Emblem of Dawn', and it is a by-product of my manufacture of Dawn. After engraving this emblem on my body, I can better use Dawn's ability. In addition, Dawn can also gain additional abilities as the number of people holding the emblem increases... ...This scroll has its own engraving effect, in short, you can put the place where you want to engrave the emblem on the scroll."

As he spoke, Xi Wei shook his hand to show others the emblem he had tattooed on the back of his hand.

Except for the elf hero Evan, everyone in the room followed Xi Wei wholeheartedly. Otherwise, he would not give up his bright future and join Lixiao, a mercenary organization that is still on the blacklist of the Salvation Army.

Although they don't say it on the surface. But in fact, they had an almost unconditional trust in Xi Wei, and it was not hypocritical to hear Xi Wei say that, so they used the scrolls to engrave the dawn emblem on themselves.

St. George was engraved on the back of his hand like Xi Wei; Sandler was engraved on his right forearm; Jiji was engraved on his forehead, and then covered with a headscarf; Heisen thought for a moment and engraved it on his left chest. He said that there is the place closest to the heart, and the engraving there can also show his heart.

"Well, are you coming too?"

Putting away the scroll, Xi Wei pointed at the elf who was still huddled in the corner, and asked loudly.

"I don't need that kind of thing..."

The elf brave Evan muttered softly, but he didn't reach out to take the scroll in Xi Wei's hand, but his face was full of loneliness.

"I heard that you are looking for the holy relics of the elves."

At this moment, Xi Wei said suddenly.

The high elves used to have three sacred objects, namely the World Tree and the World Tree.

Now the world tree is sealed on the red moon together with a hand of the Lord of the Plague, and the fountain of life and the Holy Grail of the elves used to hold the spring water are all gone, and only recently reappeared in the Salvation Army .

"So what?" Evan raised his head and looked at Xi Wei with some vigilance: "Could it be that you know the whereabouts of the Fountain of Life?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't mean I can't find it." Faced with the other party's suspicion, Xi Wei smiled sassyly: "Let's make a join Lixiao, and I will help you find the elf relic The World Tree is hopeless, but the Fountain of Life is still possible to find, and the weapon called the Spirit Spear happens to be still in the city of Stein. What do you think?"

Evan lowered his head when he heard the words, the expression on his face fluctuated, and he seemed to be engaged in a violent psychological struggle.

After a while, he raised his head and said with difficulty: "Deal, please bring that scroll." (To be continued)


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