The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 878: The Prologue of the Mythical War

Carrying a bag of black bread, Haibert walked cautiously between the trenches, then ducked into the bunker hidden under the grass, and found the man on duty inside, watching with magic items. Comrades in the movement of the demon army in the abyss in the distance. f

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner, you eat first, I'll help take a look."

The big man looked away from the telescope-like magic item, and as soon as he raised his head, he hit the top of the low bunker, making a dull sound.

"Oh! Can't this thing be made taller?"

"If you build it too high, you will be hit by the magic-like abilities of the demons. It's not like you haven't seen how those careless guys turned into minced meat."

Hibot took the magic item in the opponent's hand, tried it out carefully, and then continued to monitor the distant enemy.

"Don't you think the food has become worse and worse recently? Even black bread is coming out... If this continues, the demons will really attack us, and we won't even have the strength to hold up our weapons."

The big man tugged at the stick-shaped black bread, then looked at the latter who was motionless, and complained with some dissatisfaction.

"The supply line behind the Salvation Army has been attacked. You should be content with bread. I heard that some troops are already digging weeds."

Highbot lifted his head from the magic item and glanced at him.

"You come from a country like Neilagran where you can eat fish, chips and star-gazing pie. Of course, black bread is not too bad for you... My hometown is delicious Falangqi in the capital. Let me tell you, the thick soup of Falangqi is amazing!"

Although the big man complained, he still tried his best to break open the black bread, and handed half of it to Heybert.

"But your gourmet city is now occupied by demons." Heibert said casually while taking the half of the hard black bread.

"That's the main reason why I joined the Salvation Army."

The big man shrugged his shoulders: "I bet those damned demons absolutely don't know the preciousness of the ingredients and the importance of the food culture in the enamel!"

"Because they all eat raw meat."

Highbot seemed a little weary of the subject. After casually replying, he continued to monitor the camp of the abyssal demons.

"Why didn't you say those monsters came over here?" Seeing that Haibert lacked interest, the big man changed the subject, but his mouth was stuffed with black bread, and his voice sounded a bit muffled: "Could it be? Because you're not ready yet? It's been so long..."

"No, the reason why the demons of the abyss attacked the supply line behind the Salvation Army. There is a 80% possibility that it is to stimulate the Salvation Army and force us to take the initiative to attack." Hibot took a bite of the black bread, but he couldn't bite it. He could only be depressed. He tried to soften it with water first, and at the same time continued: "Those guys are not stupid... Maybe it should be said that their commanders are not stupid, and they are paying the same attention as us."

"Are you saying that the battlefield and traps have been arranged to gain an advantage when the opponent takes the initiative to attack?"

"It's about the same. Anyway, now I can see that there is not enough stamina there, so I can't help but start." Haibert finally tore off a small piece of black bread. Chew it in your mouth like chewing gum.

"In short, as long as this battle is over, everything will be almost over." The big man smiled straightforwardly: "I want to get a medal in this battle so that I can go back to Fanglanqi to show off to my sister."

Then he found that Hibot had stopped chewing at some point, and he was engrossed in looking at the mirror-like magic item.

The next moment, Haibert threw away the bread in his hand, and pulled out a ball-shaped alchemy item from a military supplies box next to the bunker. As soon as he pulled the ring on the alchemy item, a sharp siren sounded over the plain.

"What's wrong?" The big man stood up in a panic, but hit the top of the bunker again, but this time he didn't care to cry out in pain. Instead, he looked anxiously at Haibert.

"Enemy attack! The number is unknown!"

Highbot continued to rummage through the supplies box for a while, and finally found two small tactical backpacks containing weapons, potions, emergency food, and drinking water.

"Back. Ready to fight!"

At this time, a bright red magic light also lit up in the sky, revealing that Hibot's alarm was not a false alarm made out of nothing.

The first to fall into the position was the hell fireball released by the abyssal demons. It was a green fireball that drew parabolas in the sky, and then smashed into their position.

This kind of fireball is different from ordinary fire magic. It will not explode, but it has a splash effect. If it is burned by that kind of green flame, the whole wound will gradually begin to rot, and the fuel of that flame is not the body or other. but the vitality of man.

Unless you are a magician above the middle level, if you are stained by this kind of flame, if you don't want to die, you have to cut off the stained part.

Screams and cries filled the entire position at once, and then a more powerful bombing came.

The top of the bunker where Haibert and the others were located had been cut off. Although both of them subconsciously fell to the ground, avoiding the shotgun-like strafing of gravel, they were still exposed to the broad daylight.

In addition, their bunker was already on the front line, so before the two of them retreated, the front line of the Abyssal Army came into contact with them-in fact, almost all the Salvation Army scouts on this line were attacked by the front line of the Abyssal Army. array of attacks.

Highbot's enemy is a demonized orc.

This creature is very similar to an ordinary orc, but its skin is gray, its fangs, claws, and canines are longer, its hair is all black and white, and its bright red eyeballs are more conspicuous against the pale skin.

Although it looks scary, these guys are actually just trash in the Abyssal Army, at the same level as the little lemurs.

Compared with the wooden stick in the hands of the demonized orcs, Hibot's weapons were much more advanced.

Since all human craftsmen are helping the Salvation Army and the dwarves have participated in the war, the Human Salvation Army has an unparalleled advantage in weapons and equipment. Even a low-level soldier like Haibot has excellent enchanted knives in his hands.

In addition, Hai Bote is not a stunned young man on the battlefield, but a veteran who has participated in several battles. After dodging the demonized orc's wooden club, he slashed open the opponent's chest with his backhand, and chopped off the opponent's chest Head, announced the guy's death.

"Scream, crush, and move forward—King Hori Dragon!"

The shouts of heroes from the rear came, and many demonized orcs were smashed to pieces by the lance-shaped heroic treasure that turned into a gust of wind.

The stench of blood and the unique atmosphere of the battlefield are mixed together, which makes the adrenaline rush.

Smelling this kind of breath, Haibert was finally sure.

At this moment, the prelude to the final war has already begun. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: I didn't update yesterday because I went on a blind date.

... Please don't ask me what the result is, I just want to watch the scenery quietly.

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