The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 884: The Tsundere of Not a Cute Girl Is Worthless

The visitors were naturally St. George's party who asked about the situation on the front line from the deserters. △ Vertex Fiction,

When St. George cut all the demonized orcs to the ground, most of the ghost owls in the sky were also shot down by Sandler.

"In this way, the score of killing the enemy between me and you will be nineteen to seventeen." Sandler turned his head and looked at Heisen who had just ran to the battlefield with a smug face, which made the latter who hadn't caught up with a fierce fight Those who are very depressed.

The last one to come was Jiro, who was in charge of the cutoff.

"Our connection to the teacher through the emblem has become unstable."

He kept calm all the way, and his face was a bit serious: "Although I don't know what happened to the teacher, but like before, the battle of crushing the enemy through the emblem of the dawn is probably not going to happen again. We'd better be prepared to fight hard. Prepare."

"Maybe it's related to this enchantment." Heisen pointed to the dark sky above their heads: "I can feel the evil aura contained in this enchantment."

"It's not something to be proud of, and I feel it too," Sandler said immediately.

"None of us specialize in magic...especially enchantment magic."

St. George sighed.

There are three magicians in Dawn, Xi Wei, Lawen and Aesop.

Now that Laven disappeared mysteriously (in fact, he returned to the later generations), Xi Wei and Aesop are both far away in Stein, so naturally they cannot help them.

"So the worst-case scenario is that we can only fight the enemy in the worst situation at home. To be honest, even I have no idea... If you don't want to fight, you can leave now."

St. George spoke the truth and looked around them.

"Don't say such stupid things, except for the two newcomers who just joined who are not sure, who in Lixiao will back down in this situation?"

Heisen grinned, then pointed at Sandler with his thumb: "Even this kind of guy can't. Let alone me and Jiro."

"Why use me as an example?" Sandler immediately scowled.

Heisen seemed to want to continue teasing Sandler, but Jiro frowned at this moment, sensing something through the ghost girl on his body.

"Everyone be careful!"

His warning timing was just right, nearly a hundred green fireballs in the sky drew perfect parabolas, and fell towards the group of people like raindrops, covering the entire area where they were.

"Hellfireball. It's the Demon Warlock, Sandler!"

As a member of the Imperial Sword Knights, St. George already had enough knowledge of the regular troops of the Abyssal Army. Once he saw this kind of attack, he immediately knew the identity of the enemy.


Sandler drew his bow again and shot more than a dozen arrows in just a split second. With the precision and speed that ordinary people can't match, he shot the fireballs that would hit them or splash them one by one in mid-air!

“A piece of cake~”

After recovering the magic arrow, the corner of Sandler's mouth curled up a little, as if he was very satisfied with his performance.

"Oops. There are people in the bushes!" But Heisen accidentally caught a glimpse of Hibbert hiding in the bushes - the latter had already been stunned by their performance.

But now is not a good time to be in a daze. Because Sandler wanted to face the tough battle in a better state, he tried his best to pursue extreme operations to save mana and mental power, so he didn't allocate extra arrows to protect the bushes. Cong!

The fireball is about to fall, and it's too late to bend the bow now.

Almost at this moment, Hai Sen had rushed out of the safe range, blocked in front of the bushes, grabbed his cloak, and waved it violently a few times. The cloak as a hero's treasure is also really powerful, bouncing all the hellfire balls away. Set off a green wall of fire around.

"Thank you for your assistance!"

It was at this time that the stunned Haybot finally came back to his senses, hurriedly thanked Heisen, and at the same time asked cautiously: "Are you also members of the Salvation Army? What is your serial number?"

"No, we are mercenaries."

Hai Sen grinned and let out a hearty laugh: "The mercenaries of the dawn mercenary group."

"Mercenary, mercenary?!"

Haven't Stein's mercenaries been recruited by the Salvation Army? Why is there a mercenary group that has never been heard of here?

And I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Haibot always feels that the leader is a bit like the Emperor Sword Knight Saint George Ascalon who defected in Stein's wanted notice...

"Haisen don't play there anymore! The enemy has rushed over!"

St. George shouted. At the same time, he had raised the fire of infamy, and killed the enemies who rushed over the mountains and plains.

Demon Warlocks are not good at melee combat, so the Abyssal Army will always arrange a troop that is good at hand-to-hand combat in front of the Demon Warlock team for the convenience of attacking.

Now St. George and the others are facing this kind of force.

This army is made up of Blight Demons.

The Blight is a monster that looks like a rotten wood, although it looks more like a plant-type monster. But they are indeed a kind of demon, and even in terms of body structure and blood relationship, these guys are distant relatives of little lemurs.

——In fact, more than 80% of demons can be regarded as distant relatives of lesser demons.

The level of the wither demon is generally around level 15, which is not too strong, but when the number increases, it can be considered a trouble for the dawn members who don't have too many range attacks.

After splitting a wither demon with a sword, St. George took the time to look around and found that several people seemed to be in trouble, so he began to accumulate strength, intending to release the power of the flame of infamy.

Although this would put a considerable burden on his mind and body, it was better than continuing to drag on like this.

However, at this moment, a green light shot from behind, sweeping away a large area of ​​wither demons.

"This kind of thing symbolizes the destruction of the forest by humans. From the perspective of mysticism unique to our elves, it belongs to the two elements of 'loss of life' and 'desolation', and the power of life can counteract these two elements." element."

I don't know when the high elf Evan who appeared behind slowly walked forward, looking at the withered demons with cold eyes: "I am not only a believer of the Moon God, but also a pan-believer of the Goddess of Life. Words are not a problem."

"Why are you here?"

St. George looked at the elves in disbelief who had been indifferent to acting with them no matter how much he persuaded him before.

"Because that damn guy... well, he should be called the leader now... he has something to do and can't support you for the time being, so he asked me to come and help." Evan snorted coldly: "Don't get me wrong, I just feel Where, it is too aggrieved to use this bastard emblem to share the damage you have suffered, so I promised him to come out and help!"

If Xi Wei were here, he would definitely complain from the bottom of his heart: He is really textbook-style tsundere, hey...

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