The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 8 Fragmented Fire Elemental Crystals

After exchanging the resource exchange coupons for resources, Xi Wei put his spiritual power into the tattoo on his hand.

["Night Forest Perimeter" strategy complete] [Evaluation A] [Receive rewards]

"Hey, there is an A for such a rating!" Xi Wei was a little surprised in his heart: "Is there an evaluation like S if you pass the level perfectly?"

The system will naturally not answer his question.

Xi Wei didn't care so much, after he directly chose to receive the reward, the Russian roulette appeared again, but the prize changed.

First of all, there are still three resource rewards, which are alchemy materials/metal resources +30, and gem resources +10. In addition, other rewards are: one architectural blueprint, one magic wand, and one identification crystal.

For Xi Wei, the most useful of these things were metal resources and magic wands. It's a pity that he has no way to control the turntable, so he can only watch it draw automatically.

Ignoring Xi Wei's will, the turntable began to spin, and finally stopped slowly. The pointer passed over the magic wand and the architectural drawings, and was about to stop on the metal resources, but it seemed that it would not stop any time soon. The unsurprising turntable still rotated at an extremely slow speed, causing the pointer to turn over the metal resources, and finally stopped on the identification crystal.

"..." Looking at the red crystal that appeared in his hand, Xi Wei didn't know what expression to use to face it.

This is the same consumable used to identify items as the secondary identification crystal he found in the treasure chest last time. The only difference is that the identification success rate of this thing is higher than that of the secondary identification crystal.

Apart from money resources, the worst prize in this lottery is this identification crystal... Even a bottle of recovery potion is better than this thing.

He chose to log out gloomily, and returned to reality.

It was still pitch black outside the window, and judging from the scale on the hourglass, it might not be even one o'clock in the morning.

Xi Wei stared at the bright red crystal in his hand that seemed to be emitting a faint red light for a while, then jumped out of bed and ran to his desk, and opened the locked drawer with his key. The next loot is a red gem the size of a fingernail and construction blueprints.

After putting the unknown feather in, Xi Wei took out the little red gem from it.

This is what he collected from the goblin spellcaster when he first attacked the outskirts of the night forest.

Anyway, identifying the crystal seemed to be easy to obtain, so Xi Wei used it to identify this small red gemstone without hesitation.

[Cracked Fire Elemental Crystal]


[Weapon Inlay: Fire Damage +3]

[Armor Inlay: Fire Resistance +3]

[This is an elemental crystal full of flames, but it seems to be just a fragment that fell from a complete crystal, and the amount of elements is not very strong. Can be mounted on weapons or armor. If it is not processed, it will explode three seconds after the magic power is injected, and its power is equivalent to the second-level magic "flame impact". 】

[Remarks: "Gu la... croak! croak!" —— BY Goblin caster]

Obviously this is a gemstone for setting. But because there is nothing to compare, Xi Wei doesn't know whether the fire damage or fire resistance +3 is more or less.

But after all, it's just fragments, and it shouldn't be too strong after all.

In addition to being used for setting, it seems that this thing can also be used as a grenade, but if it is done that way, Xi Wei always feels that the recognition crystal is wasted.

"Why don't you give this thing to Alisa tomorrow, and see if it can help her sense the magic element faster."

After deciding on the use of this elemental crystal, Xi Wei casually put it in the pocket of the mage's robe, then yawned, retreated to the bed and went to sleep.

It was after nine o'clock in the morning when Xi Wei woke up.

Alisa's family runs a small tavern, the only one in the village, and the business is pretty good.

The little girl will help at home in the morning, so she won't come. She won't bring food to learn magic until after the busy period at noon.

"...It's strange, why do I have the illusion that I've been fed?" After washing, Xi Wei stood outside the mage's tower boredly, looking at the village where the cooking smoke was curling up in the distance.

In the green farmland outside the village, a few black spots like ants can be vaguely seen, which are the villagers who are working.

Although you can meditate to pass the time now, but it is still early today, and the opportunity for dungeons has been used up, so there is plenty of time for meditation in the afternoon.

Although the villagers in the village had a much better attitude towards him because he killed the arrow porcupine in his predecessor, Xi Wei always felt that it was a bit strange that he was respected because of other people's reasons, so he didn't plan to go for a walk in the village.

So he simply turned around and walked up the mountain. He wanted to climb the mountain, and it would be good to exercise a little while walking.

Although it has the name of a big mountain, the Yanfei Mountain is actually not high. According to Xi Wei's visual estimation, its height should be less than 400 meters.

And as the starting point of the Angola Mountains, the monsters on this mountain are also extremely weak. The strongest ones should be the few cherry baboons in the back mountain. This level 7 monster looks like a baboon with cherries on its head and its entire face painted red.

When Xi Wei's predecessor planned to set up a home here to teach Alisa, he thought that the cherry baboons who broke into his territory had attacked him. However, they were easily repelled by Xi Wei, who was already a junior mage, and left a great psychological shadow on them, so that they never dared to trouble Xi Wei's predecessor.

Although Xi Wei has been reduced to a sorcerer's apprentice after his soul wear, he is the only one who knows about this, and those beasts still dare not do anything. That's why he can swagger and climb the mountain without any scruples.

However, when Xi Wei was about to approach the top of the mountain, he realized that something was wrong. It was too quiet in the not so dense forest on the mountain.

One must know that this is the midsummer period. Usually at this time, among other things, at least the noisy chirping of cicadas is absolutely indispensable, but now it is pure dead silence.

Xi Wei, who was on guard secretly, walked towards the height step by step. Although going back right now might be the best choice, but instead of hiding in the mage's tower and being frightened, it's better to find out the root of this 'abnormality'. Otherwise, not only Xi Wei himself, but even Alisa might be in danger.

After walking for a while, there was a faint smell of blood, followed by the buzzing of flies.

Walking in the direction where the smell of blood came, what Xi Wei saw was a corpse that was not too decayed.

Even Xi Wei, who was used to looking at goblin corpses, couldn't help but roll in his stomach when he saw this corpse.

It was the corpse of a female cherry baboon. The ugly monkey's face was full of horror, and the body covered with bristles had become tattered.

The baboon's left paw completely disappeared, revealing broken bones and peeled orange-like muscle tissue. The eyeballs also disappeared without a trace. Maggots with yellow and white mucus inside were busy coming in and out, and flies appeared in various places from time to time. Pink muscles flew around the wound where even internal organs and bones could be seen.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Xi Wei carefully observed the wound.

However, he is not a forensic doctor after all, nor has he studied anatomy. Apart from the fact that most of the wounds on the baboons were bitten by sharp teeth, he found almost nothing.

But at least one thing is certain: a powerful predator came up the Yanfei Mountain.

{Floating astronomy

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