The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 887 Persuasion (Part 1)

After the Battle of Taliesid officially started, the Salvation Army has reached the top level of the Taliesid Plain. All the top leaders gathered in the central conference room of Stein City to discuss the future strategic direction——It was originally decided like this Yes, but now something unexpected happened. ∈↗

A stranger who did not belong to this class appeared in the conference room.

The intruder had a common face that was difficult to find when thrown into the crowd, but the rare black short hair, slightly sickly pale complexion, and the half-smile expression on his face made him a little special wonderful temperament.

What surprised the top executives of the Salvation Army in this room was that they didn't realize the existence of the other party until the other party walked all the way to the center of the room. Before that, no one even noticed that a stranger walked into the room majestically!

You must know that apart from a few combat staff officers present, everyone else is the best among humans or humanoids, and even the weakest of them has the combat power of a great magician.

Not to mention the current strongest magic emperor Alexander VI and the rest of the legends.

Although the visitors looked a little sick, as if they had been sick all year round, they still keenly felt the same breath as themselves in each other.

Breath of legend.

Several legendary powerhouses exchanged glances and confirmed one thing.

This person who suddenly appeared here is undoubtedly the newly promoted legendary archmage among human beings.

In fact, they guessed correctly, the visitor was indeed Xi Wei.

After escaping from the weird dream world with Dawn and receiving contact from other members of Dawn, he hid Dawn and went straight to the human base camp.

In fact, Xi Wei didn't intend to appear in front of these old guys from the age of mythology so early at first, after all, he didn't have many chips in hand at this time.

His original plan was to wait until the battle of Taliesid was halfway through, and after the conflict escalated, he would rush to the battlefield and deal with tens of thousands of enemy troops. Then come back to negotiate with these guys with illustrious military exploits.

At that time, no matter what conditions are put forward, there should be room for negotiation and maneuvering.

It's just that Ozaki's parasites have severely limited Xi Wei's strength, and yesterday's confrontation with the dream master Hashlovicio in the dream world made him realize the fact that his side is in a bad situation, so he Came here early today.

It is worth mentioning that the defense of the Salvation Army Central Conference Room is quite strong. Six sentry posts and many summoned creatures are all over the shadow of the castle, which almost cuts off the possibility of the Abyssal Army coming to listen for information.

If Xi Wei didn't have the help of some small things in the achievement mall of the academy system. Now that his strength alone has been damaged, he may not be able to invade here.

This also made Xi Wei reconfirm that the mystery of the 'academic system', which had lost its sense of existence for a long time, was much higher than the usual legendary existence.

"Perhaps you have heard about me a long time ago, but now I still have to introduce myself."

Xi Wei first performed a standard mage salute.

The etiquette of mages in the age of mythology is somewhat different from that of later generations. He had systematically studied the etiquette of this era when he was chatting with Aesop, and he did it in a decent way.

"My name is Xi Wei Edric. I am currently the head of a mercenary group."

"At present?" One of the legends heard a little overtones in Xi Wei's words.

"Before this, I was the dean of a magic academy."

Xi Wei said without hesitation.

"Academy of Magic... a special mage tower?" Several magicians present whispered to each other.

In this era, there is no such facility as a magic academy. Magicians are either born in the wild, or learn step by step from apprentices in the mage tower.

"So, Mr. Edric, you are here today, can I take this action as your intention to join us and fight against the abyss together?"

Alexander did not take part in the discussions of the magicians.

he asked straight to the point.

As the highest level of the current Salvation Army. The burden on him is heavier than anyone else, so naturally he won't stick to some details.

"That's right, I will follow your orders and fight the abyss to the end...Although I really want to say this, the main enemy of human beings is not the abyss."

Regardless of the astonished expressions of the others, Xi Wei said, "The Abyss Army looks like a rainbow on the surface, but in fact they are already at the end of their battle."

"That's what you say?" It might be that Xi Wei's words were beyond common sense, and the top executives of the Salvation Army looked at each other in blank dismay.

"There are seven demon kings in the abyss, but only five and a half have come to the main material plane. Among them, the Lord of Fear and the Lord of Shadow have fallen, and the Lord of Plague has been seriously injured. The Lord of Dreams has no desire to fight, and the Lord of Death The Lord only has half the power, and the only Demon Lord who still has considerable strength and full of fighting spirit is the Lord of Madness."

Xi Wei counted the situation of the top-level combat power of the Abyss Army: "Demons... well, I know there are some other races in the Abyss, but the number of demons is absolutely overwhelming. And the demon itself is a kind of race." Creatures that are greatly affected by the emotions of their superiors, if even the demon kings don’t have enough will to fight, then the demons at the lower level will naturally not have much will to fight.”

"But they sneaked up on our advance team."

A legendary archmage wearing a fat green robe questioned Xi Wei's statement.

"That's because if they don't fight anymore, their morale will drop to the bottom. If they don't start a war, maybe some middle-level and lower-level demons will start to collapse."

Xi Wei pushed back the other party's doubts without fear: "Before that, they even robbed the supply routes of the Salvation Army everywhere, but the members of the Salvation Army were obviously more calm than those demon heads expected, and finally forced So they can only jump out and fight on their own."

"Leaving aside the situation of the Abyssal Army." Alexander, who had listened to Xi Wei talking there for a while, suddenly asked again: "Even if what you said is true, then with the Abyssal Army close at hand, we humans What other enemy can be called a 'real' enemy? Let me explain first, if you want to say that the humanoid race that joined the Salvation Army is the enemy, I will definitely kick you out without hesitation — I don't like those ultra-racists."

"Please don't worry about this, I don't like those crazy lunatics." Seeing that he was one step closer to his goal, Xi Wei smiled slightly: "I don't know if everyone here has heard of 'Ozarki' ?” (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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