The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 890 It’s painful to keep it only for one day during Qingming _(:3」∠)_

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Relying on the Dawn Emblem (simplified version), the Salvation Army managed to regain a victory and once again suppressed the Abyssal Army, and the Abyssal Army began to retreat steadily... In fact, many people already felt that victory was just around the corner. ▸

"Captain? Why are you here too?"

In the trench behind the battle line, Sandler, who was resting after drinking water, was taken aback when he saw Xi Wei's appearance: "Is your body all right?"

Holding Shuguang's little hand, Xi Wei walked through the magic bombing of the Abyssal Army as if walking in a courtyard, and came to the trench.

Today his complexion is much better than the previous few days, with a little blood.

"Well, I have cultivated pretty well these few days."

Xi Wei nodded slightly. He noticed that Sandler's left hand, which was used to draw the bow, had become bloody and bloody. Even so, he still fought on the front line and achieved quite brilliant results.

Whether it's the Abyss Army or the Salvation Army, the name 'Fengyi's Divine Arrow' is already well known.

"What about St. George and the others?"

"We are still maintaining the front line. We will soon enter the melee stage. As long as we can survive this wave and break up the main force of the abyss, the victory of the human coalition forces will almost be settled."

Sandler said cheerfully: "From this point of view, it's really time for you to come."

Xi Wei showed a forced smile, and cast his eyes on the battlefield.

It wasn't that he would pick the time, but based on various signs and clues, he finally confirmed that the monsters from the underground would appear in the next few days, and then left Stein. Follow the big troops to the front line.

A few days ago, he was not idle. In addition to teaching the simplified version of the Dawn Emblem to other magicians and promoting it in the army on a large scale, he also had other legends that could help suppress the foreign bodies in his body, so he took the time to rest After a while, I recovered a little spirit.

Although after falling asleep, he was almost trapped in a dream by the dream master several times. But Xi Wei, who had already sensed the essence of the dream world, managed to escape.

"Shu Guang, are you afraid?" Xi Wei turned around and asked the little girl.

The girl shook her head slightly at first, then she glanced at Xi Wei cautiously, then nodded with some hesitation.

"I'm sorry." Xi Wei's smile became more bitter: "Your strength is necessary for today's plan. Don't worry, I will protect you no matter what."

The girl held Xi Wei's little hand with a little more strength. At the same time, a faint smile appeared on her expressionless face.

"Okay, then I'm going to the front too..."

After feeling the girl's encouraging action, Xi Wei regained his energy and walked out of the trench with dawn.

"Huh? Commander, your health is not good yet, why don't you get used to the periphery first..."

Sandler tried to persuade.

A few days ago, Xi Wei looked as if he would be called by the Lord at any time, and everyone in the dawn saw it.

"It doesn't matter, I'm also a legend anyway."

Xi Wei didn't accept the other party's kindness, and then he said something that Sandler couldn't understand: "And nah. If I stay on the periphery, maybe I will be seen by another 'me' who has not yet touched the truth of the world. Until now, it is better to have fewer variables."

——The center of the battlefield——

This is undoubtedly the place where the battle is most intense.

Dozens of spells were cast on the ground at the same time. Earthquake, Earth Elemental Stable Barrier, Wide-area Swamp, Calm the Earth, Lava Eruption, Mantle Collapse... Magics with completely different effects confront and contain each other, making the ground not yet collapsed, but it has already issued an overwhelmed creak. Yeah sound.

The undead legion in the abyss coordinated to cast the undead natural disaster. Countless green or pale wraiths gushed out from the cracks in the plane like a tide, and seemed to spread from here to every corner of the battlefield.

But before they could do that, the sky was covered in hellfire by the legendary mage from the Salvation Army. Burn them all into pure energy, floating in mid-air.

A legendary sorcerer propped up a huge aura barrier and turned into a giant blue beast with a length and span of nearly several hundred meters. It was so huge that even if it only ran a few steps in the abyssal army. Countless demons and demonized orcs were trampled to death.

It's just that the giant beast didn't last long, and soon several big demons condensed the same huge black crystal hammer with the gems of the Styx, and the black crystal hammer smashed the giant beast to pieces. Even the legendary great mage inside was impacted by the law of the abyss, and was seriously injured in an instant, vomiting blood and falling into the abyss army.

An emerald dragon let out a roar, and burned to death several orcs who tried to jump on its head with a mouthful of dragon breath. Then it spread its wings and rushed towards a giant dragon not far away. The opponent was still killing human warriors before it responded The stall that came over bit its neck.

**The giant dragon struggled in horror and anger, stinky blood and rotting flesh dripped down its neck, although as an undead, its neck is no longer its weakness, and it also lost its sense of pain, but there is no doubt that First, it can indeed restrict its actions.

At the same time, the emerald dragon's tail covered with sharp crystal barbs desperately hit the chest of the giant dragon. After wrestling for several minutes and crushing countless soldiers on both sides to death, it finally pierced through the chest of the giant dragon, and pierced the soul fire in the opponent's chest with its tail, causing the long-dead dragon to emit fire. After the final cry, fell into rest.

Xi Wei walked on the chaotic battlefield holding Shuguang's hand. Although his strength had dropped a lot, as long as he didn't match up with the highest level of combat power of the Abyssal Army, he could still protect himself.

He snapped his fingers, and the unowned energy traveling in the air was condensed and turned into many arcane magic balls, which fell into the formation of the Abyssal Army like rain.

Several high-level demon warlocks noticed Xi Wei and were about to cast elemental magic on him.

Xi Wei just glanced at them casually, and with a light wave of his free hand, the elements within a few hundred meters around him were burned up in an instant. It was swallowed up and turned into several bombs that exploded in the Abyssal Army, causing considerable damage to the Abyssal Army instead.

"Hmph, dirty fireworks."

Xi Wei muttered softly.

At this time, he noticed that a powerful electromagnetic storm appeared on the battlefield in the southeast direction, and countless iron objects and the flesh and blood of the Abyss Army were swept into the air...

"Is it finally about to start?" Xi Wei, who still remembered this scene, sighed.

Almost at the same moment, huge red magic circles appeared everywhere on the ground of the entire battlefield... To everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search for the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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