The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 894: Memory Illusion (Part 1)

After the elder of the church named Luther was pulled out from the ground by Xi Wei, he showed a non-violent non-cooperative attitude. ~

After all, he was pulled out within a few minutes after being planted in the ground, and he didn't have any unforgettable experience. Naturally, he wouldn't learn a lesson and change his view of Xi Wei.

Xi Wei thought about it, and felt that it was difficult to get information out of the other party's mouth through normal channels.

So he decided to serve hard dishes directly.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, a girl's voice came from behind the crowd.

The people in front spontaneously separated to the left and right, making way for Xi Wei to see the person who made the noise.

The only one who dared to speak out at such a time was Horna, who was the pope of the Church of Necessary Evil and had a certain friendship with Xi Wei.

"Although it's just my guess, the method you plan to use to obtain information is definitely not a gentle method?"

After drinking away the other onlookers and leaving only a few elders, the girl asked Xi Wei.

"Almost." Because what he planned to do was indeed somewhat inhumane, Xi Wei had no intention of refuting it, so he just said vaguely.

"Before that, can I try to persuade him first?" Horna didn't meet Xi Wei many times, but she also understood that Xi Wei would not joke around in this situation.

Although the guy named Luther didn't listen to Horna's command very much on weekdays, and he stood on the side of the elders without any cover in the lineup of the Church of Necessary Evil, but she didn't mind spending favors to remove him from the church. Xi Wei redeemed it.

The premise is that the other party is willing to go with her.

"Mr. Edrick is not the enemy of our church. If possible, I hope that our church can maintain a certain degree of contact with Edrick College in the future, and even become an ally. For this reason, as the pope, I hope that you can share your Tell him the truth about what you have seen and heard.”

Because I know that I can't talk to the other party in my personal capacity. So Horna simply took out the identity of the pope, trying to directly subdue the other party.

It had to be said that this was a wise judgment, and the only thing that went wrong was that Horna underestimated how stubborn this guy named Luther was.

The middle-aged man named Luther sneered and turned his head away from her.

Immediately, Horna's face turned pale—no matter how precocious she was, she was just a girl who had not yet reached twenty. Naturally, it would be embarrassing to be so blatantly contemptuous.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the elders of the Lord Harmony School spoke up to persuade them.

But Xi Wei always felt that this old guy was not so much worried about Luther, but more like he was afraid that Xi Wei's anger would burn on them.

But soon the Lord and Pai elders were also pointed at by Luther and scolded back by himself-this guy has an unexpectedly hot temper, and his tongue is exceptionally sharp, and those old guys with a bit of rigid thinking are not his opponents at all.

Maybe it's because after scolding Huo Na and the elders of the Master He faction, it wasn't enough, this guy pointed his finger at Xi Wei who was watching the show again.

Even Xi Wei laughed now.

If you don't die, you won't die. Why don't people in this world understand the simple and easy-to-understand truth?

Xi Wei waved his hand and hung him upside down. Luther let out an exclamation, and then cursed. But this time no one spoke for him anymore.

Xi Wei sneered, and snapped off the opponent's mouth with a snap of his fingers. Even if this guy named Luther was wearing expensive defensive magic equipment, it had no effect on Xi Wei's behavior at all.

From the very beginning, Xi Wei had no intention of asking for any information from the other party.

For him, according to the subjective color of the individual, the information spoken by a population will always have a certain deviation. Especially when the other party doesn't want to say anything at all, there are too many situations where three sentences of facts are replaced by one nonsense. It is very difficult to tell the real from the fake.

So Xi Wei adopted a more simple and crude method for this - he forcibly extracted the memory of the other party and threw it into the 'memory dish' bought from the achievement store. Then I started looking for the information I wanted in it.

In fact, Xi Wei can read the magic of memory even if he does not use a memory container, but reading the memory is a very dangerous thing. If a memory is long enough or the things he has experienced are complicated enough, it will affect the reading. of personality. It was precisely because of this that Xi Wei didn't use the magic of reading memories very much.

But the memory vessel bought in the achievement store is different. It will form a phantom-like existence based on the extracted memory, allowing the user to experience what happened in the other party's memory as a bystander. In this way, it will naturally not cause memory confusion and split personality.

Because of Horna's strong request, and Xi Wei felt that it didn't matter even if she saw it, so after finding the corresponding memory, Xi Wei took Horna with her. Together, they entered the illusion created by the memory dish.

——Reminiscence Fantasy——

The blizzard roared outside the door, the wooden door creaked unbearably, and the door lock rattled, as if it would break any moment.

This was a somewhat dirty tavern, and Luther was sitting by the fire drinking wine and waiting for someone.

Xi Wei and Horna, who came to this illusion, also sat aside and watched him.

"Isn't this the abnormal weather that happened not long ago..." Horna looked at the blizzard outside the house, which was obviously not normal, and immediately determined the time period of this memory.

The blizzard covered the sky and the sun, and the visibility outside the house was pitifully low. It was completely swallowed by darkness within less than one meter.

After a while, the door of the tavern was suddenly opened, and the cold air and snowflakes rushed in, making the few guests who hadn't left shiver in unison.

"Miss robe? It's the priest of the Pure White Church."

Xi Wei immediately recognized the identity of the visitor. However, he didn't know much about the rank of the Pure White Church, otherwise he would have been able to tell from the hem of the other party's mass robe mixed with gold threads that this was a regional bishop.

"A big thing happened at Edric's side." The priest closed the door and went straight to Luther's table. He was not polite, sat down generously and began to eat, and said inarticulately at the same time: "But It has nothing to do with what we're going to fact, I don't know if it's because of them, but we have less resistance."

"This means that even the divine light is helping us."

Luther whispered excitedly.

"That's right, we've already confirmed where the 'holy coffin' is, and we're preparing to complete the teleportation magic, and the rest..." The priest looked at the excited Luther, and said in a deep voice, "As long as you can cross the Just cross the wind mouth plateau." (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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