The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 900 Enemy or something...

Because of the contract, Shanelia quickly found the hotel where Xi Wei and the others stayed. ∈♀

It's just that I have encountered some problems in how to get in.

Although Xi Wei didn't really make a big fuss in the diocese of the Necessary Evil Church before, as soon as he showed up, the elders of the Necessary Evil were almost scared to death (those who were not scared were planted underground by him).

The elders whose origin was in the sanctuary thought together that they might not be able to defeat Xi Wei even if they were tied together, so they simply handed over Shuguang honestly and helped Xi Wei and his group arrange A luxury hotel... As for what they are planning behind the scenes, that is not worthy of Xi Wei's concern.

But this made Sanelia suffer.

Nima’s luxury hotel is located in the inner part of the Church of Necessary Evil, and the Church of Necessary Evil itself is affiliated with the Pure White Church. Maybe they didn’t learn other things about the Pure White Church, but the so-called heresy trial did. Ten to ten, I estimate that if I, a witch, appeared in front of them carelessly, I would be overwhelmed by a bunch of sanctioning priests who came out of nowhere in a few minutes...

Even if you summon a bunch of demons here, it's not a good idea to use the numbers to make a splash.

No matter what, Necessary Evil is a church that advertises itself as righteous. It's okay to succumb to a magician like Xi Wei. After all, Necessary Evil is just a tiny bit compared to the Mages Association.

But if a bunch of demons are allowed to break in, even at the risk of being destroyed, the believers of the Necessary Evil Church and the group of high-level officials will try their best to stop them, otherwise their credibility as the most important religion will plummet, and they want to regain their strength It is much more difficult to get up.

God knows if that guy named Edward Alphonse will take the risk of confronting the entire Church of Necessary Evil to protect himself... As a witch whose age and experience far exceed Kuran, Shanelia She always thinks carefully before doing something, even though she has missed many opportunities because of this character that can be equated with indecision. But this is her nature and it is difficult to change.

But it's not a problem to hide the information you know.

The bionic demon already understood that there was a manipulator behind the demon, and he must have expected that his identity would not be exposed for too long, so there is no doubt that it will use some method to get rid of the king's identity as quickly as possible. freed from.

By that time, the information in Shanelia's hands will become worthless. This was not what the old witch wanted to see.

Based on this judgment, Sanelia felt that she had to take a little risk. Send the information to Xi Wei as soon as possible.

"First of all, I need a 'Succubus'."

After using her own strength, she approached the hotel as quietly as possible. Shanelia hid in an alley and summoned a succubus through the "Book of False Enoch".

Succubus is also a relatively common species among abyssal demons, because they appear frequently in various fantasy works, and the settings are similar, so I won't go into details here.

All in all, Shanelia's succubi changed its appearance a little, then ran out and lured a member of the Church of Necessary Evil into this dark alley.

Before the anxious man took off his pants. Shanelia used a stick she picked up somewhere, Sap, and knocked her down.

"...Ah, speaking of which, the Two-Headed Demon seems to have hypnotic powers. You don't need to use a stick at all."

After finishing all this, the old witch patted her forehead and muttered.

She looked down at the necessary evil believer who was foaming at the mouth, and then decided to pretend that she hadn't thought of it...

After stripping off the other party's clothes and a series of equipment, and tying the other party to a facility like a trash can with ropes to prevent the other party from escaping after waking up and causing other troubles, Sanelia changed into that outfit It looks somewhat like a plain white church mass robe.

"Succubus, disguise."

There is a way to change the appearance in the witch's secret method. But on the one hand, it is too troublesome to prepare medicines and so on, and it takes a long time to waste. So Shanelia simply let her succubus release the disguise technique on herself-although the effect of the disguise will definitely be worse and the duration will be much shorter, but now is not the time to pay attention to this.

After disguising herself as a believer, Shanelia managed to evade the search of the necessary evil and sneaked into the hotel.

"Very good, that guy should be right here..."

I feel that the contract body is getting closer and closer. Sanelia finally felt a little excited.

Then she ran into Nero who was about to go downstairs.

The two of them who hadn't expected such a thing to happen were stunned for a moment, and Nero was the first to react.

The head of the Knights Templar from the sanctuary did not carry weapons such as swords, but this did not prevent him from displaying his strength.

Nero took off the glove on his right hand casually, revealing the bright red ghost hand mixed with fluorescent blue.

"Xanalia, one of the most dangerous witches. It is unbelievable to meet you in the parish of the Church of Necessary Evil."

Nero said in a deep voice: "But this also gives me a chance to destroy you!"

As the strongest witch in this era on the Eastern Plains, Shanelia is naturally registered with the Pure White Church.

"White Bishop of the Pure White Church... What a bad luck to meet you."

Shanelia, who didn't expect to run into each other, spat and viciously opened her copy of the "Book of False Enoch". She knew very well that she would not be able to escape, but instead fought desperately, there was still a chance of survival: "Anzu Demon, Horned Demon! Knock him away, and the Snake Wing Demon leads me!"

Sanelia has also dealt with the Pure White Church, and of course has a considerable understanding of Nero, who has quickly become the archbishop in white and has risen in status due to the recent loss of elders.

"Don't try to run!"

Nero roared with one hand, the blue light on his right hand soared, and a phantom like a blue animal claw appeared behind him, and smashed Anzu's head with a slap, while the Horned Demon was forced to beat Rolled away, avoiding the range of the slap, so as to avoid being beaten into meatloaf like An Zumo...

However, the Anzu Demon and the Horned Demon were just cannon fodder for delaying time. Taking this opportunity, Shanelia had already bypassed each other and rushed to the second floor.

But it didn't take long for her to be proud, the huge blue phantom hand came from bottom to top, smashed the floor with a fist, and then pulled its owner up from downstairs, looking at the smiling face in front of her with a calm expression. Sanelia.

It seems that the Horned Demon also followed that poor Anzu Demon...

Although Nero had almost no expression on his face, from Sanelia's point of view, this was all a provocation from the other party.

So Shanelia didn't rush to Xi Wei's side anymore, but continued to summon some miscellaneous fish to delay the other party to buy time, and at the same time she began to chant in a low voice.

"Book of False Enoch" can make her not need spells when summoning lower-level and intermediate-level demons, and reduce the summoning fee. what a little thing.

Lines made of magic power began to appear on the ground, and a complicated magic circle gradually took shape.

Nero's eyes turned cold, and the faint blue light in the ghost's hand flourished, and those miscellaneous fish demons who had been in contact with him were beaten to blood in an instant, but the light in Nero's hand did not It didn't dim because of this, but it was still rising further. Obviously, it was necessary to launch some kind of powerful trick in order to interrupt Shana Liya's summoning, or to kill the summoned creature with all its strength at the moment Shana Liya's summoning was successful. .

The thick magical atmosphere churned and collided in the corridor, and the narrow corridor instantly became a cruel battlefield.

Just at the moment when this kind of battle was about to break out, a door behind them suddenly opened.

"Don't be noisy at night to disturb other people's sleep."

Xi Wei, who didn't know when he finally ran out of the illusion of memories, looked at the two people in front of him who were at war with swords, ignored the disgust in their eyes, and waved to them: "Anyway, come in, talk to me if you have something to say... ..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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