The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 923: Good Friday of the Withered Elves

Even so, the blood elves encountered a problem on the way to the holy tree. ∷

A group of strange creatures they had never seen before blocked their way.

Judging from the appearance, those creatures should be some kind of magic plants. Their heads are like flower buds, their hands are broad leaves, and their feet are roots. Although they walk unsteadily, they obviously have animal-like actions. consciousness.

On Feiyue, the only thing that can derive a magic plant with the ability to act independently is the holy tree World Tree.

In fact, except for the mysterious ecological circle of the Moon Beast, all the real ecological chains on Feiyue are based on the World Tree.

But Genradin can swear by his surname, it has never seen such a strange plant on the sacred tree.

"This is the enemy, don't be confused, follow me!"

The captain of the inspection team that Zhan Latin belonged to waved the wooden sickle that had sprouted a few buds in front, and roared loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the captain who could fight the elephant-sized moon beast one-on-one was kicked to the ground by the slender strange creature...

The nearby blood elves, including Genradin, were stunned for a moment.

The sight of the five big and three thick scythe warriors being kicked down by a bean sprout is really shocking.

"these things……"

Although Zhan Latin's weapons are all made of wood, they are all made of branches of the World Tree and the trunk of the Moon Tree. If it is used by ordinary people, it can only be regarded as a little stronger at most, an ordinary weapon comparable to iron.

But for the withered elves born in the world tree, this kind of weapon with the same origin as their ancestors is undoubtedly the most suitable weapon.

From an early age, the plague elves would obtain their own weapons. At first, they were just a stick long for one person, and then they were nurtured by years of magic power. The stick will grow into a weapon suitable for oneself.

Unless the weapon is destroyed, they will not change their weapons in their lives.

After fighting and accumulating for a longer period of time, those weapons will begin to 'germinate', and with each new sprout, the power of the weapon will rise to a higher level. When ten clusters of sprouts grow on the weapon, the weapon will be sublimated again. Become the most powerful source of power for the Wither Elves.

This is the unique 'Elf Armament' of the Plague Elves.

The elf armament has only appeared for less than a hundred years, and its history is far shorter than that of the withering colossus. After using the withering colossus to resist the attack of the moon beast, the plague elves had the time to study this new power, and within a hundred years mastered it. If the withering colossus can only stand in a stalemate with the moon beast, then the elf armament is a force that surpasses ordinary moon beasts.

In fact, if it weren't for the ancient creature 'Nia' cooperating with the twelve-headed moon beast elders, the moon beasts on the crimson moon would probably have been hunted down.

It is precisely because of this kind of thing that the Plague Elves trade things with good combat effectiveness such as the Withered Colossus to the Ge Laohui as commodities... Having mastered a higher level of power, they are not afraid of the Ge Laohui's counterattack.

"This kind of thing..." Zhan Latin roared from between his teeth. The long-knife-shaped forest spirit weapon in his hand had already slashed at the bean sprouts in front of him.

But to his surprise, Bean Sprouts didn't take the blow hard, but just twisted his body a few times, and escaped the thunderous blow as soft and light as fluff!

In the next moment, at the moment when Zhan Latino was in a stiff state of retracting the knife because of the force of the knife being too fast, two large leaves of bean sprouts pushed onto Zhan Latin's chest.

Zhan Latin felt as if he had been hit by a large moon beast, with a tightness and pain in his chest. The whole person was like a pebble that was thrown into the water, and was thrown into the air. It bounced a few times on the ground, and knocked down several withered elves who couldn't dodge.

Although it wasn't Tai Chi, Xi Wei undoubtedly imprinted the gene of using softness to overcome rigidity in this bean sprout-like creature. And in this world without Zhang Sanfeng, naturally no one would know that there is such a saying as softness over strength...

As a result, the careless withered elves were beaten head-on by those weird bean sprouts.

After the wither elves adjusted their mentality and faced the enemy seriously... Well, they were still beaten head-on by the bean sprouts.

until this time. Only withered elves learned from the painful experience.

"Don't fight close to each other! These things are weird! Use magic to distance yourself!"

After a certain captain-level wither elf who had turned into panda eyes roared, he jumped back and started casting spells forward.

When the other withered elves thought about it, Emma was right, instead of continuing to run in front of each other and get beaten. It's better to distance yourself and use magic.

It's not that the magic of the withered elves is weak. It's only at this time that they think of long-range magic warfare. It's because their melee ability has been greatly strengthened by the elf's armament, so under normal circumstances they will choose melee...

However, this is of no use.

After the wither elves pulled away, the bean sprouts didn't chase after them—although the bean sprouts were agile, they didn't move fast, which was one of their few weaknesses.

It's just that when the withered elves entered the pre-casting stage, the bean sprouts puffed their cheeks like flower buds (or pods?), and then with a bang, the green peas the size of a sea bowl smashed towards him like hidden weapons. Withers the elves, interrupting their spellcasting.

It is true that it is almost impossible to manufacture such ammunition indefinitely, but it is not difficult if it is only available in small quantities.

But the suffering of the withered elves did not end. After the green pea interrupted their spellcasting, it also burst from it, and a creature that looked like an alien facehugger, but turned into a green color, quickly pounced on their bodies. , entangled them as best they could.

So those withered elves who couldn't dodge were caught by the slow bean sprouts again because they were entangled by the face huggers, and they were beaten up again...

Although the real casualties were not large, the morale of these guys has almost fallen to the bottom.

If it wasn't for the bean sprouts beating them so hard that they couldn't even escape, I'm afraid the wither elf's pursuers would have collapsed now...

Just when Zhan Latin was beaten until he was dizzy, and his ears were full of buzzing and roaring, he suddenly found that his vision was filled with bright red.

He tried hard to open his swollen eyelids, and finally saw the source of the bright red.

The dark green canopy of the world tree that covered the sky and the sun is now like a maple tree in autumn, and all the leaves have turned into a bright red color...

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