The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 925 Guess what the author added recently

I don't know whether it was the high elves or the withered elves who had done something inside the World Tree. In short, what Xi Wei saw now was a palace with everything except doors, windows and decorations. ※%

Tables and chairs grow directly from the ground. In addition, there are green light spots flying in the sky. They look a bit like fireflies, but their brightness is far higher than that of fireflies, so that there is no light inside the world tree. dark feeling.

Xi Wei casually cast the Mage's Hand and grabbed a spot of light, only to find that this kind of thing is not a living thing at all, but a combination of pure magic power and life force. or will exhibit this strange form of coexistence.

There were no other creatures in the empty palace, only the sound of Xi Wei's footsteps.

The roads are intricate, like a maze.

But Xi Wei would not get lost. His senses could detect the gathering point of the World Tree's vitality, which must be the core of this elf holy object. As long as you walk in that direction, you will be able to achieve it sooner or later.

"Well, the road is changing quietly? Hmph, has this tree really developed self-awareness..."

Sensing that the road under his feet was quietly leading him in another direction, Xi Wei snorted coldly.

Xi Wei didn't bother to continue walking down the road, so he used the Void Demon Sword to dig on the wall, planning to go straight to the core of the World Tree.

Probably knowing that it would be useless to Xi Wei even if he played tricks, World Tree suddenly took the initiative to open a path in front of Xi Wei.

If things are abnormal, there must be demons.

Although he knew that the consciousness of World Tree might be planning something, Xi Wei, whose force value could already crush the opponent, was not afraid of it.

After walking down the road for a few minutes, an open room appeared before him.

But this time there were other people inside.

Those were five young elves not much bigger than Tio. They don't have the weird plague runes like the withered elves, and their skin is fair and translucent, so they shouldn't be drow.

The long and pointed ears were even worse than those of the forest elves. The light green hair and wine red eyes made Xi Wei aware of the identities of these young elves.

They are high elves that are long extinct.

The only difference is the elf standing in the middle. Her hair was silvery, and her eyes were pale gold—a sign of angelic blood.

Xi Wei was also moved by the other party's face.

"Star... so her body is still inside the World Tree?"

Star is the second person in the system of three sages, and the only sage who doesn't do anything.

Her original identity was the daughter of the once brave man. Thousands of years ago, the World Tree ran away because of being polluted by the arm of the Plague Lord, in order to calm the World Tree's runaway. The elves used Star, who has both elves and angels, as a sacrifice, completed the ceremony, and sealed the world tree on Crimson Moon.

A year ago, when the World Tree descended on the main material plane, Xi Wei rescued Star's tortured soul imprisoned in the World Tree through the power of the three sages.

What Xi Wei didn't expect was that after a thousand years, Star's body was still inside the World Tree without decay.

At this time, the surrounding scenery changed drastically again.

The originally spacious room suddenly became boundless. Countless tree roots and branches filled most of the space, turning this vast world into a sea of ​​trees.

"It's an illusion again? No... This is an enchantment?" He was sent to the Xiwei item far away in an instant, and found that the core of the world tree was on the other side of the enchantment.

"Space magic... No, this enchantment deliberately disrupts the internal space, if you use space magic at will, you will be sucked into the turbulence of the void..."

Is it the original setting, or did World Tree do this deliberately after realizing that Xi Wei was best at fighting?

If it's the latter, then I have to say this thing is a bit tricky.

But the distance is nothing, even if it circles the earth for a week. It's not particularly difficult for Xi Wei now, but it's just that he can't use space magic. It just takes a little time.

Just as Xi Wei was thinking about what magic to use to cross this vast sea of ​​trees, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of him with lightning speed, and then punched Xi Wei cleanly without any fancy movements. facade!

Her fist was so fast, Xi Wei even had the illusion that he saw the sound barrier being broken.

The moment Xi Wei was about to be slapped in the face, the magic shield on his body rose spontaneously. Immediately after Xi Wei was standing, the tree root as thick as a two-way road was torn apart by the remaining force of the punch, and sawdust and dust filled the air at once, but was torn apart by the wind of the fist the next moment. Xi Wei's body was like a It flew out of it like a cannonball!

Just as he was about to hit a thicker branch, the light of the magic eye above his head flashed. The picture was like a movie with a section of film cut out, Xi Wei's figure disappeared abruptly, and then appeared on another tree root.

It wasn't Yingzhan's magic eye in the teleportation space, but he fixed his figure with the immobile magic eye, and then jumped onto the tree root at the moment when time stopped.

But the attack is not over yet. Another equally petite figure jumped out from behind him, raised an epee, and slashed at the top of Xi Wei's head.

At the same time, the green silk string wrapped Xi Wei tightly, trying to hinder his dodge and defense.

"whispering sound!"

The explosion sounded again. This time, some rhizomes under the roots and the ground were cut into huge cracks by the epee's power, but Xi Wei was the only one missing.

While the one using the epee was still looking for Xi Wei's figure, the Great Repulsion Technique struck, blasting the opponent away, smashing through more than a dozen roots, branches and leaves of trees before making a sound.

At the same time, Xi Wei's figure emerged from the smoke and dust that filled the sky.

What greeted him was a feathered arrow.

"Breaking magic, sharpness, blood loss, frenzy, reverse scrolling, blasting, wind element affinity... Fuck, there are so many enchantments superimposed?!"

Just when Xi Wei was about to dodge, a figure with two knives entangled him again. Coupled with the interference of strings that came from nowhere, Xi Wei couldn't dodge smoothly for a while!

Since summoning magic is also a branch of space magic, Xi Wei couldn't summon messy things to block arrows. In the end, he had to modify the law with overkill, turning the land and wood around him into a huge shield at once. Barely blocked the arrow.

Xi Wei activated the immovable magic eye in embarrassment, and distanced himself from the opponent.

The guys who attacked him were naturally the few high elves just now. It's just that they are different from the lifeless look in the room. Now they are all wearing strange battle robes, and the weapons in their hands have a power that even Xi Wei dare not underestimate - if I'm not mistaken, it should be evolution It was armed to the highest grade Mori spirit.

"Hun Dan... Don't think that I dare not hit you guys because you are dressed like a magical girl!" After becoming a legend, Xi Wei had never suffered such a big loss.

So he got angry. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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