The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 928: Origin of the World Tree

The Far Winter Township barrier is still in operation, and icicles as thick as a bus protrude from the clouds of the barrier body above, smashing hard on the branches of the sea of ​​trees with the momentum of a meteorite, falling leaves and sawdust ice The slag splashed in all directions like a landslide, and the roar echoed for a long time before gradually becoming silent amidst other roars. ◇↓

However, Xi Wei was no longer in the mood to care about the barrier of Yuandong Township, the black smoke passing over his head gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and the threat level of the other party was obviously more and more rigid than those five actions. The high elves are going to come bigger.

"The trees are all withered..." He glanced at the trees that were pierced by icicles but were still able to survive tenaciously. At this moment, the sea of ​​trees began to wither and decay.

After thinking for a while, Xi Wei turned around and grabbed the high elf who staggered to his side, holding up the giant sword and trying to slash him, but this time he didn't continue to attack, but directly began to analyze the magic in the opponent's body, and tried Pry into each other's memories.

This method has an extremely high failure rate for the existence of a complete soul, but Xi Wei can bet that the souls of these high elves are either incomplete or have long since dissipated.

I didn't use this move before, purely because the other party could extract magic-like power through the sea of ​​trees barrier, and that kind of power is no less disturbing than a complete soul. Now that the sea of ​​trees barrier is about to wither, naturally there is no such concern.

Although the elves' armed forces still caused some trouble to spy on the other party's memory, Xi Wei finally broke through the protective layer without the power of the sea of ​​trees enchantment and got the information he wanted.

--Dividing line--

The high elves hold a gratitude ceremony every three hundred years to thank the world tree for giving them life.

Although it is said to be a thanksgiving ceremony, it is actually offering the selected elves as living sacrifices to the World Tree.

Most elves consider this an honor.

Only Titiana didn't think so.

Why does Master World Tree still use this meaningless method after giving us life. What about taking back these lives? Did the elders misread the meaning of World Tree, or did World Tree itself think so?

Incomprehensible, incomprehensible, but powerless. This is how Titiana feels about the gratitude ceremony.

However, the high elf whose name means "red leaf" in Elven language was chosen as the next living sacrifice.

Due to the invasion of night devils, the high elves had to abandon their original city and hide in the forest sheltered by the world tree.

Daredevils are able to manipulate their own bloodborn. Combat power that consumes energy through overwhelming numerical superiority.

In this era dominated by night devils, the manpower of the elves is already stretched, but even so, as a living sacrifice, Titiana still does not need to go out to work or defend against the attacks of night devils. Under the guardianship, uninterrupted prayers to the World Tree can lead a life without worrying about food and clothing as before.

Every time she sees her compatriots who have been severely injured and are carried back to Linhai, Titiana will feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart, hoping that she can also become a member of the outside fighting against the enemy. Live and die with other elves.

But no matter how many times, as long as she puts this idea into practice, she will be immediately persuaded by the Moon God guards to go back to the most beautiful tree house.

I don't know how long it took, the power of the Night Demon was defeated overnight, and human beings regained the dominance of the world. Several elders in the Moon Pavilion believed that this was the protection given by the World Tree to the endangered elves.

So the next Thanksgiving ceremony is just around the corner. Since it was these elders who led the alliance with humans, after the victory of humans, the high elves had a chance to recuperate. Their prestige has risen because of this, and their proposals will naturally not attract opposition. What's more, in the eyes of other elves, holding a gratitude ceremony is also a matter of course.

Titiana tried to escape, but the Luna Guardians were far superior to her, an ordinary high elf.

In the end, she could only compromise, and like the living sacrifices in the past, she wore a natural robe woven from three thousand different leaves and sat on the lake reflecting the March. Became a victim of a ritual of thanksgiving.

The feeling of being eaten by the World Tree is surprisingly good. Although Titiana doesn't even know how she disappeared, she can vaguely feel that this chaotic state is very similar to the feeling she had when she was born...

Then the consciousness gradually drifted away, and countless wonderful knowledge flowed into her brain along with the disappearance of her consciousness.

The core of the world tree, the alarm of the sea of ​​trees, the brave man of the gods, foreign enemies, twisted spirits, insects, disaster levels, soul return, the origin of elves, ecological harmony, the will of the earth...

Although she lost her self-awareness, the ability of Titana's brain to store data has not been lost. On the contrary, it seems that because of the lack of thinking, World Tree regarded it as a backup individual, and a large amount of information was directly stored in her brain. Not only her, but her successive predecessors were treated similarly.

The Thanksgiving Ceremony seemed to be abolished due to human intervention, and no new sacrifices were sent into the World Tree after a long time.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly an object with evil consciousness was sent into the World Tree, and the insects that had been coming regularly became more threatening because of the influence of that object.

The opponent wants to usurp the core of the World Tree, completely replace the World Tree, and become a great existence in this world who understands the will of the earth, and the World Tree therefore uses most of its power to fight against the opponent.

Titiana and the others who were sacrificed became the heroes of the Shenmu, resisting the enemy's insect infestation and erosion in the enchantment of the sea of ​​trees-the desire to fight side by side with the compatriots will be fulfilled in this form, in a certain sense It's also kind of ironic.

The confrontation was not smooth, the core of World Tree had to give up most of the control rights, and the defense line was shrunk to completely protect the core part, making the opponent helpless, especially after the half-blood elf with angelic blood came, the defense line was completely closed. It is even more impenetrable...

Then the evil substance seemed to want to create a loophole to break through the line of defense by assimilating the souls of the half-blood elves that had not been reconciled by the World Tree.

To be honest, this is quite dangerous, but fortunately, the assimilated part of the half-breed elf soul disappeared in a mutation, which prevented the barrier of the sea of ​​trees from being breached.

It's just that it didn't take long for a new intruder (Xi Wei) to appear, and this time the intruder was stronger than expected. The cloud-like enchantment he summoned actually made the sea of ​​trees enchanted. Everything has stopped, and the evil things that have been waiting for a long time will naturally not miss this opportunity. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they began to erode the core of the world tree...

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