The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 935: Dirty Sacred Tree, War on the Moon (2)

The two-headed giant of light soared into the sky from the green flames. The surrounding monsters were caught off guard and were all blown away by the strong wind. They hit the wooden wall and howled in agony.

But this is of no use.

Those monsters were as if they were on stimulants. Even if they suffered a considerable amount of damage, they still risked their lives and rushed towards the double-faced Su Nuo transformed by Xi Wei.

Although Xi Wei's double-sided Su Nuo is not comparable to the ability to directly modify the law, it is undoubtedly the strongest form in conventional warfare.

Four magic eyes with different abilities, four hands with different characteristics, an immortal body, feet that can travel +++m through all things...

Once Xi Wei uses his full strength, the destructive power will naturally not be comparable to that of ordinary magicians.

But the space inside the World Tree began to expand under the control of the Lord of Life, and monsters continued to grow from the walls, floors and even ceilings.

If you have to describe it, it's like Tyson and an annoying mosquito. No matter how powerful the former is, there is no way to eliminate the latter in a short time.

"You are so unexpectedly cautious. In order to prevent me from using elemental magic, you specially cleared all the elements in this space."

Shuangmian Sunuo's voice sounded like dozens of people singing in chorus at the same time. The layers of voices combined together were very strange but inexplicably powerful.

"Even I have to admit that you are too good as a magician, and the most powerful of wide-area magic is elemental magic. I can't give you the chance to kill all my monsters."

The master of life seemed to feel that the overall situation was under control, and he actually had the time to answer Xi Wei's words.

"But do you really think that just by excluding the elements from the World Tree, there is nothing I can do?"

Xi Wei sneered. Four vortexes of different colors appeared above his head, looking like portals in the game.

But that is not a portal, even if ordinary people dare to approach it. It will be immediately crystallized by the extremely rich elements.

Higher element channel

Although the four-ring magic is a well-known high-level magic among magicians, few people will learn it.

The elemental channel series of magic occupies a very important position in the entire magic system. Although there are many categories, their functions and principles are almost exactly the same - to open a wormhole to the elemental plane and draw the required magic elements from it.

It is known that the magic cast by an elemental mage will be affected by the distribution of elements in the surrounding area. In areas where elements are scarce, even elemental magic cannot be used. In this case, the help of the elemental channel series of magic is needed.

In addition, some powerful magic requires a large amount of magic elements. The ordinary environment can hardly supply so many elements, so in order to assist in spell casting, it is necessary to open the corresponding element channels.

There is a 'secondary element channel' from the beginning of the entry level magician, and the intermediate level magician can learn the 'intermediate element channel', but it is almost enough for the average magician to learn this step, even for high-level magic of the third and fourth rings. The required elements are usually enough to supply spells if the middle-level element channel is opened.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary magicians to tear apart space by themselves. Therefore, when they open elemental channels, they almost always use the space wormholes that already exist in the world. However, it is impossible for there to be wormholes equivalent to higher elemental channels in the world. That would lead to an imbalance of elements in the main material plane, and even cause something like an ice age. of catastrophe.

But Xi Wei is different. The best thing about this guy is space magic, so for him, there is no difference between high-level element channels and mid-level element channels - anyway, he never borrows any wormholes. He has to open channels by himself. Tearing a hole in the wall...

With the magic elements guaranteed, wide-area magic will come naturally.

In fact, without using wide-area magic. Even Xi Wei can't kill all those monsters one by one, even if they stand still and let you kill them. That's more than ants, enough to kill you.

“It’s useless, it’s useless, it’s useless—the divine words of law reject it!”

However, Xi Wei still underestimated the life master's ability to control laws and space within the World Tree.

Almost instantly, the four higher element channels he created were neutralized and disappeared into the space, not even a ripple could be seen.

"I've almost had enough fun, so please rest in peace as soon as possible, as a tribute to the strongest human being. I will place a tomb for you in the World Tree - the Law and Order and the Divine Word of the Death of the Dead."

As soon as the voice of the master of life fell, Xi Wei's double-faced Su Nuo collapsed, revealing Xi Wei's true body.

"...Okay, I admit that I underestimated you."

He waved his hand and used a repulsive force to deflect a giant dog away. Xi Wei's face looked obviously ugly.

Although the other party's magic sounds very strong. And it has the meaning of following the words, but in the final analysis it is just a kind of instant death magic.

Xi Wei, as a legend, and a legend who had once created the world, has a considerable degree of mysterious resistance. Although this type of instant death magic can instantly kill the double-faced Su Nuo, it is not a big problem for him.

He took a deep breath and his expression calmed down.

Since becoming a legend, he seems to have never been so embarrassed. Even his incarnation of the double-faced Su Nuo was defeated by the opponent's divine word.

However, while feeling humiliated, Xi Wei felt a burning desire to fight deep in his heart.

I originally thought that after becoming a legend, and going further and further on the road of legend, at least in this era, there is no one who can fight with him - of course, foul things like Ozach do not count - I didn't expect that in the moon You can actually encounter such a being on the Internet.

He is not like other people who can't even catch up with him, but he is not as terrifying as the three Eldrazi ancestors who can kill even the true gods. He is a guy with similar strength to himself, at least at the same level.

Isn't this exciting and uncontrollable?

"From now on, let's get it right seriously!"

Xi Wei, who had not experienced this feeling for a long time, felt that his blood was beginning to boil.

Ignoring the eagerly watching monsters around him, he suddenly began to move his body.

"Don't embarrass yourself with those pretentious divine words of law. If you want to play, I will also use high-speed divine words. It's no problem to counter your half-baked divine words. Show me your true skills." Xi Wei didn't even notice it himself. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with an excited expression: "Otherwise, I would be bored if I knelt down all at once..." (To be continued...)


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