The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 937: Dirty Sacred Tree, War on the Moon (4)

There are generally three types of gods.

First of all, they are ultra-advanced beings that have no material body and rely purely on spiritual existence. The great will of the main material plane that almost perished with the three ancestors of the Eldrazi is one of the representatives.

The second type is regarded as a god by people, and has become a divine existence in the long-term transmission of faith. The main representatives include the sacred light (sun), the worship object of the Pure White Church, and the tranquility, the object of belief of the forest elves. moon.

The third type is those who artificially obtain divinity and divine power through various means.

But for some reason, although there are only a few in the long history, and almost all are unclear, the recipients of the third kind of god are almost always humans or humanoids (elves, dwarves, etc.).

As Xi Wei's understanding of the laws of the world deepened, he also discovered that this inexplicable thing like 'divinity' showed a weird information dependence - it would only be attached to the inherent image of a god.

In other words, if an invisible god is going to come, his initial image will either be a big glowing egg or a big potato, or simply a human form. Other forms of existence cannot preserve divinity. .

But the Master of Life did the opposite. First, he created 7 batches of monsters through an unknown ritual, and then merged those monsters into one, turning into a giant dragon, and used it as the body of his descending...

To use an analogy, this kind of behavior is like installing Android system on an Apple mobile phone. There is no other result except incompatibility.

But to Xi Wei's surprise, he succeeded.

"Thousands of years have passed, and I finally have my own body again! Rejoice, Chosen One, you will be the first sacrifice of my body!"

The giant dragon, which was as big as a mountain, looked up to the sky and roared, seemingly too excited to control itself.

With the advent of the Lord of Life. The space inside the World Tree has expanded again, and now it is difficult to see the edge of this space with ordinary vision.

Although there are no celestial bodies in the sky, something similar to white clouds has appeared.

If the ground under his feet was not still wooden, Xi Wei would have even thought that he had been teleported to the outside world.

Facing the arrogance of the master of life, Xi Wei just curled his lips in disapproval.

How much does the Demon King love things like dragons... After the Lord of Death knelt down, the half of him left in the abyss also split into a similar creature. That thing also dealt with Xi Wei twice.

That's right, it was Huber Solu who was instantly killed by Xi Wei with one punch some time ago.

Strictly speaking, neither the Shenmu Tianyan Dragon nor Hubo Thor can be regarded as orthodox dragons. In addition to their very twisted bodies, neither of them has the biggest characteristic of giant dragons, the 'reverse scales'.

Without further ado, the Life Master is not a particularly patient guy, and the giant dragon it transformed into has already attacked like a mighty mountain.

Because of its huge size, even a single step on it can turn an entire team of heavily armored knights into canned meat. Ordinary avoidance methods were of no use.

Fortunately, Xi Wei is not an ordinary person.

After switching the Demonic Eye on his head to the Yingzhang Demonic Eye, his body distorted along with the space, and the next moment he was teleported to a distance.

"There is an old saying in my hometown." Xi Wei looked at the giant beast from a distance and said calmly: "It is indecent to come back but not to reciprocate. Since you are so enthusiastic, of course I have to prepare some gifts in return for you."

After saying that, the foot that the giant beast stepped on Xi Wei seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, disappearing suddenly without a trace in the blink of an eye.

magic trap void burst

To put it simply, it is a mine deployed by the void.

It's a pity that Shenmu Tianyanlong is too huge, and its mystery has soared since the arrival of the god. It also has a considerable degree of resistance to void energy, and it was not able to remove its entire leg this time. It just blew up its legs.

There is not a drop of blood on the wound of the giant beast, and no muscle fibers, blood vessels or bones can be seen. Instead, there are only the wood grains of exhausted growth rings.

In an instant, a brand new claw grew out of the wound.

"It's a nice gift, but it's a pity that you forgot. This is the World Tree. It's my domain. It has almost endless vitality, let alone repairing wounds. Even resurrection is just a blink of an eye!"

The beast's voice sounded like thunder.

Although I had expected that removing one of the opponent's claws would not be a serious injury, I did not expect that the recovery and limb regeneration would only take a short moment. This made Xi Wei's expression become slightly more solemn.

But it's just a little more solemn.

From beginning to end, he has never been afraid of this kind of monster - no matter how powerful the opponent appears, that power is only the false power within the World Tree.

If that doesn't work, can't I escape outside and destroy the World Tree itself?

Of course this is also a last resort.

Just as the life master said before, the World Tree has taken deep roots in this Fei Yue. Except for the core of Fei Yue, almost every inch of the land has the roots of the World Tree.

If this behemoth is really completely destroyed, Feiyue will probably begin to collapse the next moment the World Tree is destroyed.

Regardless of the attitude of the forest elves, at least the fourth school district will definitely not be saved.

Although for Xi Wei, who is now rich and wealthy, a mere fourth school district is nothing - it is better to say that the current number of professors and students at Edric College is probably less than 1,000, and the current three school districts The ground is already a little too big.

But for some reason, Xi Wei always felt that the Fourth School District played a very important role.

Faced with this situation, Xi Wei could only trust his intuition and try to defeat the Master of Life without destroying the World Tree.

In fact, on the bright side, the other party's arrival also gave Xi Wei an opportunity.

If this giant beast could be defeated in a true sense, it would undoubtedly bring huge harm to the master of life.

It's much better than hiding in the world tree before, so that I can't say anything.

"Resurrection? This body of yours was formed through the fusion of those special monsters. Every so-called 'resurrection' must consume a lot of life force, right?" Xi Wei took a deep breath, snapped his fingers, and used countless wands. Appearing around him, magic power surged up around him: "The so-called 'almost' infinite vitality is actually endless... No matter how many times you can be resurrected, I only need to kill you one more time!" (To be continued...)


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