The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 945 The troops are divided into two groups

Following the academy beacon left by Franken and the others, Tio and his team found the entrance to the underground city without much effort.

"Yes, there is indeed something terrible in here..." Shalan sniffed at the entrance of the hole.

This is certainly not smelling.

The strength of vampires is not their sense of smell...well, although they are indeed slightly sensitive to the smell of blood, at least now Shallan is not just smelling the smell of the underground city.

She relies on perception.

As the most powerful person in Edric Academy second only to Xi Wei, the little vampire Shalan has actually reached the pinnacle of high-level magicians. She is the kind of person who can immediately cross that hurdle once she realizes her own miracle. The guy who became the great magician.

"The air is filled with the smell of staleness... It seems that everything is sleeping, even that existence. People have to wonder if those idiots from Franken broke in and woke each other up, which made the situation worse. It’s going to cause trouble.”

While walking ahead to clear the way, Shalan couldn't help but sigh, letting the two people behind have some basic understanding of the underground city.

But that was obviously in vain. Just like Franken and his team, the three of Shalan and others also saw the whole city clearly (actually they only saw one third of it clearly, and the rest was out of sight). He was stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, the girls all knew that their main purpose of coming in this time was not for fun, so they quickly came to their senses and began to look for Franken and his party.

In this situation where they were almost face to face with that abnormal being, Fleur, whose perception was not as good as Shallan's, also understood the situation the three of them were currently in.

"There really is a big guy... Judging from the current situation, most of the city is within the scope of its soul, right?"

Fleur closed her eyes and felt the terrifying soul so close, and couldn't help but feel a little sweaty.

Not long ago, this knight girl from the Pure White Church thought that it would be no challenge to go to the moon and bully the elders of the Moon Beast Pavilion. However, within a few days, such an important being appeared. If it were really an enemy, even Fleur would be stunned.

"You are here."

At this time, Claude came out of nowhere, looked at the girl and the group, and rubbed his hands with a smile.

"...According to the common situation in general knight novels, should we try it first at this time to see if this guy is controlled by that giant soul?"

Saran, who had become the leader of the team invisibly, whispered to Fleur.

The result was a blank look from the latter.

Among Franken's group. Except for the possibility of being manipulated by the centaur Gila, it is impossible for this to happen to the other two.

Franken himself is a necromancer, and his soul is different from that of normal creatures. What's more, he has a master-servant contract signed with Xi Wei as a protection, so he will not be controlled by other beings, even monsters with such terrifying soul fluctuations.

Claude is a patient with original ghost syndrome, and his soul has already been condensed to an almost physical form. It is almost impossible to control him through the power of his soul. When Xiwei was treating him, he wanted to prevent the disease from recurring. A special signal was buried inside his soul. Once there was a change in his soul, he would be able to know it quickly. Since there was no information from Xi Wei, it meant that the other party's soul had not changed.

"This spirit is watching us."

Claude led the three girls towards where Franken and the others were, while telling them some information obtained from Franken's observation.

"Well, actually the old man (referring to Franken) doesn't know what the other party's soul activity is doing, but he sensed that the other party was observing us. Unfortunately, he didn't find any sign that the other party wanted to communicate..."

After Claude's talk, the girls finally had an idea of ​​the current situation.

Franken and the others have now concluded three clues:

First: The people in this city once evaporated in an instant. Whereabouts unknown

Second: The origin of the giant soul is unknown, but it is likely that it has been sleeping underground. Until they came here. The reason why the other party woke up is unknown

Third: The giant soul has been 'observing' them, but the other party does not seem to want to communicate. Unknown level of intelligence

"The exploration of the city is not complete," Franken said to the girls in a high tower with a serious face... Although he always had this expression when he was too lazy to control his face: "I think there must be something hidden in this city. I want to find the answer to the first clue, so later I hope to send out an exploration team to continue what we have done before. Dig out all the clues in this city."

The original owner of this tower should have been a magician or alchemist, and the accomplished room is filled with facilities with unknown principles and materials that have never been seen before.

"In addition, since the strength, purpose, and origin of giant souls are all unknown now, the exploration team must also have a certain level of strength." He continued: "This is also the main reason why I came to you. With other students or professors Given our strength, I really don’t feel confident wandering around in this city.”

"What about the others?"

Shallan blinked. Asked.

"Help me try to communicate with this soul." Franken said without any hesitation: "If it is a creature that can communicate, then the information we obtained this time is probably the most important."

Even if you don't know the nature of the giant soul, the opponent's soul is there, the quality of the soul is high, and it must have lived for many years. Even if a pig has lived for so many years, it is estimated that it has become a sperm. It will definitely know some information about this place. Creatures that can communicate will naturally have a high possibility of being able to trade. By paying an acceptable fee, important information can be obtained. , professionalism can be considered a relatively cost-effective deal.

"I see, I understand." Shalan nodded, with a solemn look on her face: "With my IQ, I guess I can only join the exploration team, right?"


Unexpectedly, the little vampire was so self-aware, and Franken was speechless for a moment.

"Miss Sharanlia, you are the strongest here. If you don't go to the exploration team, are you still going to stay here?" Fleur said.

This high tower has been set up by Franken with many magic circles and magic traps. Although many of them are temporary, they can be considered impregnable.

"It's okay, I just didn't have enough lunch and wanted to ask..." Shalan laughed dryly: "If I see something edible, can I eat it?"

"I think everything in this place must have gone bad..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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