The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 967 The girl is exploring...

"This city is too big. If we continue searching aimlessly like this, I might not be able to finish the search in a week."

Fleur nimbly jumped to the top of a mansion bell tower, glanced condescendingly at the area they had just searched, and then showed a displeased expression.

It seems she is not satisfied with their efficiency.

When she jumped off the roof, she found Shalan drooling while staring at a shop sign that looked like a dessert shop.

"Although I know how to say it is a bit overreaching... But Miss Shalan, can you be more serious?"

Our Holy Silver Sword Girl suddenly felt powerless.

In comparison, even Tio, who doesn't talk much and just wanders around, is more reliable than Shalan.

"Sorry, sorry," Shallan shrank her head. Although her strength was higher than that of Fleur, the holy light in Fleur's body was enough for a vampire like her to drink. Even if she was not good enough, it could blind her bat eyes.

The little vampire scratched his head and knew that something was wrong with his performance today. He smiled awkwardly and said: "Because I was kicked out without breakfast, my head is not working well... and I don't know why, as soon as I arrived in this city, , there is a wonderful sense of relaxation.”

"Relaxation?" Fleur closed her eyes and felt it, but she didn't feel anything strange.

"Yes,'s more like a sense of belonging than a sense of to describe it? It feels like I'm back home..."

Shallan struggled to describe her feelings.

Fleur had no clue about this, at least as far as she knew, there seemed to be no such type of magical effect.

"Is it the influence of that giant soul?"

She subconsciously glanced at the tower five kilometers away. The three people headed by Franken were still inside, trying to communicate with the giant soul.

You can see that the top of the tall tower is constantly flashing blue and purple magic lights.

However, there seems to be no progress so far.

"I don't think so." Shalan shook her head and glanced at the sign reluctantly. Then I plan to continue searching for clues.

"So, isn't there a faster way to search?"

Fleur sighed and stroked her long hair with a headache.

At this time, Tio's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sharan, you can turn into a bat."

Fleur and Saran looked at each other, and then both showed a surprised expression.

Bat transformation, one of vampire's signature spell-like abilities. Vampires of counts and above can use it, and it is widely used. It is an essential ability for the vampire family.

Of course Shallan will too.

It's just that after staying in Adric for so long, she never encountered a situation that required her to transform into a bat. Over time, this girl actually forgot that she could transform into a bat.

By the way, along with this, I also forgot that I am a vampire...

So it’s incredible that Alice, the maid, can make desserts that can conquer even a vampire’s stomach.

Shalan smiled heartily: "Leave it to us!"

After saying that, her body turned into a bunch of bats without any warning!

——Then the pile of bats clattered to the ground.

This turn of events shocked both Fleur and Tio.

The bat turned back into the petite girl again. She covered her head, raised her head with tears in her eyes, and smiled sheepishly.

"I haven't changed into a bat for so long, I'm not used to it. I couldn't fly all of a sudden..."


After working for a long time, Shallan regained her composure and used thousands of bats to search the city.

This made Fleur, who had learned some common sense from Edric, a little worried - to control so many consciousnesses and perspectives, wouldn't that silly girl Shalan have a schizophrenia?

Wait, maybe he is stupid because of his schizophrenia?

Ignoring Fleur, who seemed to be stuck in a chicken-or-egg dilemma, not long after, many bats flew back from all corners of the city, gathering together in a dark mass. Became Shallan again.

Just as Fleur was about to ask Shallan if she had found anything, the little vampire smacked her lips and spoke first.

"The food in this city has indeed gone bad. It tastes so bad that it's inedible."

"Shalan, reach out." Tio walked up to Shalan and said softly.

"What's the matter?" Shalan subconsciously stretched out her white palms like a trained puppy.

Then Tio suddenly waved the wand and hit the vampire girl's hand with a bang.

"Be serious, or you will be punished."

"I was taught a lesson by a girl who was younger than me in both age and strength!"

It doesn't hurt much though. But Shalan still covered her hands and screamed exaggeratedly.

"But I'm taller than you." Tio complained seriously: "And my breasts are bigger than you."

"Uh-oh!" Shalan screamed as if she had been shot by an arrow, covering her chest with a shocked look on her face: "It was obviously the same before... when... ugh, the growth of a human girl It’s so fast…”

"...I'm a fool to think that Tio is reliable."

Fleur on the side covered her face with her hands, with an expression on her face that she didn't want to have anything to do with these two girls.

After a while. Only then did Fleur use the scabbard to persuade (physically) the two girls who were leaning to an unknown place to calm down.

"I don't think it's right to use violence against your own teammates."

Shalan covered the swelling on her head and said with a righteous expression.

"Second." Tio also nodded while holding her wand. She wore a cat-ear-shaped magic guide on her head, so Fleur did not use the scabbard to persuade gently (physics), but fiercely After pinching her face, Tio now has a babyish voice when she speaks, which is unexpectedly even cuter...

"Shut up, the purpose of my coming here is not to listen to you two acting in a skit!" Fleur put her hands on her hips, her former demeanor as the leader of the Iron-Blooded Knights clearly revealed.

And her movement of intentionally or unintentionally brushing the sword sheath on her waist made the two girls hug each other and tremble.

What's interesting is that even so, Tio's face still has no expression, but her face is a little pale.

Then her eyes fell on Shalan's head again, which made Shalan tremble a little more.

"Then let me ask again, Shalan, you have been searching for so long, have you found any clues?"

"Ah, the food in this city... wow!" Shalan used an iron bridge to barely avoid the sweeping scabbard.

Being able to make a vampire who takes the mage route do something like an iron bridge is powerful enough.

"It's just a joke, don't worry, don't worry..." Saran smiled sarcastically, and then said seriously: "I did find a strange thing, you guys come with me..." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, The novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Regarding the error in the strength of high-level magicians in the previous and later articles...well, I admit that I remembered it wrong. Here, it is regarded as the master of life itself is stronger than ordinary people, so even high-level magicians are amazing and can be beaten. A group of ordinary high-level people...

In addition, the reason why there was no update last night can be summarized into the following three sentences:

"Hey, I got off work a little early today. I'll take a shower and squint for a while, then I'll type in the evening..."


"Holy shit, it's already morning?! Where did my off-duty time go?!"

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