The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 957 Unlucky Naia

Ever since Xi Wei came to Scarlet Moon, Naiya has been in bad luck.

First, he was shot while lying down and was severely wounded by Xi Wei. He dragged his half-dead body and fled underground. Then he finally managed to find a descendant of the Night Clan, but he just kidnapped him and didn't have time to do anything. Xi Wei came to the door. With the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrist, he decided to use the power of the god captured by the Night Clan to repel Xi Wei before the control was completed. As a result, he found that the god actually ran away. The consequence of this was undoubtedly that he would be captured by the Night Clan. Xi Wei, who said, "Although I don't know what happened, I'll hit him first and then talk about it" gave him a good beating...

After pinning Naiya to the ground with a beam of light who wanted to run away when the situation was bad, Xi Wei released Shalan from the cage.

"If you stand guard for me, I'll beat him up too!"

As soon as the little vampire came out, he roared and waved his little fist, trying to rush towards Naiya who was still struggling: "I have never suffered such a big loss!"

However, Xi Wei grabbed him by the collar and grabbed him back.

"Don't cause trouble. I'm more concerned about your current physical condition than beating him."

"What, I'm not so weak that I get hurt so easily!" The little girl puffed up her cheeks and said dissatisfied.

"But you can't beat him."


Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Shallan purred unwillingly from her throat.

"And even if you were not injured in the fight with him, do you know what space we are in now?"

Xi Wei continued.

"What about Night Demon?" Shalan said, squinting.

What the hell is that Night Demon thing... Xi Wei looked at her awkwardly.

Although Naiya, who thought she had a chance to win, had mentioned this topic to Shalan before, Shalan didn't take it to heart at that time, and naturally she didn't remember it very clearly.

"It's just the shadow of the world anyway..." The little guy turned his head and avoided Xi Wei's gaze. A little awkwardly trying to recall what Naia said before.

"Yes, although this space seems to be a normal space, it has been placed in the shadow plane, and it has been placed for a long time, probably for thousands of years. In short, the aura of shadow has long been spread throughout it... Even if the physique of a vampire far exceeds that of humans, survival in this kind of space will still be affected. Not only that, Edric has also done alchemy experiments in the past. The element of shadow will have a negative impact on a special serum in the vampire's body. From an academic perspective If you come up and tell me..."

Xi Wei talked in general terms in front of Shalan.

If this were a comic. The little vampire must have question marks written all over his forehead.

So she put her hand into Xi Wei's mouth to stop him from continuing to preach, and then she took out her hand and said angrily: "Speak human words to others!"

"Staying here is not good for your health." Xi Wei looked at Shalan in a daze, who was hesitating whether to wipe the saliva off her hands, and then said briefly.

"Wouldn't it be enough to say this earlier?" The little guy pouted, and finally rubbed his hands on his clothes: "I am a vampire. If there is any abnormality in the body, you can find it right away, so you don't need to worry. "

As he said that, as if he was afraid that Xi Wei would feel disappointed, he puffed up his flat chest and grabbed Xi Wei's hand: "But what you said makes sense. Let's get out of here quickly."

Xi Wei smiled slightly and put away Naiya who was still struggling and the ball of light in the sky, and then left the shadow plane with Shalan.

"Miss Shalan!" After returning to the main plane of Feiyue and setting up the location where the magic coordinates are located. The first person to discover them was the Holy Silver Sword Ji Frey.

The joy on her face was beyond words, and she appeared in front of Shalan from a hundred meters away at a speed that was almost beyond human limits. Then he hugged Shalan in his arms and said, "It's great that you're okay!"

Because Frey carries the purest Holy Light, and Shallan carries vampire blood between the undead and demons. Both are mortal enemies of the Holy Light, so some reactions naturally occurred.

Shallan's body made a squeaking sound when it was burned by the holy light, and there was an undetectable white smoke, so it was supposed to be lilies as the background. The beautiful scene of two beautiful girls embracing each other now reminded Xi Wei of sizzling barbecue...

But Shalan also knew that Fleur was worried about herself from the bottom of her heart. He actually didn't want to push the other person away, so he could only grit his teeth and resist.

Xi Wei, who felt amused, coughed dryly. He reminded: "Although Shalan is fine now, if you continue to hug Fleur, something might really happen."

After hearing this, Fleur immediately let go of Shalan, looked at the little vampire's unhappy expression, and then after a moment's thought, she understood the reason.

"Feel sorry……"

"It's okay, I don't care about this little hurt!" the little vampire pretended to be arrogant and raised his chin, and said with a look of disgust on his face.

"Mr. Xiwei, have you caught the mastermind behind the scenes?" Fleur confirmed and felt that there was probably nothing wrong with Shalan, so she turned her attention to Xiwei.

"I caught him, and I'm about to take him back for questioning to see if I can find out anything."

Xi Wei took out a silver hollow wine bottle and shook it, and Naiya was now locked in it.

"In addition, it seems that another incredible guy has arrived in our college..."

If you haven't guessed by now that the little guy who appeared inexplicably in Edric's kitchen and was full of divinity was the god who escaped from Naija, then Xi Wei wouldn't be worthy of becoming a legend.

The body of the god, that is, the big glowing egg is still there - of course, this thing has nothing to do with the main god. According to what Shalan heard from Naia on the way, this god seems to have wandered over from the outside world. When passing by Feiyue He was captured by the Naiya clan and imprisoned for research.

In the end, there was even research on how to seize the godhead and become a god instead.

Although the magic technology system of the Night Demon is completely different from that of today's humans, the mentality of the researchers is probably similar. At that time, the rulers of the Naija clan seemed to want to use this to counterattack the main material plane. Unfortunately, their efforts fell short in the end. All the remaining night demons in this civilization disappeared, and only Naija was left alive...

After realizing that something was wrong, the god's consciousness immediately dropped his body and ran away. After taking out the shadow layer, he followed the roots of the world tree to find the big tree, and usurped a fruit to make it appear. Got himself off.

As for what happened in the end that led to the collapse of the Night Demon society, we will have to wait until Naiya is interrogated to know. (To be continued)

ps: I’m really sorry that I stopped updating for two days, but since I have to continue working on weekends, please forgive me...

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