The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 971 The Guidance of Fate (xi) and Luck (tong)

"Lord Edric! Why are you here?"

The boy with golden eyes looked at Xi Wei who walked into the room and exclaimed first.

"...You're Johnny, right?" Xi Wei looked at the somewhat familiar boy and recognized him after a moment.

He once pulled up a resistance army in the Timothy Dark Alliance that was causing trouble in the area occupied by demons, and the leader of the resistance army was Johnny.

However, the original Johnny was a handsome young man full of killing intent, and there was a big gap between the young boy he is now, so Xi Wei didn't recognize him immediately.

"What you are like it a side effect of the soul tool?"

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the resistance army, Xi Wei also left a soul tool to Johnny, but at first he thought that Johnny had also been poisoned by a soul tool hunter... After all, in Xi Wei's impression, this guy The resistance army valued Timothy more than the soul tool. As the leader, he would not leave Timothy under normal circumstances.

"Yes, but please don't feel uneasy about this. If it weren't for your soul tool, my men and I would have died countless times."

Johnny was indifferent to this.

"Yes, yes, why is the side effect of Johnny's soul tool so great, rejuvenation!" At this time, the naturally curly head also joined their conversation loudly, waving his hands.

Xi Wei also had a certain impression of this guy... It's not that he had any deep connection with him, it was just because this guy was the first person Xi Wei gave away a soul tool. His name is Loba. Originally he was just a clerk in a second-hand store. After receiving the soul tool given by Xi Wei, he resolutely resigned and began to make a living in the eastern plains.

He has done a lot in the past year, and was involved in a shocking conspiracy against the Hohenheim Cube Prison. In the end, he defeated the conspiracy by practicing with some magician friends, and even appeared in the Goddess Pravda. But...even for a magician, this is an extremely great honor.

I just don’t know why this guy is hanging out with Johnny.

"Loba, have you fulfilled your original dream?" Xi Wei glanced at the smiling Ziran Juan. There was also a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now that Johnny knew that everyone in this room was related to Xi Wei, he naturally would not continue to embarrass them.

However, Jon and Naia seemed unable to wake up in a short period of time, and Raven also knew something about Xi Wei distributing soul tools, so she didn't show much surprise.

"At the beginning, I just wanted to be a hero and write my own legend..." Speaking of this, Ziranjuan showed an expression that didn't know whether he was happy or confused: "But the more I travel, the more I understand about the world. The deeper I get, the more confused I feel about my original to be honest, I don’t know if I have achieved my original wish.”

He shrugged and expressed his inner doubts without hesitation.

The other party is not his student. Therefore, it was not convenient for Xi Wei to interrupt when it came to things related to three views, so he just smiled noncommittally and did not delve into the topic further. Instead, he took the initiative to change another question that he was more concerned about: "You two How did they meet?"

"It's a long story, if you don't mind. I can explain it to you slowly."

Johnny and Loba looked at each other. The latter spread his hands and said it didn't matter, so Johnny said.

The boy is explaining

Since the leader of the Dark Alliance of Timothy, the eldest princess of the Dark Night Nobles, and the strongest member of the group, Azazel, disappeared, the whole of Timothy has been in chaos.

The rebels took advantage of this time to fish in troubled waters, but they secretly gained a lot of benefits, and even quietly regained some territory.

Until one time, because I heard that the Abyss Demon had captured several soul tools, in order to prevent the other party from finding someone who could control the soul tools, causing too much harm to the resistance. Johnny decided to take a preemptive strike and seize those soul tools or destroy them on the spot.

However, when they arrived at the enemy camp and planned to carry out a surprise attack, they found that the camp where nearly a hundred abyss demons and vampires were stationed, as well as many high-level monsters, had become a mess, not to mention what they originally imagined. Strong resistance, from the outside all the way to the inside, they have not even experienced a decent battle.

Only when they reached the depths of the camp did they see the culprit who had turned the camp into this state.

That was his first encounter with the soul tool hunter.

The opponent had almost overwhelming strength. Even with the help of elite soldiers, Johnny was still losing ground in the battle with the opponent. He almost fell into the dilemma of being subdued by the opponent and forcibly taking away his left eye.

The one who appeared at this juncture was Loba.

Loba was originally entrusted by the King's Council to investigate the matter of soul tool hunters. Among the member states of the King's Council, soul tool holders from many countries were killed, and their soul tools were also taken away by the other party, whether it was for face or for reasons of honor. For safety reasons, it is best to catch the person who stole the soul tool as soon as possible.

Since he could use the strongest intelligence system in the entire eastern plain, that is, the intelligence network of the King's Council, Loba soon discovered that the soul tool hunter had fled to Timothy, and seemed to be planning something.

It was for this reason that he set out for Timothy, hoping to find some information there.

As a result, not long after arriving in Timothy, he discovered the battle between the soul tool hunter and Johnny, so he simply stepped forward to get involved, and teamed up with Johnny to repel the soul tool hunter.

After that, Johnny judged that if he continued to stay in the resistance, he might cause the soul hunters to continue killing people indiscriminately. Almost all the people around Johnny were elites in the resistance. The current resistance had no No way to withstand this level of loss.

Coupled with the disappearance of the vampire princess, Timothy's various demon princes have already exhausted their power internally. Even without Johnny's command, the resistance army can still act step by step.

It is precisely because of this that Johnny decided to leave the resistance and Timothy, and investigate the situation of the soul tool hunters with Loba, and try to eliminate them in the shortest possible time.

After going back and forth, they came to Hernossen...

Dividing line

After listening to Johnny's story, Xi Wei didn't know what expression to make.

"I just didn't expect to meet you here. Could this be the guidance of fate?" Johnny looked quite excited. Just one year had not been able to erase his admiration and admiration for Xi Wei.

It’s not so much the guidance of fate, but rather the guidance of the system…

In the end, Xi Wei could only complain in his heart. (To be continued.)

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