The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 976 The Return of the Missing Person (Part 2)

"Don't kid me... I have a bad heart." James muttered, opened the window of the tavern, and asked loudly to the people running hurriedly outside the window: "What happened again?"

It's not that he doesn't believe the blonde girl Eve, it's just that the fact that 'your hometown was blown up' is even more unbelievable than the fact that your mother was blown up...

"I don't know!" The pedestrians who hurried past did not ignore his inquiry, but shouted back with the same loud voice: "The walls in some places have collapsed, and something bad seems to have happened outside."

The pedestrian only said half of what he said. Some knights wearing the city lord's palace standard plate armor rode horses and ran wildly on the street. At the same time, they kept repeating the new orders from the city lord's palace loudly. In short, because outside the city A new situation has arisen. In order to prevent accidental injuries to residents in the city, we hope that residents can stay at home and not run around until the alert is lifted.

"Well, it seems that even if Hernosn was not blown up, what is happening now is not a good thing."

James lowered the window fearfully: "If Horngorath's Imperial Combined Fleet can come over to support, the situation will definitely be much better."

He didn't know that Horngorath did send a support force to Hernocent, but unfortunately that force was killed by a group of corpse dragons halfway through.

"Teacher, what should we do now?" Qiu Ke, who was traveling with Eve, also asked worriedly.

"I made some inquiries and it seems that Hernossen's enemy this time is a guy who has collected a large number of soul tools."

Eve did not directly answer Qiu Ke's question, but changed the topic.

"Soul tool? It's the one that made a big fuss some time ago. Even if an ordinary person can get a treasure that can be compared to the magician master?"

James asked curiously.

"That's right. Qiu Ke. Did you know that there seems to be a 'biological system' in the classification of soul tools. As a product of ancient magical technology, those biological soul tools are likely to be real alchemical life forms." Eve Turning his head, his burgundy eyes stared at his second student: "As a lost part of modern magical technology, one of the most important core components of alchemical life is the mechanism that can support the structure and operation of the soul... You know this Does it mean anything?"

"Teacher, you mean..." Qiu Ke's eyes lit up: "That kind of thing can also be used as Al's soul part. Can Al wake up again?"

Al is the one who represents the dragon among the original eight tribes of dolls, and is also a close friend who has accompanied Qiu Ke for many years. He was once used as a sacrifice in a god's ceremony due to Eve's father's conspiracy, and fell into a permanent trap after losing the god's parts. Sleeping.

It can be said that the main purpose of Qiu Ke's trip now is to help Al regain his consciousness.

"Theoretically, it is true." Eve nodded, looking at the girl in front of her who was much more haggard than before, with a gentle expression, which gave people a feeling that was quite inconsistent with her petite body. But it can also make people feel from the bottom of their hearts, 'Surely, this smile can only be seen by a teacher looking at his beloved student'. But then her expression became leisurely and indifferent again, and the tenderness and seriousness just now disappeared like an illusion: "Also, to be honest, I am also very curious about the true identity of those magic tools called soul tools. …”

The other side of Hernossen

"...Why is it that it's only been a few minutes since Hernossen took off, but I always feel like I haven't shown up for a long time."

Xi Wei sat behind the desk that originally belonged to Holna, resting his chin on his hands. Said thoughtfully.

It's a pity that no one will come out and complain about it, 'because the author has been slow to update recently' or 'because you haven't appeared in two chapters' or something like that.

Compared to Xi Wei's inexplicable sigh. The people in this room were concerned about the sudden flying of Hernossen.

"Originally, the only places where the Corpse Dragons had a strict blockade on Haiernocen were the sea lanes... After all, the sea can be said to be unobstructed, and no cargo ships can sneak in under the eyes of the Corpse Dragons. Some roads on land have shrubs and forests. As a cover, we can actually continue to make a living."

Horna explained to other people who have not yet fully understood the situation: "But I don't know if it was the reinforcements sent by the Horngorat Empire that made the controllers of the corpse dragons vigilant, and specifically sent the entire Herno The whole city was covered and dragged up into the sky, so Hernosnian was almost cut off from all supplies and became a trapped city in the true sense."

As she spoke, Horna sighed: "There's nothing else, but for those poor residents, this is simply adding insult to injury."

"Is there no way to deal with this situation?" Jon said bitterly.

"Yes, I have."

"Really? It's really...ehhhhh?!"

Jon looked at Xi Wei in surprise: "Do you have any idea?"

Xi Wei smiled and nodded. Only then did the explanation begin.

"First of all, although many of you should already know it, let me say it again," Xi Wei pondered his emotions for a while, and then continued: "The soul tool was spread from my hand. The specifics The reason cannot be said.”

With one sentence, the others who were overflowing with curiosity were stopped, and Xiwei continued: "Although I didn't pay too much attention at first, to be honest, I still have some impressions of most of the soul tools."

Because many soul tools are really too damaged...

"That is to say, you know what the soul tool itself is that caused this situation, right?" Raven immediately understood the meaning of Xi Wei's words.

"The positive and negative top is a small thing not much bigger than our thumb... Just like its name, it looks like an ordinary top. However, when it rotates forward (clockwise), it can turn A certain effect of something is greatly enhanced; on the contrary, if it starts to rotate in the opposite direction, the thing enveloped by it will lose its original ability, and instead gain a power that is completely different from the original ability, and can even be said to be the opposite. "

Xi Wei was like a museum administrator, talking eloquently in front of a group of people.

"What you want to say is... is it because of the top that Hernossen can fly into the sky?"

"Yes, if I guessed correctly, the gyroscope should have invalidated gravity, and then specially created anti-gravity, and then lifted the entire Hernosn into the sky."

Although his words were speculative, Xi Wei felt that his guess was pretty close. (To be continued.)

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