The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 980 The babbling white dragon

Although Xi Wei couldn't intervene in the battle, it didn't mean that he couldn't do anything.

No one in Hernocent noticed it, and in fact the air was now filled with tiny mage eyes.

Originally, he planned to use these mage's eyes as the basis to embody the entire Hernocent on a stone table and name it the 'Glass Altar'.

But later he discovered that with his legendary level of power, it would be no problem to control all these astonishing numbers of mage eyes...

So his spirit of mischief burned brightly again, and he named the clusters of mage eyes spread throughout Hernossen as the 'Skyline', paying tribute to a certain voyeuristic demon who was neither male nor female.

It's just that because all his processing power is used to control the Mage's Eye and analyze the information sent back by the Mage's Eye, in this case, he can't even move a finger.

Of course, this is just a small problem. When action is needed, he can completely hand over the control of these mage eyes and the processing of intelligence to the Three Sages system. For the Three Sages, this level of information is not enough to cause any problems. Downtime.

As long as he avoided the mage tower in the city and prevented being discovered by those magicians, Xi Wei was very surprised by his ability to collect information through loops in the air.

But this is him. If it were other magicians, even those high-level magicians, not to mention the Mage Eyes that support the entire city, just the control and information transmission of the three-digit Mage Eyes can make Their brains were overloaded and even cooked...

In this dragnet search. Xi Wei naturally found the trace of the boy. It's a pity that the other party has dragon blood and extremely high perception. He was almost discovered when he got a little closer. He even alerted the enemy and made the opponent avoid Hernossen.

For a period of time after that, Xi Wei kept searching for the other party's hiding place. In order to find the other party as soon as possible, he even dismissed most of the air loops in the city. It wasn't until Heilnosen floated into the sky that he found any clues - also It was precisely because of this that when Hernossen floated into the sky, he failed to find the location of the positive and negative tops at the first time.

That's why he didn't follow Jon and the others to find the plus and minus tops. Instead, he tried his best to follow the clues and finally found the manor located next to Hernossen.

Let Huerna and Raven go there first to hold off each other. Xi Wei came to the bottom of Hernoson and prepared the floating technique.

Xi Wei, who has experienced so many things, naturally has a more complicated idea than Jon and the others. He does not think that Hernocent can be saved as long as he can defeat the person holding the positive and negative top. On the other hand, if the holder of that soul tool is in crisis, Hernossen will be even more dangerous - judging from the current situation, 'Herenossen' is the hostage in the opponent's hands.

Regardless of other things, as long as the holder of the positive and negative gyroscope has a slightly higher degree of compatibility with the soul tool, when he is in danger, he can completely turn the gyroscope forward, increase the gravity of the earth, and make the entire Hernocent fall again, and Unprepared people can also lose their balance due to the sudden increase in gravity. Allow yourself to save the situation.

What Xi Wei didn't know was that the lizard man was not very compatible with the positive and negative top - in fact, it was not a real lizard man, but a combination of the soul tool and the dead dragon. Originally humans on the Silver Wheel.

But even so, the opponent still caused Hernoson to fall from the sky by destroying the positive and negative tops.

"Very well, now that we've finished our work here, it's time to serve the main course."

Xi Wei sighed, closed his eyes and began to sense his own magic coordinates.

Because the mage's eye that forms the air loop is very small, it doesn't have much magic power. Therefore, they cannot become the magic coordinates for space teleportation, but before Raven sets off. Xi Wei has solidified a magic coordinate on her body, so as long as he passes that coordinate, he can reach the next battlefield immediately.

——The protagonist is teleporting——

"Its shape is a wall, its mass is a shield, and it is surrounded on three sides!"

Under Horna's control, green particles escaped from her ring, forming three thick walls in a triangular shape, blocking the three incandescent dragon's breaths coming from three directions.

"The current situation is not good." Since she didn't know Raven and Holna, Eve did not rush to join them. She just kept a certain distance and worked together to fight against the enemy for the time being: "I didn't expect that guy's body was actually a legend. The blabbering white dragon in the middle..."

Whispering White Dragon, Immortal Dragon, Evil Alien Dragon, Crusade Level 52, and has a correction value of ±5.

The Whispering White Dragon is an immortal dragon born from the Bai Xian Long and an evil dragon whose bloodline purity is higher than that of the Bai Xian Dragon. Legend has it that their ancestor is a time dragon. It is said that when every Balding White Dragon is born, the time dragon will travel through time. Come from time and space and make a contract with it.

It is precisely because of this that although the Rumbling White Dragon cannot summon himself from other timelines, he can call other Rumbling White Dragons from other eras to help... By the way, although I don't know exactly what is going on, but every time In every era, there is only one gibbering white dragon.

So now the group of people were facing the three-headed murmuring white dragon.

In addition, after the babbling white dragon is born, it will unconsciously devour the soul of its own mother to replenish and expand its own soul. It is precisely because of this that the babbling white dragon has far better knowledge and control of the soul than other dragons. kind.

"I thought I only had to deal with a madman who kept stealing soul tools..." After Raven shot out the arrow in her hand, she sighed helplessly: "Who can tell me why I need to rely on a bow and arrow? Fighting with this kind of monster..."

Although the Divine Bow Bird of Paradise has the characteristic of always hitting the target, it is not very compatible with Raven's soul, so other effects such as enchanted arrows cannot be used. Simple arrows are useful for monsters that are just a hair away from the legend. Obviously of no use.

"Because you can't escape even if you run away now?" Qiu Ke raised his hand timidly and said.

"If you just run away..." Raven touched the small fanny pack on her belt. It contains a Return Crystal.

Even the babbling white dragon should be unable to prevent the return crystal from taking effect.

However, remembering Xi Wei's instructions, the girl gritted her teeth and did not retreat.

"Sorry, Miss Horna, it seems we have to be on guard for a while."

She took a deep breath, put the Divine Bow Bird of Paradise back into her space item, and then took out the Double Destruction Blade.

"What a coincidence," Horna wiped the sweat from her forehead. Although her face was pale, she still smiled: "I thought so too." (To be continued)


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