The Death Knell

Chapter 1001? Iron Tower

"Paris, I have seen this city in many parts of the world. Every time I see it, it feels different."

Xili pulled on her gloves, tightened the collar of her coat, lay on the red iron fence, and whispered to Su Ming beside her.

Through the Naughty Master's portal, the group was sent directly to the top observation deck of the Eiffel Tower. The cold wind in the winter morning made Charles sneeze, and the air of the city seemed to be filled with the smell of perfume and cosmetics.

The sun is rising from the distant horizon, and the somewhat icy streets in winter reflect colorful light like mirrors.

Standing on this high point, looking at the streets shining like streams between the snow-covered roofs, it is indeed a good scenery.

"You reminded me, I have to inform Gin to start acquiring the paintings of Christopher Wood. He is an Englishman who came to the Juilliard School in Paris to study fine arts. During this period, he painted a lot of snow scenes and has a unique perspective." Su Ming transferred. There are other people in the team, so let’s not talk about things in other worlds.

"Snow scene in Paris?"

Shirley looked at Deathstroke with curiosity. In her impression, Deathstroke was not someone who could be related to the art world. He couldn't even tell who painted the paintings hanging in his office.

Then she heard Su Ming seeming to explain to herself: "It's his painting of a tiger sleeping in the snow in front of the Arc de Triomphe. It doesn't matter what he painted. Anyway, after a few decades, the value of these realistic paintings will increase." If you see an investment opportunity that can increase hundreds of thousands of times, don’t miss it.”

Ciri rolled her eyes, this was indeed Deathstroke's style.

"We still have serious business, let's finish the task quickly." She sighed.

Su Ming tilted his head and narrowed his eyes: "It's strange, why are you so anxious? Is there something you haven't told me?"

"No!" Xili's little head turned to the other side.

"Really?" Su Ming moved closer.

"I just have some jet lag issues and I feel a little tired."

Ciri slipped away from the gap between the death knell and the observation deck's handrail. She firmly refused to admit the fact that she went to that world to find Geralt and ended up practicing gardening and cooking.

Seeing her hurriedly going downstairs, Su Ming shrugged and turned to look at the others: "Charles, a mutant named Sebastian is in this city, find him."

Little Baldy and Eric hit it off immediately, and the two of them had been discussing the future of mutants. If Su Ming hadn't known that these two were now polished commanders, he would have thought how many mutants they had.

"My ability is not enough to cover a city. To be honest, I can't even cover a few streets around here." Charles patted the tower beside him and said helplessly.

Through his contact with Magneto, he discovered that he really seemed to lack some training and was always hiding in Zhongji Academy to live a comfortable life. Even if he mastered more philosophical or scientific knowledge, his mutant ability had not improved much.

It seems that after returning this time, it is time for me to travel.

"Isn't the solution around us? The Eiffel Tower is made entirely of steel and has a high pyramid shape with square cones on all sides. Although it is not an ideal structure like a sphere, as long as the energy supply is sufficient, it can be used as a 'brainwave amplifier' '."

Su Ming also patted the steel beside him. The thick frame was painted with red paint. There was no trace of the time when Cable and the others had fought here. This was probably the last time the Eiffel Tower was painted with red paint in modern times. In the future People no longer paint it, because it will turn into the impression of brown due to rust and other reasons.

"Brainwave amplifier? What's the principle?" Charles asked because he didn't understand.

"Brain waves, also known as brain waves, are bioelectric signals generated when neuron cells transmit information. They are also the overflow of electric wave signals caused by ion exchange during synaptic activity of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. Brain cells As long as it is active, corresponding bioelectricity will be generated, and these electricity will connect with other brain nerve cells through brain nerve dendrites, forming a continuous network of thinking."

Su Ming opened his mouth with a long list of theories, analyzing the source of Charles' abilities from a scientific perspective.

These mutant psychics should be more accurately called brainwave disruptors. The essence of their ability is to use their own stronger brainwaves to intervene in other people's brainwaves through various means, thereby intercepting information and blocking neural signals. Transfer and a series of functions.

Now that he has come into contact with Charles, Deathstroke will naturally keep his weaknesses and strengths in mind in order to be prepared.

“In scientific applications, the brain waves that we can detect through instruments must be generated by the activity of a certain number of neuron cells. According to different frequencies, they are divided into delta waves, theta waves, alpha waves, beta waves, gamma waves, etc. Human subjective thinking activities mainly rely on beta brain waves, and beta waves are further subdivided into Smr waves, beta l waves, beta h waves... according to different brain state management..."

Su Ming became more and more detailed. Charles listened with fascination. He had never thought that science could be applied to superpowers in this way. He sometimes nodded in agreement, sometimes smiled and thought, and the death knell opened a new door for him.

But this kind of lecture is very unfriendly to Parham and Eric.

One of them is an illiterate officer during the Civil War, and the other is a concentration camp avenger who only speaks multiple foreign languages. The exchanges between Deathstroke and the little bald man are almost completely incomprehensible to them.

Almost, because I can understand every word in English, but when put together, it completely becomes a bible.

Fortunately for Parham, he doesn't rely on superpowers to survive. The power he relies on is anger and obsession. The evil spirit of revenge will naturally become stronger as these emotions grow.

So when Deathstroke began to lecture, he was already looking at the snowy scene in the distance, taking out a cigar and smoking it. In the cold wind of winter, the white mist appeared on the top of the Eiffel Tower. now.

On the other hand, Magneto, as a mutant, also wanted to use scientific methods to enhance his abilities. Charles's path was definitely different from his own, but he wanted to force himself to listen by analogy, but he just couldn't understand and was so anxious. His brows were furrowed.

He was only now beginning to seriously consider Deathstroke's previous suggestion that he should study. Maybe after wiping out his enemies, he should remain anonymous and go to some university to get a Ph.D. in physics.

Not long after, Ciri, who had originally run under the tower, flashed back, and one more person was quickly doing nothing. She began to pull at the snow on the guardrail with her fingers, drawing a fat chocobo pattern.

"...In short, by amplifying your βh-band brain waves, which is your subjective consciousness, through the iron tower, you can manipulate your mind to find and identify human beings, thereby communicating with each other across extremely long distances, or from ordinary people. Mutants are screened out. Because of the existence of the X gene, the cell activity of mutants is different from that of ordinary people. If you practice more, you can master the use of this low-level psychic ability."

Su Ming finished talking about the principles of brain waves and how to combine them with Charles' ability in one breath. He came to a conclusion and then took out a bottle of wine from his pocket to moisten his throat.

"Is this just a low-level use of abilities... Sure enough, our abilities are very promising." Charles smiled and nodded, full of hope for the future. He was always very optimistic: "Then are you sure the Eiffel Tower can conduct electricity? Is that so? And if high-voltage electricity is applied to it, how can you guarantee that I won’t be electrocuted?”

The Eiffel Tower does not conduct electricity. Comrade Yuri's magnetic storm infantry has already tested it. How can a building with an all-steel structure not conduct electricity.

"When it comes to this, I have to talk about your parents' former colleagues. Dr. Nikola Tesla has unique research on electricity. His Tesla coil is an ultra-high-voltage charged device. When used properly, Under the circumstances, his alternating current has the property of being transmitted through the skin at high voltage and low current. If you want to kill someone, current and voltage are indispensable. As long as the current does not pass through the internal organs and brain, you will be safe."

Su Ming smoked in one hand and drank in the other. This was his breakfast, and he did not forget to give a bottle to each of the adults.

"I've heard of this man, but didn't he disappear?" The little bald man who didn't get the wine asked.

Su Ming turned around, the sun shining on the side of his face: "That's the secret. Not only is he back now, but he has also started a new energy project. Don't mention him anymore, connect you to the brainwave amplifier, most of them Time is like connecting a signal transmitter to a set of circuits, and that is you, so as long as you do not form other closed circuits with other external things, then you are safe."

"What about the voltage problem? According to your idea, if you want to drive such a large Eiffel Tower, you must have energy. Energy will not appear out of thin air." Charles understood, but raised objections.

Su Mingyi pointed at Magneto who was sitting idle drinking: "We have magnetism, and Eric can also change the properties of metal. When the metal cuts the magnetic induction lines, an alternating current will be generated, and then through the principle of the transformer, it will Boost it to achieve the Tesla coil discharge effect and spread your brain waves throughout the city. To be honest, one of you is electric and the other is magnetic, you are a perfect match."

Magneto showed a black question mark face: "???"

Why does this sound strange?

However, now that he has a way to find his enemies in the city, he is naturally very happy. To be honest, he has never cooperated with other mutants. Can super powers cooperate with each other?

The oxygen supply of air-based abilities can enhance the power of fire-based abilities, and optical abilities can help stealth abilities. From this point of view, some mutants' personal abilities may seem useless, but once they interact with other superpowers Forming a combination or team can also have combat effectiveness.

This is a good idea to allow more people to take the road of resistance.

Magneto took a deep look at Deathstroke, who had a kind face. He knew that he still owed a favor no matter what, but he quickly looked away and shifted his gaze to the little bald man, the object of his 'first time'.

And Charles was looking at him with a smile at this time, and the two of them seemed to have a good understanding.

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