The Death Knell

Year 1023 Pioneer

"The more I know, the more insignificant I feel. There are too many things in this world that I don't understand. I used to be too obsessed with magic, but I didn't see it clearly."

Facing the strange gaze of the Supreme Mage, Modu admitted his shortcomings very frankly.

Kama Taj is a natural and harmonious place. The defensive magic here does not block the cold wind and snowflakes. The constant rotation of the four seasons throughout the year is also a characteristic of the earth. At this time, Modo, whose face was slightly blue in the north wind, looked calm. , as if he has seen through the world of mortals.

"Is this why you only wore trousers, tied yourself with a Cytorak red belt, and then hung it on a big tree in the yard?" Su Ming's eyes became sharp. He had just returned from the Immortal Palace and saw such a sight. Impactful scene: "Also, when you talk to me, spit out the plastic ball in your mouth first."

"As you command, Master." Modu spit out the plastic ball strap in his mouth and showed a trembling smile.

Su Ming closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Okay, I want to eat fresh dates. Go to the Middle East and pick two kilograms for me."

Mordo lifted the magic and let himself down from the tree. The bloody purple marks on his body made him look like a zebra, but he was very happy: "Your wish will surely come true."

After saying that, he opened the portal and left.

Seeing the indescribable Mo Du leaving, Su Ming pinched the center of his eyebrows and walked to the tea room with his head lowered. After returning to the low table, he casually made tea.

Kama Taj really doesn't make people worry at all. I just came here to make it more convenient to wait for news about Selene. I didn't expect to encounter such things just after sitting down.

Sure enough, if nothing happens, it would be better not to come to this place.

"Master." Hamil walked into the tea room at the right time. In the faint smoke of the incense burner, he returned the cup he had taken away to Su Ming.

"What's wrong?" Su Ming touched the teapot. There was a slightly moist spot on the purple clay teapot.

"It's okay." Hamill looked at Deathstroke with a worried look, his words and expression didn't match at all.

It's so weird, there must be something going on... But since he didn't say anything, Su Ming wouldn't have time to find something to do for himself, so he hurried away.

So Su Ming simply waved his hand and flew away without even giving Hamil a chance to speak: "I'm leaving. You keep in touch with Selene. If you have problems that can't be solved, don't come to me. Go find Naughty." Master, the dates are all yours too."


In the next few days, Su Ming met up with Gin again as planned, and lived a relaxed life in Hawaii. Every day during the day, he just basked in the sun on the beach, drank some strong drinks, and so on. In the evening, I went to the Spider Web Headquarters to give the Mao girls special combat training.

Even if you are a super warrior, you still need to exercise regularly to maintain your condition. People who practice martial arts cannot let go of these things for a day. For Deathstroke, this is considered a leisurely life.

While he was living a small life, Steve and Howard, who arrived in Cuba through secret channels, were being hunted.

Although Steve has retired, Captain America still has connections in the military. Although some people despised him after this time, some people still believe that it was not Captain America himself who did it.

So his infiltration into Cuba went smoothly, but with Steve's blond appearance, it took a lot of effort to find Howard.

Fortunately, after being reminded by his friends in the military, he changed out of his Stars and Stripes uniform, and without making too much noise, he found out where in Cuba the most wild animals were.

As a Caribbean country, Cuba does not have any large predators living in the wild, just small animals such as spiders, bats, and venomous snakes. But for people like Howard, if they encounter guerrillas in the rainforest, they will almost die. Qiaoqiao thing.

However, when we found Howard a few days later, he was actually chatting and laughing with a group of 'beekeepers' leisurely, and even had a jungle BBQ deep in the rainforest.

"Hi, Steve, I didn't expect you to come to me." Howard held up a skewer of grilled fish and waved to Steve with a smile, asking him to stop hiding behind the tree and come over to eat and have fun together.

Steve doesn't have as big a heart as Howard. These groups wearing bright yellow chemical protective suits and dressing up like beekeepers give people a very weird feeling.

At the so-called bbq barbecue party, Howard was the only one eating, while the others were surrounding Howard, holding notebooks of various sizes in their hands, as if they were constantly recording something.

All around you can hear the rustling sound of the pen tip touching the paper at high speed.

He hid behind a tree and gestured to Howard, but he didn't expect that this guy would sell him directly. Steve could only hold up his shield and approach the group of people carefully.

"Don't worry, Steve, they are all people who love science. Science has no borders and we get along very well." Howard said with a smile, put the grilled fish to his mouth and took a big bite.

Steve shook his head, still vigilant, and used a shield to block Howard behind him: "Scientists have national boundaries. Do they know you are an American?"

"Of course, Captain America, the name of Dr. Howard Stark is also very familiar to us." The beekeeper in red stood up and closed the notebook in his hand: "Dr. Stark is very knowledgeable about physics. His research is admirable and we all respect him."

Howard was so proud that his beard stood up. Who would have thought that deep in the rainforest, when he was desperate, scientific knowledge could help him live well?

And these people really respect him very much. They treat themselves like gods every day, and they have no shortage of food, drink and everything.

Each of them has a fearless spirit of exploration and a thirst for scientific knowledge that exceeds anyone Howard has ever met.

Howard, who loved to be a teacher, was flattered by others every day, and it was very useful. If there were no women here, he would even want to live with these scientists in the depths of the rainforest.

Although these people dress like beekeepers every day, and he has never seen their true faces until now, Howard knows enough masked people, not more than these hundreds.

So when he was happy to be flattered, he casually pointed out some scientific research problems to them. These people seemed to be studying some cosmic energy topic here and wanted to create a clean energy source.

Steve slapped Howard's grilled fish away and pulled him back: "Then I'm going to take him home now."

"I'm afraid this won't work. Our experiment is at a critical stage. Dr. Stark cannot leave. This is for the sake of all mankind." The red beekeeper said, and the seemingly ordinary trees around him suddenly split open and slid out. Some small machine guns were pointed at Steve and Howard.

"Wait, don't quarrel, there's no need to be violent." Howard stepped out and stood between the two of them, smiling and mediating: "Aren't we friends? Everything can be solved through communication."

"You're right." The red beekeeper couldn't see his expression, but he could hear the approval in the dull voice. Then he took out his notebook: "Then Dr. Stark can continue to explain, the new thing in the universe. Elemental problem?”

"It's not impossible, but I always forgot to ask, what are you planning to create to benefit mankind?" Howard smiled and nodded, and it was too late to return to China after the lecture.

"Man-made Rubik's Cube." The beekeeper replied frankly, holding up his notebook and raising his hand to indicate that Howard could start talking.

"Hey!" Howard turned away instantly, grinned at Steve behind him, and kept mouthing: "Hydra, Hydra!"

Speaking of the Cosmic Cube, Howard immediately remembered the power of that damn thing in the hands of the Red Skull, but it seemed to have fallen into the sea later. Why didn't these people play their cards according to the routine? When did Hydra change its uniforms?

And I'm still thinking about things like the Rubik's Cube. How can this benefit mankind? !

In fact, none of these people knew that the thing that crashed with the plane was not a Rubik's cube, but a cube. It was a completely different thing, and it was now in Karma Taj.

Steve winked, walked to Howard's side without leaving a trace, blocked him slightly, and asked the other party: "Who are you?"

"Oh? Captain America doesn't recognize us? Let's put it this way, we were once Hydra scientists, but not anymore. Our wisdom and abilities should not be limited to serving the Nazis or the United States or a certain country. We longed for freedom and the power of technology, so after the war we established aim, which is 'avant-garde technology'."

The leading scientist answered very calmly, not having the slightest fear for someone with such a reputation as Captain America.

"Are you a traitor to Hydra? Tell me what you plan to do with the Cosmic Cube?" Steve secretly memorized the locations of the machine guns and planned an escape route.

"Of course it is to create unlimited energy. Captain, have you experienced the performance of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in World War II, right? Weaponizing the cosmic energy battery is actually just a preliminary application. Our current goal is to create inexhaustible energy for all mankind. ..." said the beekeeper leader.

Howard walked around behind Steve, stuck his head out, and whispered in the captain's ear: "It sounds good."

But the leader of the other party immediately went on to say: "In this way, when everyone on the earth depends on our energy, we can rule the world."

"They are still crazy!" Howard grinned again. These people are crazier than Hydra!

Steve suddenly took action and knocked down the opponent's leader with one punch. The machine guns around him should be remote-controlled, so the controller should be in the leader's hand. If he defeated him first, he and Howard would have a chance to hide in the jungle.

With a wave of his fist and a flick of his shield, the round five-pointed star shield jumped back and forth between the trees like steel balls in a pinball machine, causing everyone in the group to flip over.

Steve caught the shield and pushed Howard: "Run!"

The two turned around and ran into the forest, and all the bullets in the back were blocked by Steve with his shield. He tossed and turned, fought and retreated to keep up with Howard.

Before running far, the opponent's large force rode on a special single-person vehicle to catch up. Those vehicles looked like motorcycles, but they had no wheels and relied only on a large leather nozzle to spray air toward the ground. The reaction force is smooth in the complex jungle terrain.

Howard had already adjusted his shoes to anti-gravity mode. While escaping, he still had time to comment on the new vehicle behind him: "This is Mao Xiong's latest hovercraft miniaturization technology. Did you buy it from these people?"

"Don't think about that! You've been with them for so long and you didn't find out about their problems. What on earth were you thinking?!" Steve took out his pistol and shot back. He was prepared for coming here this time. When Cuba saves people, he does not intend to kill people.

But if they don’t kill people now, others will kill them. Killing is right!

"It seems that scientists are not all good people."

Howard said it's not his fault that he won't take the blame, it's the world's fault!

Is it his fault that the scientific community is supposed to be clean and has now fallen into this state?

"Even Americans are not all good people!" Steve replied without hesitation. His ears moved. Amidst the noise of hovercars and gunshots, he heard the sound of the waterfall in the distance: "You Can you dive? Let’s go in that direction!”

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