The Death Knell

Chapter 1027 Khadgar

Su Ming knew that in Azeroth, there was no strong guarantee for things like contracts. The Burning Legion, which destroyed all worlds, used another method of control, like raising a dog.

They will give mortals some super fel abilities, and then lure them to do easy things, taking the opportunity to give generous rewards. Next, a slightly more difficult task will be given, and there will be a reward after completion, and so on.

Just like training a dog to catch a Frisbee, feeding it a piece of beef or something every time it comes back. Humans are domesticated faster than animals because human desires are more complex.

Strength, wealth, status, longevity, there is always one of these rewards that is suitable.

Their method should not be called trading, it should be called breeding, and no one can go back on their word. After all, even if they come back to their senses and realize that they have fallen into the control of the devil, the evil energy has already flowed throughout the body by then, and there is no way to turn back. .

Khadgar is very sensitive to the word "negotiation". As a mage, he is very familiar with the tricks of demons.

He immediately took two steps back, feeling that the back of his robe was soaked. This weirdo who claimed to be the Supreme Mage seemed to have no secrets in front of him, and every word he spoke spoke directly to people's hearts. It was terrifying.

"What exactly are you? Some kind of astral creature that can read other people's thoughts? Or an ancient god?" Khadgar felt deep fear, and he planned to call someone.

"You are the Ancient God, and your whole family is the Ancient God." Su Ming landed angrily, asking Strangler to take off his helmet and reveal his face: "I am a standard human being, and as I said before, I am the Supreme Mage."

"Don't even think about deceiving me." Khadgar pointed at Su Ming's armor, which looked very heavy at first glance, and the scimitar he took out from nowhere: "Your plate armor is thicker than that of Sir Lothar." , How can there be such a mage?!"

"Guardian's Staff."

Su Ming said something to the scimitar in his left hand. The white-gold energy immediately changed its shape and turned into a long chicken leg staff. At the same time, he took out the Night Sword and plunged it into the floor. , put his right hand on the hilt of the sword:

"So I said you are young, let me tell you the true meaning of magic! As a mage, you have to wear heavy armor, hold a staff in one hand to cast a lighting spell, and a giant weapon in the other hand, rush into the crowd and release whirlwinds Just chop it off."

Obviously knowing that this is nonsense, but looking at the opponent's staff in his left hand and the giant sword in his right hand, the two weapons emit different bright lights, and the whole person is bathed in the starlight projected by the dome, looking so mysterious and unfathomable.

Khadgar was a little shaken.

Is this the true meaning of magic? Are the mages like me, who can only cast spells but not melee combat, only half learned?

He imagined how he would use the whirlwind while releasing the Arcana Explosion Technique, and he had to admit that it seemed a bit fierce...

Seeing his expression, Su Ming smiled: "Are you excited? As long as you master this technique, you will be the most violent mage in Azeroth in the future, the golden thigh that everyone knows, and there will be fewer bosses in the next dungeon. No one else can play with you."

Khadgar had a black question mark on his face: "???"

What is this nonsense? He shook his head vigorously to get those illusions out of his mind: "Are you a spellbreaker from Quel'Thalas?"

"Forget it, even if I tell you now, you won't be able to understand it. After all, you are still just an apprentice. If you have a title like Magus like Medivh, or a great mage like Antonidas, they Only then can we understand concepts outside the universe." Su Ming waved his hands angrily, as if to shoo away flies: "The Council of Tirisfal wants to know the secrets of the Guardians, and you want to know why Master Medivh is so mysterious recently. Secret, I have the answers to these questions here, do you want to trade?"

Khadgar extinguished the arcane missile and wiped the sweat from his palms on his dark blue pajamas: "You know a lot, what do you want?"

"You really have nothing to worry about right now. Just treat it as an investment. As long as you swear to Elune that you owe me a few favors, I will answer a corresponding number of your questions." Su Ming pointed. overhead, but there was no moon there.

"Elune? Do you have ancient Kaldorei blood?" Khadgar relaxed a little. He didn't actually agree to the deal, it was just to talk.

However, hearing the other party ask to swear an oath to Elune at this time showed that there was no big problem. Although she is a god worshiped by the elves and is quite effective, Elune does not seem to be dangerous.

The young Khadgar didn't know Elune's true face at all. The ordinary-looking moon was actually the only true god of Azeroth.

"Didn't I tell you that I am a pure human being? Do you have a bad brain or bad ears?" Su Ming turned around and walked to the big bookshelf on the side. He picked up another book and opened it like a master: "If not If you're willing to negotiate terms, just leave, I don't like you."


Khadgar's eyes lit up, and when he saw Deathstroke's back turned to him and both weapons stuck on the ground, he immediately threw out his long-prepared raid plan.

Calm down and add Ice Arrow.

Watching the cluster of blue ice crystals flying quickly towards the target, Khadgar had a smile on his face.

But I saw that the other party seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He didn't even look back. He was holding a book in one hand, and suddenly took out a glass bottle with the other hand, and put the bottle containing the yellow drink in the path of the Ice Arrow. superior.


Khadgar had no time to adjust the flying direction of the ice arrow, and was intercepted in the air. The cold energy coated the bottle with a layer of white frost.

Deathstroke then turned his back to him and popped the cap of the drink bottle with his thumb, making a popping sound, and then he put the iced strong drink to his mouth.

"Dun, dun, dun...ah!"

He made a comforting sound.

"The temperature is okay, but I can't even add ice to the drink. How about you try arcane magic again?"

Deathstroke casually placed the empty bottle on the bookshelf, and at the same time took out a new bottle of drink, turning his back to Khadgar and shaking it in his hand. After all, there was Strangler, and he had a field of vision from both the front and back, and he could see Khadgar. His face flushed in the darkness.

He is a bit scientific, good at arcane magic, and least good at fire. But saying that his frost spell can't even make ice cream is simply insulting.

Unconvinced, he immediately began to use various magic to 'tickle' Deathstroke.

Su Ming took out various props from his belt to carry out magic. Without exception, the ice magic was used to chill drinks, the arcane magic was used to beat the ingredients to make the meat more tender, and the fire magic was used to grill meat. .

With Khadgar's help, Su Ming had barbecue in just one minute.

Therefore, when Khadgar was panting and regaining his magic power, Su Ming was already floating beside the desk that was accidentally lit, and started drinking cold beer and eating skewers.

"This mutton is so tender! I didn't expect that a mage like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, has quite advanced cooking skills." It was a little hot, but Su Ming's mouth was full of oil as he ate, and he talked trash while irritating Khadgar.

Fireball barbecue is such a luxury. You can't enjoy it in a world like Marvel and DC where there are spell casting costs, or a world like DND where there are spell slots.

And thanks to Khadgar's current poor magic skills, the three-series magic guild has the ability of a three-legged cat. It has no lethality and is just right for cooking.

Could it be that Khadgar is the Fire and Ice Demon Chef of Azeroth?

But Khadgar did not panic. He was a mage and fought with his brain. He slowly backed away with the candlestick and patted his somewhat messy pajamas: "You lost, you have fallen into my trap. "

"Oh?" Su Ming threw away a stick, chewed the mutton and nodded nonchalantly.

"Karazhan is full of various magic devices. As long as someone uses magic to destroy the furniture, the alarm will be triggered. Arcane servants and arcane mechas will come immediately, and Master Medivh will be back soon. You are no match for him. .”

Khadgar showed a confident smile again. At this moment, he showed his true nature as a hero, that is, waiting for others to fight in a group.

"Okay, just call me when they come."

Su Ming continued to eat leisurely, and spoke to Khadgar nonchalantly, as if he was Kama Taj's apprentice.

"Hmph! Just wait and see how Master Medivh beats you up." Khadgar shrank to the door and waved his fist at Su Ming.

"You are smarter than Luo Ning. I will give you a piece of information for free. You will live longer than Luo Ning in the future." Su Ming took another sip of wine. Khadgar was a very interesting person. Now his magic ability is poor, but his brain is still good.

Khadgar frowned: "Who is Ronin? No, don't change the subject. Don't you plan to run away?"

"Only the weak need to escape, young Khadgar." Su Ming flipped through two pages of the book with greasy hands, lowered his head and said, "I will stay here to accompany you to see how cruel reality is."

Khadgar tightened his grip on the candlestick in his hand. The other party still knew his name. What was going on? It's not surprising to know Medivh, but he is just a nobody.

Neither of them spoke, there was only the crackling sound of dripping grease and charcoal, and the red firelight illuminated their faces with uncertainty.

Quietness was the main theme at the moment. The bells of Karazhan suddenly rang, but there was no other movement in the corridor.

As time passed, Khadgar's face gradually became dull. Not to mention Master Medivh, not even a magic broom came.

"Isn't it strange? Why doesn't the security system work and no other servants or servants come?" Su Ming finished eating the roasted lamb chops and wiped his mouth with satisfaction. It was really interesting to see Khadgar's expression change.

"You killed them?! You devil!" Khadgar became excited, but he knew that he was definitely no match for the other party. He had to go to Stormwind City to find Sir Lothar and King Ryan to ask them for help.

He started to cast the spell, clasping his hands on his waist and rubbing them like a turtle-style Qigong.

Su Ming sighed and his shoulders slumped. He slowly walked to Khadgar's side and said helplessly: "You really have no combat experience at all. Are you opening the portal in front of me? I refuse."

He stretched out a finger and pointed at the apprentice's forehead, interrupting the spellcasting and pushing the apprentice to stagger.

Khadgar, who lost his balance and fell to the ground, turned around and looked at the death knell with sad and angry eyes. He silently made a decision in his heart. If he could survive today, he must practice teleportation spells to the point where he can cast them instantly in the future. !

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