The Death Knell

Chapter 1029? Teaching activities

"Khadgar, look, there is a lone hellhound here. We sneak up on it from behind. Its evil energy content is three times that of the imp. Take off the head...the other parts are useless, only the brain It’s considered a magic material.”

While explaining, Su Ming took Khadgar through the Tower of Shadows. The Astrological Observatory of Karazhan is Medivh's way to the Twisting Void. It is actually very simple to reach the Tower of Shadows from there. After all, it is the reflection of Karazhan.

Khadgar has already joined Karma Taj's luxurious lunch. Of course, the Supreme Mage still needs to teach him some real skills. What an academic mage like him lacks most is the ability to survive in the wild.

So Su Ming personally showed him how to play jungle.

Although Cerberus smelled the scent of the two of them, it was not as fast as Deathstroke, and its head was immediately chopped off by the God Killer.

Khadgar looked at the giant hellhound that was taller than a human in front of him. It was obviously a leader. He was speechless: "...You killed all the other demons. Of course it was left alone."

"Oh? There is a lone abomination in front of you. Have you seen the sutures on its body? Medivh's craftsmanship is pretty good. Putting the body pieces together and making it move like a puppet requires a very high level of alchemy. Techniques, as well as these specially processed magic threads, if you are short of money in the future, you can go and make abhorrent sutures and sell them for money."

Su Ming didn't care about Khadgar's complaints at all, but continued to move forward with great interest. After cutting for a while, he saw the second boss. He rarely fought against the Stitch Monster, which gave Su Ming some experience.

"Only necromancy mages need this kind of material, right? Those people are too dark, and their magic and existence make people uncomfortable." Khadgar shook his head. The so-called Tower of Shadows is more like a tower. Huge underground morgue.

There are no windows or doors in the surrounding walls. Green torches are burning on the walls. One hall is connected to another. Inside are either blood pools or mountains of corpses, with demons and undead walking through them.

Khadgar didn't know that Medivh actually killed so many people, because he saw the corpses of Karazhan's servants in the room here, as well as some heads with spines, hanging on the iron hooks on the ceiling, densely packed. of.

Those were people he knew.

If the death knell hadn't been distracting him, Khadgar felt that he would have screamed and collapsed long ago. Even so, he could only cover his nose to prevent himself from passing out prematurely in the strong smell of sulfur and rancidity. past.

It's just that the way Deathstroke takes care of people is very awkward, as if he is deliberately hiding his good intentions. Could this be a sign of being cold-faced and warm-hearted?

He had to admit that Deathstroke was indeed a good teacher. In just a few minutes, he learned how to crush imps into cakes, tear apart giant spiders with his hands, play skull football and other weird tricks.

But this looks like a warrior course no matter what...

"Power does not distinguish between black and white, it only depends on the path followed by the user. Khadgar, you can ask Master Merry Winterwind of the Tirisfal Council about this issue in the future. He is a good man."

While Su Ming was drawing abhorred sutures on the boss's corpse, letting the green water splash freely, he was instilling his own ideas into Khadgar.

"He is an undead and a master of demonology. He is like a zombie. I dare not approach him at all." Khadgar knew who the death knell was talking about, but he had never heard of anyone thinking that Master Winterwind was Good people.

Meridongfeng was a high elf when he was alive. He died in the Zul'Aman War 3,000 years ago. Because of the fierce battle, he was resurrected as an undead by his companions. He was also one of the founders of the Tirisfal Council.

"You always feel that the people in the Tirisfal Council are not good people. The archmages always ignore you and use you like a slave. But you spontaneously alienate the good people among them because of their appearance and reputation. Judging people by their appearance is the most shallow thing. Do you think what you did was right?"

Su Ming handed Khadgar the suture that was still dripping with mucus. After listening to his words, the apprentice, who was lowering his head and thinking, didn't realize what he was taking over. He put away the suture with a blank look, and his hands were covered with green. juice.

"When you came to Karazhan, Medivh was nice to you, but in fact it was Sargeras' method to stabilize the Tirisfal Council."

Khadgar followed up with Deathstroke step by step, and all the monsters in front of them were hacked to death easily. Deathstroke didn't even cast a spell, it was so easy.

"..." He was still frowning and thinking, thinking in a place full of stench, only to feel pain in his brain.

Su Ming sighed and skinned the dead giant bat: "In the past, you only saw the surface of the problem, but never thought about why Medivh was so kind to an apprentice he had never met? What did he like about you? What did you pay to learn the advanced knowledge of Karazhan? Nothing? Then you have to think about whether someone paid a greater price for you and you don't know it."

"Is it actually Azeroth that paid the price for me?" Khadgar understood. If the Burning Legion's plan succeeds, then the world will have to pay the price for its stupidity.

In these few minutes, Khadgar grew up. He finally realized that even a nobody could possibly shoulder the weight of the world, and he vowed that he would never make similar mistakes again.

Su Ming took out a wine bottle and took a few sips. This copy was a bit unfamiliar. He was probably less than halfway gone: "It doesn't matter, it's not too late. Even if the three dark titans come, I will stuff them back into the twisting void." Go ahead, take it easy, strategically despise the enemy, and tactically respect the enemy."

"Thank you, teacher, for making me realize my shortcomings. I will try my best to make up for my mistakes." After a long while, Khadgar raised his head and nodded gratefully towards the death knell. The mustache painted on his face was clearly visible. A very ecstatic curve appeared: "So you have taken a fancy to my future, right?"

"It can be said that you will be a good guardian." Su Ming nodded. There is nothing to avoid. Anyway, Khadgar has fallen into the palm of his hand and cannot escape, but he has not yet waited for Khadgar's thoughts on his future self. Cheng Cheng smiled and poured another basin of cold water on her: "As long as you don't die."

"Huh?" Khadgar opened his eyes wide.

"If I hadn't come, you would have died tonight, do you believe it?" Su Ming glanced at him expressionlessly.

Khadgar shrugged and looked at the dead Karazhan servants around him. He picked up a pocket watch from a corpse. It belonged to the butler Moros. Maybe he almost became one of the corpses.

"I believe."

Su Ming nodded and said no more. Khadgar believed this, but it was none of his business...

The various monsters along the way had no enemies with Deathstroke. Just like carrying a trumpet, Su Ming led Khadgar in a whirlwind all the way to the final BOSS.

After passing through one extremely bloody hall after another, the two came to a terrace, and their eyes suddenly opened up. What they faced was the vast void, boundless.

The originally dark purple void had now turned into a dazzling green. A huge spaceship was above the two of them, and the giant mountain-like device above was charging.

"Ugh..." Su Ming shook the knife in his hand, threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground and stamped it out: "It seems that Medivh has left. We are a little late. This evil battleship is approaching Warp more demons to Azeroth."

"What can I do?" Khadgar looked at Deathstroke with a serious expression, knowing that this was the key.

"You are too weak and can't do anything. I just taught you how to pop out the demon guard's eyes with your bare hands. You should watch and learn the next lesson carefully."

I saw the black and yellow mask rising instantly, covering the face of Deathstroke. He said something incomprehensible to the chicken leg staff in his hand. The staff immediately began to melt and deform, growing rapidly like vines and trees. It grows longer and longer until it reaches a length of about fifteen meters.

The white-gold light illuminated the surroundings. The magic floating cloak flapped gently like wings, and Su Ming rushed directly to an altitude of several thousand meters.

Holding the ship-cutting knife with both hands, he cut the sword from the bow of the evil battleship, splitting the battleship into two halves like cutting a fish. The man rushed out from the stern of the ship and returned to Khadgar. Not one hour had passed yet. Second.

He was also holding a strange object in his hand, like a giant instrument made of metal and green crystal, but he didn't explain it and put it directly into his bag.

Then he turned around and put away the knife, and walked back the way he came. The battleship in the sky gradually expanded along the cracks. The black metal that made up the hull began to twist and deform under the heat and pressure, and expanded more and more, accompanied by a series of huge explosions. There was a sound, and the green fire light illuminated half of the sky.

A huge beholder was still floating on the bow of the ship, maybe it was the leader or something, probably waiting for someone to fight it, but he didn't expect that even the battleship was cut with a knife.

It cursed in demonic language and was consumed by the explosion.

Khadgar's mouth was as wide as an egg, staring blankly at the fire in the sky. It wasn't until the explosion and gravity sent the demon's flesh and blood ashes into his mouth that he came back to reality with spitting.

He didn't even notice what magic Deathstroke had just used. Maybe flying was a kind of advanced magic, and weapon transformation was also a kind?

But destroying a warship that looks bigger than Karazhan with one man's power, with just one sword? Extremely fast?

Is this the true meaning of magic? So strong...

He turned around and caught up with Deathstroke, and asked with some worry: "Teacher, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn this."

"Huh? What can't you learn?" Su Ming slowed down and looked down at Khadgar.

"That's it, one person cuts the battleship with a knife or something. You know, flying magic is usually achieved using magic circles. With a talent like mine..." Khadgar looked embarrassed. To be honest, He knew that his talent was average, and he was almost at the bottom among the younger generation of mages.

Su Ming looked puzzled. He took off his mask and lit a cigarette again: "Who asked you to learn this? You can't even walk stably and you still want to fly?"

"Then what did you tell me to 'watch carefully and study hard'?" Khadgar also looked confused. He even forgot to pat away the debris on his body.

"You are the worst class of students I have ever taught." Su Ming sighed, and said in a tone of voice that said: "What I asked you to learn is a very important point to become a top mage. Listen carefully, then That’s it – pure men never look back to see the explosion.”

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