The Death Knell

Chapter 1036? Little Spider

Although there were only two people at home, Mei still cooked a large table of dishes. Not only that, she also opened a bottle of red wine for herself to drink, and a bottle of strong drink for Peter.

She usually doesn't allow Peter to drink too many carbonated drinks because she heard that drinks affect growth. Peter is still a child and is growing.

The two didn't know what they talked about. Anyway, Su Ming only saw Mei laughing and crying, as if she was emotionally unstable.

Deadpool's self-healing speed has always been a mystery. Sometimes it's very fast, sometimes it's very slow, as if he can decide it himself. He has now completed his self-healing, and has also changed into a new uniform. He quietly walked to Next to Su Ming, he also stuck his head out of the window to take a peek.

"Peter is so lucky to have such a beautiful aunt." He whispered with some emotion: "I have been in the orphanage as long as I can remember, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen was Grandma Asari who was cleaning the house. At that time She’s not even eighty yet.”

"Have you never met your parents?" Su Ming also asked in a low voice, because the relationship between Wade and himself seems to be regarded as brothers by the world, but what is the blood relationship?

"Let's go back and look at my origin story together. Superheroes like me all have origin stories. You have the time stone and I have the teleportation belt. As long as you can see it yourself, it will be fine." Wade heard his cousin After asking, another idea came to him.

He concluded that he had an origin story. If he read it, wouldn't he know who his parents were?

"Sounds good. I'll go with you after we solve the Santa Claus problem." Su Ming nodded and focused his attention on the restaurant again.

Surveillance with a chatty guy like Wade has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that he has endless nonsense, so he will definitely not be bored. The disadvantage is that he is too easily exposed. Peter's spider sense almost sensed the existence of the two of them several times, and they could only shrink their heads back and forth on the windowsill like gophers.

She definitely can't let May see the two of them. She hates even Iron Man so much, let alone Deadpool and Deathstroke, who are hard to distinguish between good and evil. She definitely doesn't want Peter to play with these two people.

The meal lasted about half an hour, and then May went to wash the dishes while Peter returned upstairs to his room to play on the computer.

"Come on, let's go up."

Su Ming held Wade's neck, and the two of them slowly floated to the second floor and got in through the open window.

Peter's genetic mutation meant he wasn't afraid of the cold, and to be honest, his room really needed some air.

The room was in a mess, as most boys aged sixteen or seventeen were like. It smelled of sweat, foot odor, and hormones. Even the cold wind could not completely dispel these smells.

Wade also stepped on a skateboard when he climbed in through the window. Thanks to a smelly sock that caught the wheel, otherwise he would have fallen.

There were some posters posted on the wall of the room, either movie posters or superhero ones. Su Ming also saw Steve's new burger advertisement, with the black and yellow letter W occupying a large area.

At this time, Peter did not notice the two people who came in through the window. He was typing on his desk computer. Su Ming and Wade gently walked behind him and peeked, only to see him asking questions on an online message board.

"A pervert is targeting my aunt, what should I do? Wait online, it's quite urgent."

Someone immediately replied: "911."

Peter shook his head and typed loudly: "No, the police can't control him. He is still in the harassment stage. There is no evidence. By the way, the pervert is super rich."

If the person before stops talking, it will be difficult to deal with the other party if he is too rich.

But then someone else made another suggestion: "Do you love your aunt?"

"Of course, she is the most important person to me." Peter typed without thinking.

"Then you can ask that pervert if he is interested in you. You can sacrifice yourself to save your aunt." The other party also quickly replied.

Peter's expression became very strange, a little helpless, and a little bit dumbfounded: "I am a man."

The other party's message also popped up immediately: "Isn't it okay for men?"

"Hiss..." Peter took a breath. Although he knew that there were everyone on the Internet, did he meet a pervert so quickly?

He hesitated for a long time, then chose the wording and slowly typed a line: "Thank you for your suggestion, but I still can't accept it. Is there anyone else who can help?"

After a moment, another person's answer popped up on the screen: "You don't even want to eat the skin of her feet and you still say you love her? You... I'm sorry, I sent the wrong channel,\u0026gt;_\u0026lt;."

Peter rolled his eyes. Who are these people?


Many of the replies that followed were completely skewed. Some were concerned about Peter's sexual orientation, while others said there was no picture or truth and wanted to see photos of his aunt, and some were just making fun of him.

There were many suggestions put forward, but they were basically nonsense.

I really don’t know why these people are so idle on Christmas Eve, maybe that’s what life is like without life, right?

Peter communicated with others in front of the computer for a long time, but he didn't come up with any useful ideas. He turned off the computer directly in frustration and leaned his head back on the chair...


Then he saw Deadpool and Deathstroke standing behind him, and both of them were fully armed. Peter couldn't help but lose his center of gravity and fell backwards. The chair fell over. He was flexible enough to jump up, but he was also frightened. cried out.

"Thump thump thump..." There was a sound of people going up the stairs outside the door. Mei heard the movement upstairs and came over: "Peter, what are you doing?"

"'s okay! Auntie, the chair accidentally fell over. I'm okay." Peter looked at Deadpool angrily. He suddenly appeared in someone else's house behind someone else. He didn't know how scary he was. He was scary to death. ?

Deadpool actually took a shower today? No body odor? To the point where I didn't realize it at all.

The smart Mei did not give up. She twisted the door handle, but Peter went online to inquire about his aunt's harassment, so he naturally locked the door. How embarrassing would it be if she saw him?

However, the locked door made Aunt Mei suspicious for a moment: "Open the door, Peter."

Peter knew that the two people must have got in through the window, so he immediately went to hold the window to let the two people out, but when he was nervous, his hand slipped, and the window fell down and closed, and could not be opened.

Seeing that the way in was blocked, Peter pushed Deadpool and Deathstroke again and pointed under the bed. In fact, what Aunt May hated most was not Iron Man, but Deadpool.

Deadpool lifted the sheets, but there were all messes under the bed. The boxes were full of electronic parts and the like. There was no room for two people.

Peter chewed his teeth and pushed the two of them towards the closet, but when he opened it, it was also full of garbage.

"Peter? Have you done something bad? Open the door quickly." Mei pressed against the door and listened to what was going on inside.

"Here we come." Peter pushed the two of them into the bathroom again. Unfortunately, there was a bicycle in the bathtub in the bathroom for some reason, so it was still impossible to hide people.

However, at this time, Mei had already opened the door with the key and walked in. Peter quickly stepped out of the way and put his hand on the bathroom door frame, assuming a posture that he thought was natural.

"Auntie, I told you I'm fine."

While smiling at his aunt, Peter pushed Deadpool to hide inside.

Deadpool's new flesh after self-healing was very sensitive, and he was itchy when touched. He kept squirming around. This made Peter worried that Deadpool would jump out to say hello to May, so he pushed and pushed faster.

Aunt Mei narrowed her eyes and looked at the dark computer screen. She reached out and touched the monitor, which was slightly hot to the touch.

Then look at Peter standing at the door of the bathroom, looking so unnatural, covering the lower half of his body with the door frame, his shoulders constantly moving, as if he was throwing something on his hand into the toilet.

She got it.

She blushed for a moment, then shook her head and sighed helplessly: "You have grown up, Peter, but you have to be moderate, you know? I'm leaving, you clean up after yourself."

Peter: "???"

"It's all the fault of adolescent hormones. I didn't fail in educating my children. It's all the fault of hormones..." Before Peter could say anything, Aunt May was already muttering to herself, then turned and went downstairs. .

Of course, she was careful and didn't forget to close the door.

Peter walked out of the bathroom like a deflated rubber ball and collapsed on his bed with a look of despair. After a while, he jumped up, pointed at Deadpool and began to squirt softly.

"It's all your fault! Why did you, this annoying guy, suddenly show up at my house? Today is Christmas Eve, can't you let me go? I was misunderstood by my aunt. She must have thought that I was... in... ..”

Halfway through, little Peter blushed and couldn't say the word, but his eyes were wide open, as if he was about to swallow Deadpool alive.

Deadpool raised his hands indifferently, danced a passionate samba and walked out of the bathroom, and went to Peter's bed. Neither of them disliked the other.

I saw Deadpool lying with his legs crossed and his hands under his head: "Don't you just think you are playing with the 'magic wand'? What's the big deal? I know you are still a virgin at seventeen, but your little girlfriend Michelle Jones shouldn't have existed in the first place. She was assigned to you by the editor and copied from the MCU. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yes, you are destined to remain a virgin for a few years."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Let me tear your mouth apart. MJ is a good girl. I have never thought of doing that kind of thing with her. You are not allowed to say that to her." Peter blushed and jumped on Deadpool , and got into a fight with him.

In fact, Peter is very measured in his actions. When Spider-Man is calm, the strength of his arms is about 20 tons, and when his emotions explode, it will increase exponentially. He can do things like stopping a train and lifting an airplane, but he is stronger than Deadpool. too much.

But now the two of them were in a ball, rolling around on the bed, and no one was hurt.

Deadpool punched Peter with his small fists without stopping: "MJ is right, but it shouldn't be Michelle Jones or Michael Jackson, but Mary Jane, you know I heard Did your girlfriend throw up when she called her Michelle? I thought you were dating the former Madam Secretary of State."

"You still say? Try my trick of monkey stealing peaches! I don't know Mary Jane, you must have made up some random name to laugh at me, and look at this trick of crow flying on a plane! Spider yo-yo! **Family bucket!"

The little spider was as talkative as Deadpool, and because he had the upper hand in strength, he immediately hit Deadpool with a series of combos with both hands.


Deadpool screamed, but he would not admit defeat. If he lost to such a child, how could he hold his head up in front of his cousin?

"It's so powerful, but I'm going to fight back. My moves are things you've never heard of!" Deadpool broke off his wrist forcefully and escaped from Spider-Man's grip: "Konoha's Secret Ninja The technique can kill for thousands of years! Beidou is new! One hundred thousand volts!"

"Ah!!!" Spider-Man also screamed, and he said tremblingly: "You actually used a Taser and stuffed snowballs into my clothes? You cheated!"

After saying that, Peter knocked the Taser out of Deadpool's hand, turned him over, and slapped him randomly, like playing a drum.


But at this moment, the door to Peter's room slowly opened, and outside the door was Aunt May, whose eyes were dull and her expression was numb. She was still holding the half bottle of drink that Peter had not finished during dinner.

She came to deliver drinks to Peter, thinking that maybe Peter would be willing to talk about what happened before, but she didn't expect to see such a crazy scene after opening the door, and her brain was already short-circuited.

The two people on the bed who were still fighting suddenly froze, their heads turning towards the door little by little like rusty screws.

"Aunt, it's not what you think. I can explain..." Peter jumped up quickly and pulled up the pants that Deadpool had just loosened.

Mei took a deep breath, and a darkened smile appeared on her face: "Peter, and Mr. Deadpool, can I go downstairs to the living room and talk to you?"

Deadpool also stood up and tightened his belt as well: "Ms. Parker, I think there is some misunderstanding?"

"Now!" Mei said harshly and stared at him.


Deadpool screamed silently in his heart. He wanted to seek help from Su Ming, at least not to let himself be mistaken for a gay, because Peter was too friendly, and Spider-Man was often the gay one.

But he only saw a black and yellow one-eyed mask, slowly shrinking back in the bathroom door...

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