The Death Knell

Chapter 1043? People protected by demons

In fact, there is nothing about Santa Claus that Su Mingneng likes. None of his abilities are used for fighting, and there are no valuable treasures at home.

However, based on the principle that mercenaries should not work for free, Su Ming still signed a contract with him, allowing his toy factory to produce a portion of Captain America peripheral toys for free, 1 million sets per year.

In the future, if you go to a fast food restaurant owned by Wilson Enterprises and order a children's meal, you may receive a Captain America miniature soldier toy.

There are hundreds of different looks, such as the 'Stage Captain America' wearing a World War II uniform and a mustache, the 'Combatant Captain America' boxing with the Red Skull, and the 'Vacation, USA' wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle. team leader'.

Anyway, it’s impossible for children to collect a complete set without spending hundreds of dollars of their parents’ money. If it weren’t for the fact that Wilson Enterprises didn’t know what superhero licenses were currently in hand, it would have been produced on a larger scale.

Wilson Enterprises has full authority from Steve, and the contract at the time deliberately blurred the boundaries between Captain America and Steve's natural person, so even now, Steve still has to give Wilson Enterprises a platform and use the image of Captain America. .

Of course, Su Ming didn't go too far. The image of the captain was shared with the military, and only Wilson Enterprises' peripheral products were genuine.

There really wasn't much money to be squeezed out of Santa Claus, so Su Ming could only sign a contract that was better than Deadpool's.

He watched the contract burn and take effect under the witness of Emperor Weishan, and toasted to Santa Claus with satisfaction: "Okay, now you can't die. In fact, someone wants to protect you, but you didn't find out."

"Huh?" Santa Claus looked bitter. He knew that Deathstroke did not tell all the information before signing.

"Think about it, why did Deadpool come to us by such a coincidence?" Su Ming smiled and drank as gracefully as if he were at some high-end cocktail party. After discussing business, he seemed to have turned into a noble.

This is the smile of a successful person.

"Because...Deadpool got the job of killing me?"

Santa recalled for a moment, his wrinkled hands groping for the armrests of the sofa, where there was some greasy reflection.

Su Ming nodded, raised his wine glass and looked at the flames in the fireplace carefully:

"Yes, then the question has been there from the beginning. What kind of kid can spend fifty thousand dollars to hire Deadpool? Note that Deadpool does not have any new media advertisements. His business sources are either introduced by acquaintances or... Coupons for newspapers. Normal children don’t know how to read newspapers, and they don’t have access to the dark web to search for international mercenary information. So how did they contact Deadpool?”


Santa Claus came to his senses after Su Ming reminded him. Sure enough, there are problems here and life is full of pitfalls.

Su Ming patted his shoulder, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, savoring the citrus taste in his mouth, and then asked a series of questions:

"There are countless more high-profile mercenaries than Deadpool, such as Taskmaster, White Wolf, Red Lion, Beetle, etc., I can name hundreds of them, not to mention the Hand and AIM who also accept employment... .Why Deadpool? Because he looks ugly? Or because he smells bad? Or because the price is high but the mission success rate is less than 50%?"

Santa Claus took a deep breath: "Because he is your cousin and someone wants to drag you into the arena."

"Yes, Wade also thought about it. Those kids just wanted to send him and me to you tonight. But even if he saw through it, Deadpool still wanted money, so when he went to find me, I was the first Time will tell you it’s trouble.”

Su Ming said lightly, while taking the initiative to pick up the good wine and pour himself another glass.

"Why did they do that?" Santa Claus frowned, his thin limbs trembling slightly, and he was a little restless.

Even children are so dark now. What is happening to the world?

The mercenary just raised his head and drank the glass of wine, then gently placed the cup on the coffee table: "If all the children celebrating Christmas become vampires, who do you think will suffer the most? Just a reminder, when a vampire transforms The soul will dissipate, boo, disappear like a soap bubble, and this is the price they pay for endless life."

Santa Claus opened his eyes wide, and he understood: "If these souls do not dissipate, in more than ten years, they will eventually become corrupted or holy, dyed with various colors, and become valuable, while the soul of the earth is basically They all belong to the major hell lords.”

"I don't know if you have heard of the legend of Lucius, the son of the devil. Some people will trade their unborn children with the devil in exchange for money or other things..."

Su Ming held the cross with his hands and looked outside the door. Santa Claus had a serious expression. He did not expect that the devil was also involved.

"Children of the devil, I know that these children are devils when they are born. It is a way for the devils to come to the main dimension. They have human bodies and devil souls. They will serve their masters, and their various abilities allow them to grow from a very young age. You can harvest souls.”

"Yes, I guess it was such a group of demon sons who found Deadpool. For ordinary children, fifty thousand dollars is a fantasy, but for demons it is not. From a certain point of view, the master behind them also expected It’s the way Deadpool behaves, so he hired Deadpool to kill you, actually to protect you.”

Su Ming moved his neck, and the mask rose again, covering his face. At the same time, his voice became more like coming from the darkness.

"It's strange. I'm protected by a devil?" Santa Claus was a little confused.

"According to my experience, there are only a few hell lords who have this kind of scheming attitude. So I brought an extra Spider-Man as an amulet to avoid some unexpected situations. Spider-web building itself is a sign of luck. Because there is no bait on the Internet." Su Ming shook his head, these are not the key: "I sensed magic fluctuations, someone is coming."

In fact, it was the magic floating cloak that sensed it, but it’s too embarrassing to say that. Anyway, if the cloak sensed it, then the Supreme Mage sensed it.

Santa Claus closed his mouth, the sound of howling wind came from outside the window, and the crackling sound of firewood in the fireplace. Su Ming walked gently to the door, leaning against the wall and waiting quietly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang."

A minute later, the sound of knocking on the door came in the night. The rhythm was neither urgent nor slow, and the person knocking on the door seemed very confident.

It's like a nobleman going to a friend's house for a banquet, but there is no butler to greet him at the door. The door is locked as if he has forgotten that the guests are coming.

Then no matter how hungry you are, you must maintain the dignity of a noble. When you knock on the door, don't knock too hard to show that you don't need a meal. But it shouldn’t be too light, too light to express one’s inner dissatisfaction.

How to control this level is also part of the nobles' cultivation. The more rude the other party is, the higher the nobles have to behave.

Su Ming silently shook his finger at Santa Claus, telling him not to move and just look out the window.

And as expected, a pale face appeared on the window.

Unlike living people, they do not need to breathe, so there is no fog on the windows, allowing them to fully display their appearance.

When it saw Santa Claus at home, it just smiled evilly, then turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared.

In fact, vampires don't smile, it's just a grin showing canine teeth.

But it didn't see Deathstroke hiding in the darkness beside the door. He was tilting his head and staring at him with one red eye, very close at hand.

A few seconds later, something fell down the chimney, a tear gas canister.

Su Ming nodded. Yes, vampires do have a 'no entry unless required' rule, but not all vampires are so rigid. In short, as long as the owner of the house opens the door, they can go in without any taboos.

Therefore, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. The vampires have invented many good methods.

For example, throwing tear gas or grenades into the chimney or window, using blood magic to control insects and animals into the house to drive people away, or simply using mind magic to control humans to open the door, these are all fine.

They only dress like nobles and have luxurious demeanor like nobles, but they are not real nobles. They are not even human beings.

But since Su Ming is here, it’s better not to use tricks like tear gas.

Before the grenade in the fire could emit smoke, Su Ming flew over, took it out of the fire, and threw it back along the chimney.

I only heard the smoke bomb making a muffled sound as if it hit something, and then something rolled down from the roof and fell into the snow with snowflakes. Only a black shadow flashed at the window, and everything All returned to calm.

After all, with his current strength, if the grenade hadn't been hit by a vampire, he would have been dead by now.

The knock on the door paused for a moment, as if he was also stunned.

After a while, another vampire came to the window and looked into the room. It was more careful than the previous one. It looked at every window to make sure that no corner was missed.

But their actions were still expected by Su Ming, so after throwing the tear gas, Su Ming was like a spider, fixing himself in the corner of the ceiling, which was also a blind spot for several windows.

So the vampires only saw Santa Claus still sitting on the sofa, with a shotgun on his knees, seeming to be drinking leisurely.

Is Santa Claus so powerful? Why didn't you know this before?

But it doesn't matter, tear gas can't work. This time I'll use defensive grenades, and after throwing them in through the chimney, find a lid to cover the chimney so that Santa Claus can't throw the grenades back.

If Santa Claus does not want to be blown up by a grenade, he must escape from the room, so no matter where he comes out of the door or window, the outside is not a safe area.

So a few seconds later, several small green melons fell in from the chimney.

Su Ming was prepared, so he stretched out his hand above the flames to catch it, and several grenades just fell into his hands. After receiving the grenade, he swayed, strangled open the window next to the door, and threw the grenades not far from the door.

The sound of explosions was heard endlessly, and a lot of broken pieces such as intestines and stomachs were filled with glass in the next moment.

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