The Death Knell

Chapter 1045? Good brother

Red dots in the darkness seemed to float straight out. There was a form in the air that suddenly turned from a transparent state to a solid state. The black and yellow armor suddenly fell to the ground, and the wooden boards on the porch made an overwhelmed creaking sound.

"It's the Mage Supreme! Retreat!"

The leading vampire sorcerer seemed to be a discerning person. He immediately ordered his men to retreat at the first sight of the death knell.

But is now the time when they can withdraw if they want?

"After confirming with my eyes, you are the one who is going to die, I turned around with my sword, and the blood was like red lips..."

They heard Deathstroke singing a song they didn't understand in a hoarse voice like a demon, and his body suddenly accelerated, going from still to extremely fast and even leaving an afterimage on the spot.

The huge golden cross in his hand was like a fly swatter, catching up with the fleeing vampires. Every time he swatted it condescendingly, a vampire would explode into a bloody mist on the spot.

Only the banging sound was heard. In the night, more and more red flowers were blooming on the snow, blooming quietly under the moonlight.

The vampire sorcerer had already started to turn around and run for his life. He turned into a ball of black smoke and fled into the distance without knowing the direction.

However, the younger brothers behind him didn't buy him much time. Deathstroke took care of them within a few seconds and was now catching up.

He was flying at an extremely fast speed. He was still hundreds of meters away at first, but in the blink of an eye he was flying alongside the black smoke.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

As he said this, he moved closer as if he wanted to grab the black smoke with his hands.

However, the bright light and current on the huge cross he was carrying made the vampire wizard quickly change direction.

Su Ming sneered, the other party had indeed fallen into the trap.

In fact, when faced with a smoky vampire, in a place like the air where it was inconvenient to use explosives and incendiary bombs, he was really not sure there was any good way to deal with the opponent.

But the other party's behavior of avoiding him shows that this black smoke has vision, so this is still a weakness and can be targeted.

The magic floating cloak flies faster than it, and no matter which direction it flies in, it will be blocked by the death knell. "Don't leave, I'll show you a baby."

As he spoke, Su Ming opened his palm in front of the black smoke. Inside was a small ball, black and yellow, with a small light flashing rapidly.


The moment the vampire subconsciously looked over, with the sound of opening champagne, the small ball in his palm exploded. The bright light instantly made him dizzy, and even retreated to the prototype and fell towards the ground.

Su Ming didn't even pursue him, he just stepped on the opponent in the air, strangled him and stole his satellite phone and phone at the same time.

A big hole was made on the ground, snow and broken ice rose into the sky, and before the vampire, whose bones were half broken, could get up and cast a spell, incendiary bombs dropped from the sky.

As the flames purified him, the vampire let out a series of screams and gradually fell to the ground motionless.

However, Su Ming still made a recharge from a distance, just in case, mainly to check whether there were blood-sucking parasites in these vampires' bodies.

None, whether they are small bosses or low-level thugs, they are all pure vampires.

Su Ming thought for a short moment and returned to the Christmas cabin at high speed.

It seems that Santa Claus is pretending to be addicted. When he walked into the house, the old man was still sitting on the sofa, drinking very calmly.

"Okay, we used the hut as a base to fight a defensive battle with the vampires, attracting them to mobilize their manpower. Now we have defeated all the enemies in the surrounding area." Su Ming took off his mask and put away his weapon.

"Can I go deliver gifts?" Santa Claus was a little anxious. He hadn't packed up his things yet.

"Next, I will deal with the warships and submarines that launched the missiles. I will give this satellite phone to Spider-Man and let him trace the vampire's superior in reverse, and then let Deadpool kill the opponent's leader, who should be at least an earl. Of the vampires, I will personally say hello to yes, as soon as the reindeer and sleigh are retrieved, you can go and deliver the gifts."

Su Ming gave a very professional answer. Little Sage respects him so much and pays for it. It doesn't matter if he is kind to others, what's the use in the future?

At this moment, perhaps because the battle just now suddenly quieted down, someone finally came to investigate.

A golden portal appeared in front of the hut, and a sorcerer wearing a dark brown cloak, holding a drumstick-shaped staff in one hand, and carrying a huge sword on his back walked in.

The hooded cloak looks like a crow spreading its wings, with snowflakes falling on the black feathers on the shoulders. The face under the brim is very long, and there is a charming mustache on the lips.


Su Ming raised an eyebrow and looked at the other person by the firelight of the fireplace. How should I put it, this person's face felt a bit familiar, but his dress was even more familiar. Isn't this the image of Medivh who also works part-time as a weapons fighter?

The visitor sighed when he saw Deathstroke, but obviously relaxed: "Teacher, I have told you many times that I don't know who Medivh is. I am Strange."

Su Ming touched his beard and found that it was like this.

It seems that the future Doctor Strange still joined Karma Taj, but it seems that the road has gone a little off.

But seeing that he is carrying a giant sword, he should be very sympathetic to the teacher's educational philosophy. So, is Qi Qi still an outstanding graduate?

After thinking about it, Su Ming had a kind smile on his face. He patted Qi Qi's arm and said, "Why are you here?"

"One of the Avengers' bases is two hundred kilometers away to the north. We were paying attention to the exchange of fire here before. When the battle is over, I will come over to take a look at the situation."

As Strange spoke, he took off the hood on his head, revealing a carefully maintained perm. He took out a beautiful oak pipe and slowly filled it with tobacco leaves.

Of course, he didn't forget to say hello to Santa Claus, the owner of this place.

"Well, how is your relationship with Avengers now?"

Su Ming handed him another bottle of wine, and Qi Qi took it very naturally, opened it and drank. You must know that he used to be a surgeon and he didn't have too much contact with alcohol.

But now it seems to have completely changed. He smokes, drinks, and perms his hair.

Well, this confirms that he is not a vampire in disguise.

"Teacher, you said at the beginning that the three major temples all have great mages. There was no place for an outstanding graduate like me, so you asked me to be a permanent liaison in the Avengers." Qi Qi smoked in one hand and drank in the other. One sip makes you feel ecstatic and has boundless magical power.

However, he probably guessed that this was the teacher who had used the Time Stone and knew of his existence, but some details were not clear. This should be a matter of the timeline.

So the clever Qi Qi didn't wait for Deathstroke to ask questions, and took the initiative to tell some things about himself, and of course also talked about some things about the reunion.

It turns out that at this point in time, there was an Avengers sub-base deep in the Arctic Circle, codenamed 'Colossus', which was a Celestial Corps corpse dug out of a glacier.

It's of no great use, because only the outer shell remains fixed in the ice, and all the structures in the body are gone, just like a cicada shed.

So after Fulian checked it out, I thought it could be played with.

So Thor brought Asgardian-style furniture, Tony installed reactors and elevators in the shell, Black Panther installed heating and water systems, and Scarlet Witch built floors and rooms.

Even an unrelated person, Star-Lord, donated a cosmic sound system in order to stay afloat.

Since then, this empty shell of the Celestial Group has been used as another base for the Avengers. Everyone has a room in the Celestial Group shell, which can be regarded as a vacation villa.

Heroes are also human beings, and they also get tired. No one can patrol or deal with crises 365 days a year like Batman.

So if you want to see the snow scenery on vacation, come to the Arctic Circle, take the elevator up from the toes of the Colossus, and reach the inside of the body. After staying, you can climb on the head of the Celestial Formation, enter the hollowed-out observation hall, and see through the big eyes. With glass windows, you can sit on the wolfskin sofa and enjoy the scenery of the north while warming yourself by the fire.

On days like Christmas, Strange, who has no father or mother, and Thor, who secretly travels to Earth to find his girlfriend, spend their vacation here.

It's not Christmas for Thor, but this is his chance to spend some time with Jane Foster, and he doesn't care about any excuses.

"Well, that's right. Since you feel happy in Avengers Alliance, keep it up, but don't let your martial arts fall behind." Su Ming nodded. How should I put it, Avengers Alliance seems to have become a little more subtle in style, which is due to his own influence. ?

But he didn't show any of that, just gently encouraged Doctor Strange.

Strange's face was already a bit long, but when he became serious, he looked even more old-fashioned. He nodded seriously: "Don't worry, teacher, I insist on chopping five hundred times a day, doing a thousand leap frogs, and doing whirlwind chops for ten minutes. And bench press, yoga and spinning, look at my muscles.”

He lifted up his sleeves, revealing his strong arms that were similar to those of Thor, and showed them to the teacher.

"...Very good, I'm very pleased." Su Ming took a sip of wine and smiled brighter: "Since you are here, you can do something for me to deal with the navy that just launched the missile. After a while, send a message to Dracula, saying that Deadpool is going to kill one of his juniors again."

"As you command, teacher."

Strange drank the wine from the bottle with a tilt of his neck. As soon as the bottle was thrown away, he stretched out his hand and started drawing circles in the air. After the portal stabilized, he drew out the giant sword behind him, with a cigarette in his mouth, and teleported away majesticly.

Xiao Sheng had been sitting quietly beside him without interrupting. Only when Qi Qi greeted him did he respond with a smile.

At this time, seeing Qi Qi leaving and Deathstroke assigning all the tasks, he became a little curious: "What are you going to do next? Will you go with me to deliver gifts?"

"I don't have such an idea. I hate naughty children. I will wait here until Deadpool and the others return to assign new tasks. Finally, I will give my cousin a Christmas gift."

Su Ming drove Xiao Sheng up from the sofa, sat on it himself, and wiped the knife very calmly.

Santa Claus picked up the cloth bag on the ground, took off his red uniform from behind the door, and started stuffing cotton into it to make himself look several times fatter.

"You are a good brother and take good care of Deadpool."

Santa Claus is a little happy. He likes to see other people's families happy, and family love always moves him.

A meaningful smile appeared on Su Ming's lips, and the God Killer quickly switched between hand drills, sewer dredges, and gravel impact drills: "Yes, I think I'm good too, ha... ..."

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