The Death Knell

Chapter 1048? Sending my cousin off on his way

"Do you have anything else to say? Last words or something."

Seeing that Hela was holding the soul stone in one hand and her free hand was ready to cast a spell, Su Ming asked his little cousin questions and put the last cigarette in his mouth.

In the past, when a prisoner was executed, he would be given a cigarette, decapitated food, and cigarettes on the road.

Because extracting the soul and storing it in the soul stone is an experiment after all, and among the people Su Ming knows now, only Gu Yi seems to know how to put the soul back into the body. Wade may only be able to be a ball for a long time.

Deadpool thought about it and didn't know why he was a little panicked, but he really wanted to see death. Under the control of the third leg, he decided to participate in his cousin's experiment.

"My Wanshiwuwu helps me keep an eye on it, and the negative sound wave is probably grinding the mirror now. You can also take care of the warhead, but don't take care of my girlfriends for me. I have to come back. If you fall asleep I will never forgive you in my life."

"You have about ten seconds left in this life. Now you just hope that Xiao Sheng will not take advantage of the loopholes in the contract." Su Ming lit a cigarette for him, took one himself, and gently exhaled blue mist.

"This is a question. Does leaving the body count as death? How should the time limit of this life be calculated? I have to think about it..." Deadpool looked at the dark ceiling, and the green fireplace flames made him Appearing as pale as death.

Su Ming turned to Hela and nodded. Hela immediately poked Deadpool's exposed forehead with her finger. Deadpool, who was still calculating the mint problem, fell to the ground without saying a word.

As Hela's fingers left Deadpool's forehead, she seemed to pull out a translucent maggot from the rotten fruit. The maggot swelled in the wind and soon turned into the ghost of Deadpool.

It's the most classic ghost, an erratic translucent spirit body with only its upper body and no legs, replaced by a cloud of smoke in the style of a djinn.

"Well, this is the first time I have seen my handsome sleeping face from such a perspective. It makes me look so handsome, but does this count as me dead? I obviously still have my own consciousness and thinking, and my mind is still like It’s a pot of risotto with all kinds of messy thoughts.”

Deadpool's soul floated between Su Ming and Hela. While commenting on his body on the ground, he also chattered about his feelings.

"I just want to send you to your 'Chica'. It's none of my business what state you are in." Su Ming shrugged indifferently and signaled Hela to proceed to the next step.

Deadpool looked down at himself, and there was only a cloud of smoke around his waist: "Wait a minute, without my little Wade, why should I go to find her? I won't go, I have to let her experience the joy of being a woman. It’s called thanks, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hela had already cast a spell to drag him into the soul stone, and the castle hall suddenly became much quieter.

Hela threw the soul stone to Su Ming, raised her cloak and sat back on the throne. She continued to watch her TV program, but she said tentatively: "This stone is very interesting. It seems to be specially designed to imprison the birth of the soul." , I’m afraid I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

"There are many things to imprison the soul, including clay pots, straw men, and stones. Now it's just a purple crystal ball." Su Ming put away the soul stone and stuffed it into his pocket: "Thanks, I have to go out and walk around.”

"Take your garbage away, Deadpool's body is here to pollute the air." Hela pointed to the body on the ground. The body after death had lost control of its bowels and bladder.

You can't put such dirty things in your bag. Su Ming shook his head without thinking: "Let your dog carry him to the entrance of the hall. I'm in a hurry."

After saying that, Hangzhou pressed the transmitter on his arm bone inside his body, sending Su Ming to the vast sea of ​​​​stars where many universes were arranged like stars.

Hela's eyes moved from the TV to where Deathstroke had just stood, and then to Fenrir's head.

The Winter Wolf also looked at her with big watery eyes and shook his head desperately.

"Go, drag Deadpool out with your paws, don't pick him up, it's too dirty." Hela gave the order to the dog.

"Woooooo..." The big wolf still didn't want to go. Its sense of smell was sharper than anyone else. In its opinion, Deadpool stunk more than a toilet that hadn't been cleaned in hundreds of years.

But as Hela stared at it seriously, it went to drag the body dejectedly, leaving only a yellow drag mark in the palace.

Hela returned her attention to the TV plot, but whispered: "Crystal ball? Who are you kidding..."


The realm of death.

To be precise, it is more like a garden suspended on the unknown level of the universe. It covers a large area, but the only conspicuous building is a small pavilion in the center, and there are no other conspicuous buildings around it.

"Is it a special upper plane projection in the multiverse... Then the death in the single universe is actually just a clone?" Su Ming thought as he landed on this thin plane.

If this is the case, her state is a bit like Merlin. If every single universe has its existence, where is the higher-level death deity?

Or does she appear in all parallel universes at the same time? Then didn’t Deadpool from other worlds turn green on himself?

Will it be the same as DC's death, where she is both within the universe and outside the universe? Does their existence prove the indefinite state of quantum?

The various thoughts in his mind did not affect Su Ming's actions. In this vast garden, a long queue spread to the horizon. In the queue were dead souls and all kinds of creatures.

One by one they filed into the pavilion of death and stood before her.

It's just that compared to the Goth girl next door, this death seems much colder. She is a skeleton wearing a purple robe. She rarely communicates with the dead, let alone smiles.

Her way of dealing with the soul is to watch it indifferently, and the soul will naturally know its fate, whether to dissipate in the universe or go to another distant place.

Naturally, Su Ming would not line up with the undead. He landed directly in front of the pavilion, pushed away the souls blocking the way, and faced the hollow skeleton eyes of death.

On the other side of the throne of death, Su Ming also saw an acquaintance, the lord of hell Mephisto. It seemed that he came to pay death today.

Old Mo smiled politely at Deathstroke, but Su Ming knew that he wanted to watch the fun and see what would happen to the Supreme Mage after he collided with Death.

However, Su Ming would not give him a chance to watch the excitement. Before Death could speak, he took out Wade's soul stone and handed it to Death.

Death didn't care what she was planning to say. She took the soul stone with both hands, held it in her arms and touched it. Through the purple outer wall, she seemed to be able to see Wade inside doing break dancing.

Breakdancing without legs.

She picked up the soul stone and kissed it, but there was only a sound of teeth clashing with the stone. Deadpool bypassed Thanos' curse and arrived here in a half-dead state. Of course she was happy.

"Stop first."

Death immediately abandoned his official duties and walked deeper into the garden with the Soul Stone in his arms. He nodded to Deathstroke and motioned for him to follow.

Su Ming glanced at Mephisto, who still smiled and said nothing. The veteran hell lord always smiled, which was a business necessity.

Death led Su Ming to another more secluded garden. There were not only carefully trimmed hedges, but also a sea of ​​roses. A circular bath was located in the center of the grass, with hot water boiling inside.

"I heard Wade talk about you, his brother from another world." Death sat on a bench nearby, still holding the soul stone, and spoke in a very pleasant voice.

If you didn't look at the skull face under her hood, you would definitely think that the person with this voice is an extremely beautiful girl, because the voice is full of sweetness and happiness, and a happy woman is often beautiful.

"It seems that this is the first time we have met. I am also very happy to meet you, Goddess of Death." Su Ming was very polite, but he sat on the bench with Death carelessly, facing each other. Hot spring bath.

"I'm not a goddess, just Death. Although I really want to be an ordinary woman, my responsibility is that I can only be one of the rules of the universe." Death lowered his head and looked at the soul crystal. The soul of Deadpool inside was attached to it. On the transparent wall, she squeezed her mouth into a chrysanthemum shape, as if she wanted to kiss her.

So Death moved the skull face up again and made out with Wade openly for a while.

Su Ming sighed. He didn't come here to watch others show affection, but to ask some questions. He then compared the answers with the girl from DC and came to some conclusions: "Then you should have guessed why I personally sent Wade here. Right?"

Wade in the soul stone was in a small purple world. After hearing this, he took a few steps back.

Isn't it because of brotherhood that others don't feel comfortable sending it? Does my cousin have any other dark plans?

Death let out a silvery bell-like laughter, as clear as the cry of a lark: "I hadn't noticed it at first, but when you asked, I discovered that you have a strange yet familiar aura, which is also death, But it’s not my breath.”

"The undeniable fact is that beyond the omnipotent universe we live in, there are higher layers and layers of universes, like matryoshka dolls, another death, an existence that should be on the same level as you, But there’s a big difference between you.”

Su Ming then picked a black leaf from the hedge, and the leaf instantly turned into black ash in his hands and dissipated.

Death nodded and stretched out his skull claws: "Give me your hand, not the symbiote's hand."

Su Ming took off the arm armor formed by strangulation and handed his palm to death, while Wade's soul took out a handkerchief from nowhere, holding it in his mouth and biting it, as if it was very heartbreaking.

But Death only briefly shook hands, then put down Deathstroke's arm and began to think silently.

After a long time, she spoke again: "To put it simply, from your human perspective, she is stronger than me. Death to me is death, but to her, death is not just death, it is also life. She shoulders the responsibility of She understands the dual concepts of death and life. But from a higher level point of view, I am better than her because I am more like a human being, able to love and hate, and have a little freedom."

Su Ming took out a bottle of wine from his belt and placed it on the bench as a Christmas gift for Wade: "Is it more like a human...?"

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