The Death Knell

Chapter 1066? Underground War

I don't know what kind of danger the other members of the SHIELD team encountered, which made Daisy use her powers underground as if she was desperate for her life. She must know that there are trillions of tons of soil and rocks above her and others, causing a... Earthquakes are not a good thing.

But it wasn't without its benefits, because it allowed Su Ming to directly lock onto her location.

As a symbiote, Strangler is very sensitive to various sound waves and vibrations. It immediately transmits the distance and direction of the earthquake source to the host's mind.

There was no smell of blood in the air, but the black mist gradually became thicker as it continued to advance. Even through the red eyepiece, you could occasionally see the graininess of some TV sets, like snowflakes.

It seems that this direction is correct, and matter zero is also in this direction.

But now the four people are moving in the new passage at high speed. The wall is obviously no longer made by humans, but more like a bug hole. The inner wall is extremely smooth, even under the feet.

If it wasn't steep enough, it might be able to be used as a slide.

"Get ready to fight. I'm going to start arranging tactical targets now, because everyone will need to plug their ears for a while. First of all, the rest of the SHIELD team, they are all humans and currently allies. We try our best to ensure their survival."

Sitting on the flying carpet turned into a cloak, this place is relatively narrow and only four people can line up in a line. The cloak needs to turn or float up and down according to the passage from time to time, so the four people look like they are riding a fried dough stick.

Fitz and Gemma breathed a sigh of relief. They had secretly planned to use Deathstroke to help, but now they didn't even have to mention it, and they took the initiative.

This makes them always have the illusion that they have become very dark, and even feel a little ashamed.

However, before they could apologize, Deathstroke's second sentence made them roll their eyes again, because Deathstroke said this: "Shock Girl Daisy is the most valuable, down here is Agent Coulson, and the others are really Just forget it if you can’t save it.”

"But there are about a dozen other of us."

Gemma is a little unwilling. She has never been a qualified agent in the traditional sense. She is a bit soft-hearted and has a lot of perceptual thinking.

"Who do you think I am? Captain America? If you keep talking nonsense, I will sell you to Cambodia." The red eyepiece turned to look at Gemma, without any emotion at all.

Gemma retracted into Fitz's arms and lowered her head in fear. She didn't know why, but she felt that if she didn't obey, something terrible might happen.

Fitz quickly stroked the top of her head to smooth her hair, held her tightly in his arms, and the two huddled together.

Su Ming didn't pay attention. He continued to speak to the king who was sitting at the end of the flying carpet: "If the enemy is an immortal, make sure to block your ears and use the void portal in conjunction with my time gem. If the enemy is the darkness of Leviathan, Converter, leave it to me and Daisy to deal with it, you use the magic shield to protect important targets. If there is an unexpected situation... I will deal with it, you can take the SHIELD team to evacuate first."

"Understood, sir." Wang agreed unambiguously. He tightened the scarf tied on his face with his backhand, only revealing his eyes that looked a little eager to try.

Hearing this, the scientific duo raised their heads again. Deathstroke himself asked the mage to take him and others to evacuate. Did they misunderstand him before? Is he actually a superhero, the kind with a tough mouth and a soft heart?

But as soon as this idea appeared in their minds, their heads shook wildly like rattles, as if they were trying to throw the idea out of their heads.

According to historical data, Deathstroke is definitely not a superhero, but a weirdo whose position is never clear.

"Plug your ears, make contact within three seconds, three, two, one!"

Accompanied by the strong wind, the vision suddenly opened up.

The cloak led them to a huge underground space, and now below the four of them was a city that they had never seen before.

An underground city, through the winding underground passage, after choosing the right one among the countless forks, you entered the underground city deep in the earth's crust.

Square buildings made of unknown black materials are lined up in rows, densely and disorderly stacked together, like layers of shoe boxes, forming tall tower buildings, and simple suspension bridges or ropes form channels to connect these towers.

Weird luminous plants are densely packed throughout the dome of the space, illuminating everything in a colorful way.

There are tall black towers, surrounded by chaotic stone shanties. A large number of strange-looking underground demons are walking through the city, and their shadows can be seen flashing through windows and doorways from time to time.

The underground races built their own buildings around the huge stone pillars supporting the sky, then expanded in circles like spindles, and then connected with other stone pillars through various means, eventually forming a large cluster of suspended city-states suspended above the endless abyss.

This is the place where nature and civilization meet. It's like the inside of a termite mound magnified countless times, and no one knows what else is beneath the bottomless abyss.

"Strangulation, where is the earthquake source?"

After entering the empty space, Su Ming just glanced at the chaotic scene below. Unexpectedly, several forces were completely fighting together. He decided to find Coulson and the others first to understand the situation.

So he used his mind to ask if the strangulation could be located.

As the cloak flew at high speed and passed through the airflow caused by the cracks between large and small rock pillars, a small bulge appeared on his shoulder armor, and then turned into a small bean sprout-like tentacle. He pointed one direction.

It can provide the host with a 360-degree full field of vision without blind spots. Combined with Deathstroke's top spatial thinking ability and image memory, coupled with the energy sensing ability of the magic floating cloak, the current Supreme Mage can't even call it a cosmic-level living probe. Too much.

After Strangler pointed the way, Su Ming let the cloak adjust the direction. The density of the black fog here was not as high as expected. He quickly saw the SHIELD team.

But he couldn't help but sigh. If viewed from a high altitude, the layout of the entire underground city was similar to a broken irregular spider web, and Coulson and the others were right in the center of the web.

They cut off many of the suspension bridges leading to the central tower, leaving only one road for defense. Thanks to the multi-party melee in the city, they were able to hold their line.

I'm afraid they were beaten up like this because they were made dumplings by the returning Immortals and the chasing Leviathan, which attracted the attention of the natives in the underground city.

However, in addition to these two families, there were other forces present, and Su Ming was unable to identify their affiliations for the time being.

There are all kinds of weapons on the chaotic battlefield, from bows, arrows and spears, to guns and cannons, to energy guns and energy swords. This is simply a museum of the history of military technology.


Su Ming smiled under the mask and touched the cloak. It made a knowing dive and sent the four of them to Coulson's side behind the bunker, floating quietly in mid-air.

Coulson, who was initially dazed and pointed his gun at the person falling from the sky, immediately showed that familiar business smile on his face.

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