The Death Knell

Chapter 1067? Mockingbird and Shockwave Girl

"Fitz and Gemma, your guns should still have bullets. Go and replace the cavalry. The people who can make the decision are here for a meeting, so I don't have to repeat the order."

Su Ming dismissed the scientific duo. These two people had no other abilities and could do bad things and good things.

Fitz looked at Coulson, who nodded slightly, so the scientific duo also drew their pistols, jumped over the empty streets with a skilled diving posture, and replaced May from behind another bunker.

As for the black man Mike... He was not very smart and liked to express his opinions. Su Ming directly excluded him.

Su Ming looked around. Behind the bunkers everywhere, in addition to the passers-by with common faces, there were two missing acquaintances.

"Where are Mockingbird and Yo-Yo?" he asked Coulson.

"I arranged for them to destroy other passages. They will be back soon... coming."

As soon as Colson finished speaking, an afterimage squatted beside him. A Latina woman with long wavy hair, and another beautiful woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and a curvy face. He squatted next to Su Ming.

It was Yo-Yo and Mockingbird.

Yoyo is a strange person with the ability to move a certain distance at high speed in the interval between heartbeats and then return to the original place.

How to put it, it can be said to be a weakened version of Quicksilver. The biggest weakness is that it is too troublesome to return to the original place in the next heartbeat, and her speed cannot reach the speed of light, which is far from Barry's speed that can restart the world.

Barbara Morse, also known as Mockingbird, nicknamed 'Poppy', was a gymnastics champion as a girl and an academic master. She is as much a biology expert as Gemma. Her specialty is ...Study Steve's blood, that is, develop a new variety of super soldier serum.

However, as she became Agent 19, she spent less and less time in the laboratory, and eventually she became a field agent, only filling in occasionally when Gemma was away.

She has a good relationship with the invisible woman Susan. In addition, because she is very beautiful, many male superheroes are also very friendly to her.

"Long time no see, Bobby, how are you and Hawkeye doing lately?" Su Ming also handed her a bottle of soda and asked very friendly.

He will never miss an opportunity to detect future intelligence. Sometimes it is more effective to understand something from the side.

"Hmph, how do I know about him? He's probably not dead." Mockingbird took the soda nonchalantly, and after seeing Coulson nod, he carefully took a sip.

Su Ming touched his chin: "It's strange, why does it feel like you have resentment? You really killed him..."

"I don't need to kill him, he's not your good cousin. Last time Wade said he would take Clint to Halloween, but the two of them went out to get candy and went into a nightclub. The two called a hundred girls to play By the third day they couldn't even walk. Do you know how embarrassed I was when Clint called me and asked me to drive to Vegas to pick them up?"

Poppy gritted her teeth and said, if Wade were here, she would probably bite him a few times without even caring about being dirty.

"Wait a minute, you mean they wanted the candy from New York to Las Vegas? It's far away..." Su Ming tilted his head, what the hell is this.

Mockingbird looked at him with dead fish eyes behind his eye patch: "Is this the point? Doesn't he know that all our mobile phones are monitored by the bureau? It's fine now, he and Deadpool are playing in Las Vegas They stayed for two days and two nights, and spent millions of dollars on rotten avocados. If I had gone later, they would have gotten their marriage certificate at the drive-in church... Even if it didn't happen in the end, everyone knows this news. Knowing everything, I can’t wait to crawl into the cracks in the ground.”

"Hiss!" Su Ming shuddered when he heard that Hawkeye almost turned into his sister-in-law.

Bobby's shoulders slumped: "Yes, it's disgusting, right?"

"Uh...Didn't Hawkeye break up with you?" Su Ming comforted her and gave her another cigarette.

"Yes, this is the only good news. Otherwise, why do you think he is still alive?" Mockingbird replied very calmly, lowering his head to light a cigarette.

Hawkeye's martial arts skills are very good, basically on the same level as Wade, a master of all cold weapons, but Barbara is not far behind, and as a top biologist and ex-wife, if she wants to poison, it is estimated that The probability of being tricked by Eagle Eye will be very high.

Su Ming grinned under the mask and turned to look at Daisy aside. Shockwave Girl showed an awkward yet polite smile and shrugged helplessly. She also knew about this matter. Although she had a good relationship with Bobby, it was someone else's private matter after all.

She once thought that Wolverine or Spider-Man might have an abnormal relationship with Deadpool, but she never thought that it was Hawkeye, who usually seemed cool.

Hawkeye is a member of the Avengers and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., how should I put it? After that incident, he lost everyone in both organizations, and was actually raped by Deadpool, and even staged a real-life version of it. 's "The Hangover."

Although after sobering up, Clint chased Wade for a long time, but Deadpool could not be killed, and a lot of money was wasted on special arrows.

"That's fine, agents. Marriage is unnecessary." Su Ming sighed. Do two agents still need a marriage certificate to provide a sense of security? If the relationship is gone, then the marriage certificate is useless even if it is an iron coupon.

Daisy put her arm around Bobby's shoulders, patted her twice gently as comfort, and then asked Deathstroke: "What about you? Do you have a family? Wife, children, etc.?"

"No, if you are talking about marriage in the traditional sense." Su Ming spread his hands. Whoever he wanted to be with did not need any official letter of certification.

"You have too little information. We don't even know what kind of person the leader of the magical world who protects the earth is. Do you like humans? What about women? Or do you prefer some kind of goddess or female devil?"

Daisy opened her eyes wide and showed a curious expression like a cat.

Mockingbird also raised his head curiously. Wade rarely talked about his cousin to her or Hawkeye. Deadpool seemed to behave in a chaotic way, but sometimes he was also very strict with his mouth.

She only knew that Deathstroke was very strong, very rich, and had many mages at his command, but other than that, she didn't have any valuable information.

"Ask this? Do you two want to recommend yourself?" Su Ming asked funnyly, what does this mean? A honey trap to gather information?

Daisy moved her wrist and looked at the sweaty bandage under her arm armor: "Forget it, even though I know you have lived to our time, I dare not look at your face under the mask, even if it is not like Deadpool, But at least it’s full of wrinkles and age spots.”

Bobby also shook his head and shuddered: "Your cousin looks like that, you probably... I can't accept it anyway, what about you? Youyou?"

Yoyo, who was innocently being shot on the sidelines as a spectator, said in English with a South American accent: "Deadpool's cousin? I pass."

"Wow, is it so realistic? Do you like people like Thor or the Hulk who are all stupid?" Su Ming simply sat on the ground, supported his chin with his hand, and chatted with them.

"If you're looking for a boyfriend, you definitely don't want a superhero. Just someone handsome and strong."

"Yes, especially not those who participated in the circus as a child."

Daisy shook her head first, her face full of vicissitudes of life, and Bobby immediately said that the remarried partner would not find any revenge.

Then the two sighed and looked at the death knell with burning eyes, as if sending a silent invitation.

Seeing the eyes of the two women, Su Ming sighed, and the air flow hissed under the mask: "It seems that I can't hide it anymore..."

Su Ming slowly raised his hands and placed them on his mask. Just when they thought Deathstroke was about to take off his helmet...

He suddenly!

His hands quickly slid down, and he took out a watermelon from his waist bag and placed it on the flat ground between the three of them...

"Okay, you've tried all the ways of building relationships, seducing me with beauty, and provoking me, but you want to see my true face? The answer is still no way, just eat melon, and you won't feel bitter after eating something sweet."

Su Ming clapped his hands like General Jin, and laughed like a devil from under his mask. When he saw the two women stunned, and then showed angry expressions, he felt that female agents were quite interesting sometimes.

"Ahem, is the reminiscing over?"

Coulson was still smiling, but the corners of his mouth were twitching slightly.

Shockwave and Mockingbird were obviously trying to get Deathstroke's true identity, but unfortunately, they were seen through.

If you know the true identity of Deathstroke, it will be equivalent to solving the mystery of the century. This information will definitely make great achievements after telling Fury.

Unfortunately, not only did they not see the true appearance of Deathstroke, they were also tricked and told a lot of information about the future. These two people focused on the target and forgot about the time-space replacement agreement. Didn't they realize that this death knell was the death knell of 1956?

After talking about so many things about the future, I don’t get any credit now. Let’s go to Fury to admit his mistake when we get back.

I feel so tired and it’s so difficult to lead the team.

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