The Death Knell

Chapter 1071? Discover the target

"What's going on? Is Gravity not in the hands of any of their forces?"

Daisy tilted her head, showing a puzzled look, and Wang also closed the portal to prevent the garbage from spewing out from here.

"Either the Gravitonium is still hidden somewhere and has not fallen into anyone's hands. Or I have overestimated the technological level of the Immortals, and they cannot activate the Gravityium alone. But don't worry, let the stone fly for a while. "

Su Ming lowered his head and looked at the abyss below, but he still hadn't heard the sound of the spire falling to the ground.

"Gravity onium can be activated with simple equipment and electricity. Plastic can isolate their effects, so it is not a very difficult substance to use." Fitz, who had been coerced by Hydra to activate the gravity onium injection device, appeared at this time , but now he seems a little idle.

As a physicist, the usefulness is infinitely reduced at this time.

"Attention, there are changes."

Just when Su Ming was waiting with his arms folded and the others were getting a little anxious, Coulson suddenly reminded him.

The huge black tower that had fallen into the abyss before was actually like a giant spaceship, slowly rising sideways from the dark abyss. The luminous plants on the top of the cave coated it with colorful light.

Because the garbage and other debris fell away, it was like a space battleship at this time, with every edge and corner flickering.

"Is it really over there? Let's go over and grab the things." Daisy was eager to give it a try.

"No, I understand. Gravityium is both over there and not there." Su Ming under the mask showed a smile. No one found Gravityium because these metals were not excavated at all, but were built there. In the rock pillars of the Black Tower!

When Daisy broke the rock pillar, perhaps the energy carried by the shock wave activated it, causing the entire broken building complex to fly up.

Coulson suddenly woke up and turned to look at the spire where everyone was standing. There was also the same rock pillar behind them. If...

Su Ming saw his reaction, nodded and said: "Yes, the underground race is technologically backward and has no way to understand the principle of gravity, but they know which rock pillars can build houses and which cannot. So now we see all Rock pillars, as long as they are wrapped by buildings, should have gravity inside, and it is they who ensure that the surrounding buildings will not slip from the stone pillars."

The architectural structure, like a candied haws on a stick, hung upside down from the ceiling, is a problem in itself.

Colson turned around and looked at the giant spiers with more than thirty spiers in the underground space again in a daze.

Now it's troublesome. Before, they were just looking for gravity. Now there are too many gravity's, more than expected. They can't take them all away. This is also a trouble.

If the SHIELD team cannot take away all these things, whether they fall into the hands of Hydra or the Vampires, major events that change history may occur.

"Find a way to contact the Zephyr and transform the adaptive detention room into a plastic container. We will try to take away all the gravity." Coulson said to Fitz. Now due to unknown reasons, he and others cannot contact the outside world, so they can only hope The physicist resumed communication.

Fitz wanted to say something, but when he saw the commander's serious face, he could only hold it back as if he was constipated and went to Gemma to find a solution.

"If you can provide the detailed coordinates of the Zephyr fighter, my butler can use the portal to help." Su Ming didn't mean to object, and instead acted very enthusiastic.

Colson raised his arm and tapped the LCD screen on his wrist. The numbers under the skin flashed: "Sorry, things like coordinates used to be recorded electronically."

"Okay, so much gravity can't fall into the hands of the enemy. I can only reluctantly help you keep it." Su Ming patted his silk bag, revealing the fox tail.

Coulson was speechless. Is it really okay if the thing fell into Deathstroke's hands? Even if it won't be eaten privately, it will definitely be much less, right?

But before he could object, Su Ming raised a hand and stopped him from speaking: "I'll just share a little, don't worry."

"...Okay, but you have to make sure not to use it before 2018, otherwise it will cause a butterfly effect." Coulson still took a step back. There was too much gravity, and their preparations were too far behind.

Only by relying on Deathstroke's weird storage method can precious metals be prevented from falling into the hands of the enemy.

"No problem. You also know that I am a mage. I will go home and study this thing." Su Ming took out the God Killer and turned it into a golden giant sword. The two heavy weapons were linked together in a sword flower, and the air There was a low humming sound, like the propellers of a helicopter turning.

Coulson rubbed his face and nodded resignedly. Until he traveled through time, no one had ever seen the Supreme Mage release magic.

"Then let's start, Skye, go towards the other rock pillar next to us." Su Ming directly commanded Colson's team.

Daisy nodded and cooperated with Wang again.

The process was the same as before. The downed stone pillar finally slowly floated up after dozens of seconds, which once again proved Su Ming's conjecture.

"You guys rest, I'll go mining."

After saying that, Su Ming took off from the ground, dragging two giant swords, and quickly approached the spire crossing in mid-air like a stream of light. As he got closer and closer, the contrast became more obvious, compared with the huge building complex. , he is like an inconspicuous little bee.

In a flash, he got into the buildings on the rock pillars and disappeared.

"Is this really okay?" Daisy rubbed her wrists and muttered to herself. The continuous high-load activation of her abilities made the bones of her arms bear the heavy load, and her wrists turned purple.

Xiao Wang didn't even look at her, he just put his hands in his sleeves and stared at the direction the Supreme Mage left: "Master, he can definitely do it. There is nothing in this world that he can't do."

Daisy curled her lips in disgust. She was too lazy to be serious with the brainwashed fanatics, so she had better take the time to spray some painkillers.

But just when she was about to ask Poppy to give her a massage, the buildings floating in the sky not far away seemed like a long loaf of bread cut by an invisible knife. It was broken into pieces in the air. It really just took a moment. , the originally seemingly solid building completely disintegrated from within.

Along with the loud rumbling sound, huge fragments fell downwards one after another.

Before she could make any sound of surprise, she saw a mercenary in black and yellow armor dragging a long red light in front of several people. The cloak behind him held a ball of rolling liquid, which was being tossed up and down. Just for fun.

The mountain-like building hadn't even landed yet. At this time, the crumbling building became the background of the death knell. Daisy even forgot to breathe due to the terrifying momentum.

As if Deathstroke had just done what he should have done, he slowly landed and inserted his swords into the ground. His cloak put the big silver wriggling metal ball into the small bag on his belt.


He raised his cloak, and the black cloak moved automatically without wind, casting a dark shadow, and his hoarse voice echoed among the people.

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