The Death Knell

Chapter 1095? Chain plan

Since Deathstroke knows that Faltin is no match for Dormammu, asking her to do things like blocking the door is actually just a show-off.

Reveal the plane of fire? The purpose is to lure Dormammu to use his space ability.

Of course, Faltin herself didn't know. She still thought the plan had failed. After the mirror space expanded, she launched several more futile attacks on Dormammu, looking a little panicked.

There was no need for Su Ming to explain the full plan to her. Even Omar only knew half of it.

Although the two ensured that Dormammu could not obtain their thoughts, however... don't trust strangers, it was definitely one of the rules of mercenaries.

The three demon gods present are all Falting people. I am just an ordinary human being. Isn't it normal to be defensive?

Besides, once the dimensional demon gods fight, the resulting space fluctuations will even affect the first dimension, and in the multi-layer mirror space, there is quite a buffer layer.

Su Ming didn't want the old ruler to appear from nowhere and take advantage of everyone when everyone was fighting in full swing. Isolating the space is only the first step in the overall plan. It not only ensures that no one can get out, but also ensures that no one from outside can come in within a short period of time.

Omar's task is to fight with Dormammu and create a favorable environment. In fact, the flame element environment is not friendly to Su Ming, and Strangler doesn't like places that are too hot.

Although it is much stronger than other symbiotes, its fire-based abilities may still threaten Strangler.

Except for Faltin's fire, the temperature of her fire was not good enough to roast the whole lamb.

As Omar cast another spell, the surrounding environment that was originally like the underworld changed again. Red bricks covered with moss appeared around him, and the top of his head became lower. The sound of rushing water and various stenches could be heard in his ears. The smell hit my face.

Su Ming pulled the night curtain out of the ground and floated up with the help of the cloak. He moved his neck and suddenly disappeared from the spot. Preparations have been made, and the current environment is the battlefield environment he is best at - the sewer.

Omar had never seen it before, but he embodied the underground structure of a human city. Dormammu immediately realized that this must be from the Deathstroke Cult, and there must be something weird about it.

But he was a little stunned because he felt the environment. Unlike the previous secondary plane that was full of various elements, this sewer had nothing but stench and sewage. There is still kitchen waste floating in the yellow water on the side, it is very real.

Dormammu doesn't know what kind of restraint the sewer has on him. Although the ceiling is lower and the surrounding environment is narrower, there is no elemental power here that can give the opponent an advantage.

Regardless of whether there is or not, he doesn't like the mirror space that Omar manifests anyway, and must change.

He immediately prepared to cast the spell again, but at this moment, a ray of silver light drew a bright plane in the darkness and struck out of thin air, targeting his neck.

Dormammu immediately leaned back to dodge. The knife was too fast. When the blade swept away a few wisps of black smoke from his neck, he was about to make his evasive action.

After all, he is a dimensional demon who was born as a sorcerer. Speaking of fighting skills, that is his only shortcoming.

When the silver light dissipated, he saw Deathstroke's single red eye suddenly appearing in front of him. He still wanted to raise his hand, but the death knell didn't give him a chance to cast the spell again. The big sword in his hand struck again with a terrible sound of wind.

As the Lord of the Dark Dimension, he doesn't have to dodge these physical attacks.

But out of his yearning to invade the earth, he has been paying close attention to the situation in the main dimension. Over the years, he has also learned a lot about Deathstroke, the new supreme mage after the Ancient One, and how many other demon gods or hell lords there are. I will have some relevant information.

Simply put, this person doesn't do useless things.

Now the question comes, why does Deathstroke use a big sword to chop himself when he knows that he is not afraid of physical damage? Behead?

But for the Falting race, the body is nothing, and the elemental head is not important, right? There must be something I didn't expect...

Before he thought of this key point, he had to avoid this strange giant sword, otherwise he would be easily plotted by the insidious Supreme Mage.

In Dormammu's view, the Supreme Mage is an insidious, cunning and despicable existence. He has been the same throughout the ages. He is a thief, a liar, and a follower of Veshandi who says one thing and does another.

The path that Emperor Weishan pursues is balance. In other aspects, he is no different from all demon gods. He charges the same price for casting spells, grabs territory in various dimensions, and continues to enhance his strength.

It's ridiculous that stupid creatures like humans are so willing to believe that Emperor Weishan is some kind of good god.

In ancient times, only ten of the millions of ancient gods on earth survived, and Ao Shutu was one of them. She was not as strong as she is now, so how did she survive in that kind of war? Just think about it and you will know how dark it is...

Dormammu ducked to one side again, and the sword thrust missed his neck.

Just when Dormammu was about to kick away the death knell, Omar and Faltin, who saw an opportunity, surrounded him and hit Dormammu with various energy beams, forcing him to resist the defense.

Omar had been imprisoned for so long that he understood the importance of timing, and now he couldn't let Dormammu successfully cast his spell.

Although Deathstroke's sword is sharp, once Dormammu discovers that he is strong but weak, he will probably release stronger magic again at the cost of having his head chopped off.

The mirror space can be a killing magic. The space controller can control it to emit spikes or energy beams from anywhere, and even create a plane full of radiation or poisonous gas.

Humans are not elemental creatures, and their bodies made of flesh and blood are too fragile to be able to withstand Dormammu's attacks.

Even if Deathstroke can't die with the Time Stone, after experiencing the pain of death countless times, the spirit of carbon-based creatures may collapse. The existence of the body will affect the upper limit of spirit and willpower. Human beings have never been a race known for their mental toughness.

If Deathstroke died alive and accidentally went crazy, then neither he nor Faltin would be able to do anything against Dormammu.

Faltin's idea was much simpler. Her original mission was to block the door and delay time, but now that the door was gone, all that was left was delay. Deathstroke had gained a moment of suppression advantage, so she naturally wanted to help.

"Omar, grab his hand!"

Deathstroke shouted to Omar while swinging a sword. This sword was three points faster than before. In an instant, it seemed like a bright galaxy was displayed in front of everyone, with a gorgeous aura, heading towards Dormammu... ....Go away with a burning crown on your head!

This unseen move made Dormammu's eyes spitting out black fire suddenly open. He understood...

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