The Death Knell

Chapter 1214? Dragons

In the bloody tribe, even the weeds beside the shacks seemed to be invigorated by the nutrients they received. The dull wind in the rain forest kept swirling with the stench, and the cry of unknown beasts came from the darkness in the distance. Voice.

Time was limited, and the smell of blood here would soon attract predators, so he packed up the rifles, which were probably less than a hundred, without saying a word, and planned to hand them over to his adjutant for study when he returned.

He recognized the energy source of these weapons, these small balls wrapped in hollow metal patterns, and the blue color in them was out-and-out cosmic energy.

Storing cosmic energy in a spherical 'battery' and driving the gun to shoot is equivalent to helping the monkeys cross the threshold of utilizing cosmic energy. It is undoubtedly a black technology.

It's just that the gun is painted white, so it shouldn't be created by the Nuvali people. Everything they make is gold and red.

Is it the technology of the life diffuser? possible.

But if their technology is scattered in the hands of various tribes, and even a few weapons involve cosmic energy, it is conceivable that they were crazy back then, and the level of danger here has increased.

What an interesting place. Su Ming crossed his arms and chatted with Monaco.

Ulysses and the others were not searching very quickly because everyone was injured. After all, before they could complete their work, the beasts in the rainforest came to this place first.

As the leaves and shrubs rustled, pairs of golden eyes gradually lit up in the shadows of the forest outside the tribal station, looking like densely packed small light bulbs.

"We have company, probably a small dinosaur."

Su Ming took out his gun. It was more convenient to deal with wild beasts.

The eyes of cold-blooded animals are usually golden, while the eyes of cold-blooded animals can be of any color. For example, humans have several eye colors, and the same goes for cats.

Monaco and Casillas prepared to cast spells, but Monaco was smarter this time. He chose a frost-based spell to suppress cold-blooded animals.

"Dinosaurs? It seems like we are on their diet too."

The Magic Prince looked at the forest with caution. The shack where the savages stored their weapons was still a little far away from the edge of the rainforest, which could serve as a buffer.

Su Ming fired in the direction of the glowing eyes, only to see the pair of eyes swaying and making a sound of metal collision. He sighed and changed out the Night Sword again.

"In a place like this, there is no difference between humans and beasts. Let alone different races hunting each other. Take a look at the 'food warehouse' in this camp. It is basically filled with ape-man arms and thighs."

Monaco shrugged, and he also threw an ice arrow: "Who said humans are the best to hunt? They don't have shells, they run slowly, and they have few bones. It's not unreasonable for beasts to love eating humans."

"Even monkeys can climb trees, and the savages seem to have given up living in the trees." Casillas also threw out magic at the same time. He chose a summoning magic and summoned Seth's dependents, a family from the sea of ​​snakes. Huge snake.

The big snake was thrown deep into the forest, causing some chaos and squawking, but it soon calmed down.

Kasha shook his head at Deathstroke. At least snake venom and entanglement had no effect on these dinosaurs.

There are more and more yellow eyes around the camp, and the dense bushes obscure the figures of these predators, but judging from their actions of "just watching", they appear to be very calm.

This was not like the intelligence of cold-blooded animals. On the contrary, Su Ming thought of another creature that hunted with similar methods.

That's the wolf pack.

The moment he figured it out, he turned his head and looked towards the river beach on the other side of the tribe. Sure enough, he saw a small group of things that looked like small velociraptors, but were now lying on the ground like dogs and sneaking closer.

"Behind us, those lunatics of the Life Spreaders may have extracted the souls of primitive wolves and stuffed them into the bodies of dinosaurs, and also modified their physical defenses."

Su Ming immediately informed the people around him that the beasts in the dense forest in front of him were suspicious soldiers, used to attract attention, while the small team sneaking up from behind were the killer moves.

"Let me come, in the name of Exelon's icy tentacles, Icestorm."

Monaco quickly took out rabbits from his pocket, strangled them with one hand and quickly formed seals with the other hand, and the spells poured out of his mouth quickly.

Then as he reached out and pointed in the direction of the river beach, an ice storm mixed with sharp ice cubes and extremely cold breath spurted out.

The blood-soaked soil on the ground was stirred up by hail, and then fixed into a strange shape by the extreme cold. The ground stirred up waves like ocean waves, or frozen waves.

This is a very high-level black magic that comes from the ice demon Exelon, the demon who likes to drag debtors into his own dimension and freeze time and play with it for thousands of years.

Monaco rarely used such high-cost black magic in the past. It seems that he attaches great importance to these dinosaurs.

The ice cubes hit these small dinosaurs, and the sharp edge of the ice blade still did not cut their scales. However, the powerful kinetic energy carried by the ice cubes still knocked them to the ground, unable to get up at all.

The extreme cold that followed made their movements slower and slower, and finally formed a bright ice sculpture under the sun, and their vitality was completely wiped out.

Monaco withdrew his hand, wiped his tears, and started playing again. No matter how many times he casts this spell, the price still makes his heart extremely painful.

The monster hunters who heard the noise ran out of the largest thatched hut. They were all empty-handed, and it seemed they didn't find what they were looking for.

But in an instant, they were shocked by a sea of ​​ice crystals on the river beach. The dinosaurs in it still maintained their intact bodies, frozen in the ice, like works of art.

Although they knew that magic was a terrifying force in the past, Master Druid had never demonstrated such a powerful spell. Could it be that as both Archmages, Monaco was so much stronger than Druid?

Actually not, it's just that the Druid is old and his body cannot support such a large cost of casting spells, so he always uses some small magic selectively.

Moreover, he specializes in plant-based spells, and the cost is relatively mild. At most, it is just a mushroom growing on his head. He knows some black magic, but he doesn't use it often. He only uses it occasionally when mages fight.

Monaco was different. He was a black wizard from the cannibal clan, and he used his killing moves. Not long ago, he was given special care by Deathstroke, allowing the unknown to share the price he had accumulated. Now he is in excellent condition.

Ulysses' name sounds like a Greek, and his appearance is that of a classical tough guy, just like David in the sculpture, with a square face and a muscular body full of strength.

But at this time, coupled with the confused expression on his face, it looked so funny.

"Don't be in a daze, let's make peace with the mages first."

Zawadi came to his senses first. After all, the black girl was from the Royal Guards and could quickly calm down in any situation.

Now the three mages are located in the warehouse shack at the other end of the village. Whether it is offense or defense, it is safer for everyone to be together.

"Oh yes."

Ulysses came to his senses, picked up his shotgun, and led the two of them to run quickly through the battlefield full of corpses.

However, the yellow spots in the forest still did not dissipate at this time. The little dinosaur lost its top soldiers, but it was still ready to move in the trees and did not retreat.

"I'll do it again."

Monaco said that he was going to take out the rabbit. He felt that he was in good condition. Although his heart was unbearable, he should be able to release another ice storm.

Su Ming took his hand and stuffed the rabbit head exposed in his pocket back.

"Let me do it. These things, like the wolves, are very vengeful. If their wolf king is not killed, they will always be with us, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge. Only by killing the wolf king, will the wolves The next generation of Wolf King will be decided through civil war, and this is our chance to escape.”

Wild beasts are more troublesome than savages. It is almost impossible to catch them all in the rain forest. In a place with such dense trees, the cloak cannot fly too fast for fear of hitting the tree with the death knell.

It's more convenient than the decapitation plan.

"Is it the Dragon King? After all, they look like raptors." Monaco corrected him, but it was great to be able to cast no spells.

Su Ming smacked his lips and slowly looked for the monster that seemed to be the leader in the forest: "There is really a dragon king in the wilderness. It's just the kind of fire-breathing dragon in mythology, not a dinosaur. I’ll take you to find it when I have time.”

"No, I don't want to provoke that kind of thing. Let's just focus on doing one thing." Monaco waved his hands repeatedly. He always felt like the death knell was on vacation. How could this happen all the time? Doesn't he have a specific goal?

Of course there was a specific goal, but Su Ming didn't tell them.

"Since you said so, let's deal with them first. The leader of the wolf pack needs to direct the team to hunt, so it needs at least a place with a better sight. Although it is not clear how they communicate with each other, it should not Too far away from the colony, then... found it!"

Through these conditions, the dense rainforest was first excluded. Those small dinosaurs were hidden in it, so few people could not see them clearly, and their sight must also be blocked. After all, light propagates in a straight line, no matter what kind of eyes it is. Get around obstacles.

The only relatively open side was the road Su Ming and others came from, which was in the direction of the river beach.

There were sparse plants there, mostly gravel and gentle slopes. After looking carefully, Su Ming saw a sneaky figure hiding behind a big stone in the river.

When Deathstroke saw it, its pair of cold and vicious little eyes also looked over at the same time, and then it dived away without hesitation, as if to say, "Wait, I've written this down."

Su Ming took out the god Jin Goss from his waist bag, skillfully pulled the bolt and loaded the gun. Then he took out a cigarette with his other hand, took off the lower half of his mask and lowered his head to light it.

"Won't you shoot?"

Although Monaco didn't know the origin of this gun, the exquisite relief and the power contained on it were obviously more eye-catching than the technological firearms he had seen before.

"It's okay. There are no bunkers around the river. I'll let it swim 49 meters first."

Su Ming blew out a smoke ring calmly, then picked up the rifle with one hand and fired a shot into the river, seemingly without even aiming.

"Did you hit it?" Monaco asked again. Britain is a country where hunting is more popular. Naturally, he has followed others there. He has never seen anyone hunting with a sniper rifle with one hand.

Su Ming put away the gun and flicked the cigarette ashes casually: "Although I also want to let the bullets fly for a while... But in fact, the Gaussian projectiles are too fast. The moment you hear the gunshot, That dragon is already dead."

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