The Death Knell

Chapter 1216? Snowball

Speaking of which, living corpses are indeed much easier to use than skeletons. Along the way, the group encountered attacks from various wild beasts.

Su Ming only needs to order the living corpses to stuff themselves into the mouths of the beasts, and then hug their mouths.

There were no large carnivorous beasts near the camp where the savages lived. They were either lizards that looked like ancient crocodiles or color-changing moas.

These small-sized creatures cannot maintain fast movement while holding prey in their mouths. They came over smelling the blood, and as soon as they took a bite of meat, the food grabbed their mouths or heads before they even chewed it. Then a group of ape-men came over with big sticks and rocks.

The apes were very strong, with at least three times the physique of modern humans. They went up to fight in a group, and the beast with a human in its mouth was knocked to death almost immediately.

The living corpses used as bait are at best broken bones and little meat, and can be reused.

Because the smell of blood on their bodies attracted most predators, Su Ming and his group were not noticed by the beasts even if they stood aside, and they were very quiet.

Finally, after knocking to death the fifth saber-toothed tiger encountered on the road, the group of people arrived at a destination.

This is a larger tribe. Although the houses are also made of grass and trees, at least there is a wall built around the tribe. The houses no longer look like shacks, but have walls.

The most important thing is that when night falls, a huge bonfire is lit in the center of the tribe, and some savages are grilling some humanoid creatures around the bonfire, as if they are performing some kind of celebration ceremony.

"Okay, it's just in time for people to celebrate the festival." Su Ming touched his chin and complained to Monaco beside him: "Their New Year's Eve dinner is a bit unique."

Monaco squinted his eyes and looked at the fire from a distance, then retched: "Well, I thought I could survive the tribe eating people before, but I really can't stand the whole-person roasting here! "

Su Ming patted his back and helped the mage calm down: "Didn't you say before that humans are the easiest prey in this rainforest, and savages have no ethics, so it is not unreasonable for them to eat their own kind. .”

Xiaoka, who had been reading a book on the way, also expressed his opinion because it was too dark now. Sects exist.”

"That's a branch of Shiva believers, an ancient Indian sect." Although Monaque was feeling unwell, he still tried his best to popularize science for Xiaoka.

Su Ming also shrugged at Xiao Ka with a look of emotion: "Don't delve into Asan's religion. Hinduism believes that the Ganges is formed by the uncontrolled flow of the rice liquid of Lord Shiva. Their brain circuits are different from normal people. .”

Monaco rolled his eyes and shrank behind the grass: "Now do you know why Shiva is unwilling to pay attention to his followers? After all, he is the same supreme heavenly father as Odin. As a result, the mythological stories about him are different. A nasty one.”

"However, the Indian pantheon is not without merit. Some things in their stories are true. For example, they believe that a Manu age will appear every 70 times of gods, and a Manu will appear in every Manu age. It is said that the universe Seven Manu have already appeared in it."

Su Ming briefly mentioned this matter. Manu means 'the ancestor of mankind'. After the seventy gods' eras, humans will be destroyed, and gods will transform themselves into Manu in the 71st era and create humans again. , which is a manifestation of reincarnation.

In Asgard, it's called Ragnarok, and in Asan, it's the Age of Manu. It's essentially the same thing.

Casillas didn’t quite understand the origin of Manu, and Monaco patiently explained to him that in Hindu mythology, after the destruction of the world, the supreme god Brahma will divide himself into two halves, one male and one female, and then Let this pair of men and women be super inbred, and the child they gave birth to would be Manu, the ancestor of all human beings.

Xiaoka tilted his head, with a cold expression on his face: "So... what Asan is saying is that everyone is actually the offspring of inbreeding?"

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't make up the teachings." Monaco shrugged. He was just talking about knowledge. That's what Ah San dared to write.

Seeing the confused looks of the monster hunters, not sure why the topic turned to mythology again, Su Ming quickly waved his hand to signal the two of them to stop: "Okay, let's discuss the affairs of the Asans and return to Kamatai in the future. Ji said again, let’s study how to deal with the tribe in front of us.”

"Kill all the cannibal tribes." Casillas first expressed his opinion. After all, this tribe has more people. Without turning them all into undead, he and others cannot manage so many people.

Seeing those savages howling around the fire, you can tell that they have no language and there is no possibility of communication at all.

Monaco remained silent, acquiescing. Although these savages were very much like humans, their actions could not be considered human at all.

"Whatever you say, do it." Ulysses said more simply, he had given up thinking.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. After all, living savages are a burden, and only dead savages are good savages. He took off his cloak, put it in front of him to write a note, and at the same time confessed:

"Go find Dottie and get some mustard gas."

Cloak had been to the Hydra base with him and Wade, so he naturally knew where Dottie was. If he wanted to find gas bombs, he would definitely go to Hydra, which was their standing weapon.

There are newer poison gases or venoms, but to deal with a group of savages, mustard gas is enough.

The magic floating cloak shook its collar in mid-air, rolled up a note and a space bag given to it by the death knell in its corners and flew away.

A few minutes later, the cloak came back and returned the space bag to the Supreme Mage. Dotty was very diligent in her work. Perhaps it was just in time for the gas bombs in her branch to be updated, so she actually gave hundreds of grenades with skull symbols on them.

Su Ming selected a few living corpses with relatively complete bodies, wrapped a few gas bombs with vines on each of them, and ordered them to enter the tribe.

Everyone was still hiding in the rain forest in the distance to watch the show. To be precise, except for the death knell, everyone could only see some black shadows and at most listen to the sound.

I could only hear the camp being lively for a while, as if there was a fight, but as brown smoke rose, screams soon came, and after a few minutes everything became quiet.

Su Ming took out several gas masks from his pocket and gave one to each person.

"Let's go and clean up the battlefield."

"Okay!" Ulysses rubbed his hands and couldn't wait any longer.

The search took a little longer, after all, there were more houses and a larger area.

This tribe has more people than the previous one, and its technology is slightly more advanced, but their weapons are even more backward. They don't have any cosmic energy weapons, just some laser guns.

These laser guns are all golden and are obviously made in another style.

Deathstroke once again resurrected these corpses to expand his undead army, and here he found a crude idol that looked like an octopus squatting on a stone platform.

"Is it the statue of the old ruler?" Monaco came closer.

"It's useless, but it's a good sign. What I'm looking for might be closer." Su Ming drew his sword, cut the statue into pieces, and walked into the darkness again.

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