The Death Knell

Chapter 1219? Ancient God Totem

The action of turning the key to open the door was the same as yesterday, but the feeling in my heart was completely different.

Everything had changed. He no longer felt any warmth from this house, only a bone-chilling chill.

Fury asked everyone to wait for him in the living room, while he locked himself in the bedroom, holding the wedding photos of himself and Valentina in his hands, and sat silently by the bed all night.

He seemed to have completely merged into the darkness, with no trace of light anymore. Even his newly shaved head was powerless in this completely dark environment.

Early the next morning, he opened the door. Although his eyes were red, his speech and thinking had returned to the previous level.

The early morning sunlight shines on everyone through the windows. The members of the Howling Commandos are sleeping in a twisted state in the living room. Only Dugan is smoking cigarettes one after another, and the room is filled with smoke.

"Send me to the 'Dam' safe house. I will recuperate there in the next few months. Help me speed up the research and development process of lmd. At the same time, the field department will be temporarily managed by you during this period. Dugan, I trust you the most. It's you, don't let me down."

Several orders were issued one after another, very simply. As for how to deal with Valentina, Fury already had a plan.

Dugan put the cigar in his mouth and patted the armrest of Fury's old sofa, making a squeaking sound. Fury's home is not luxurious. On the contrary, it seems as if everything has stayed in the 1960s, and all the furniture and equipment are outdated.

"Okay, boss." Dugan put on his bowler hat and rubbed his face with his hands. Although he didn't rest all night, he should do things for his comrades: "Boys and girls, wake up! It's time to work. !”


Also staying awake all night were Deathstroke and the others.

In the wilderness, deep in the unknown coordinates, several people who had been busy all night were having breakfast and holding a meeting.

Deathstroke held a strange totem in his hand and was studying it with Monaco and Xiaoka. The other three were yawning incessantly, eating slices of bread and jam in a place with a better scenery in the distance.

"That's one of the things I'm looking for."

There was a bit of satisfaction in Su Ming's tone. He touched the dirt on the totem pole with his fingers, and it made a crunching sound. The savage tribe soaked it in the mud before. Who knows what kind of ceremony it was.

Overnight, Deathstroke's undead army had reached tens of thousands. Although these living corpses only had weapons such as wooden sticks and stone axes, they were still a good force in the wilderness.

At least being cannon fodder can hold off for a while.

Naturally, as the undead army increased in number, tribes were exterminated one by one. Anyway, everyone became numb later on, and no longer had to distinguish whether the savages were cannibals, or whether they were evil, it was all handled by Deathstroke.

Monaco held a cup of black tea and blew it gently.

As a British person, black tea is indispensable. Even in the rainforest tribe, he still drank it and felt like going to Buckingham Palace for a banquet.

"Created by the ancient gods, there is no doubt that I can feel that it is connected to another dimension." He took a sip of tea, added some sugar to it, and then picked up the snacks on the side: "But you said it, yes What's the meaning?"

Su Ming didn't eat, but just weighed the totem in his hand. It was about fifty centimeters long and a cylinder with a diameter of twenty centimeters, with complex patterns and patterns embossed on it.

He turned the pillar and pointed out a place on it to Monaco: "Look at this, what do you think it is?"

Monag held a piece of peach cake in his hand. Anyway, the food brought out by Deathstroke was quite delicious. He didn't care where it came from. He just squinted his eyes and carefully looked at where Su Ming's fingertips were pointing. After a moment, he said tentatively:

"Is this a bat? Or some kind of bird or pterosaur?"

Su Ming took back the totem pole and looked down at it: "Yes, it is a bat. Tens of billions of years ago, in addition to humanoid ancient gods such as Aoshutu and Sithorn, there were also plants like the World Tree on the earth. The ancient gods, as well as the ancient beasts with various animal shapes. For different reasons, they were not affected by the first war of the gods, and each has its own development direction."

Monaco nodded. He really didn't know about this. Deathstroke was indeed worthy of being the Supreme Mage at times, and he really had a lot of mysterious knowledge.

"Go on."

"World Tree, as an ancient plant god, moved himself to Asgard and began to create a second-generation god system. Let's not talk about that for now. The ancient beast gods don't have much sense. They left a lot of themselves before leaving the earth. Traces of existence. After humans were created, primitive people discovered these miracles, and out of worship of the strong, apes began to believe in them. The Nuvali people captured the apes at that time in the 'Botanical Garden' This is where the faith continues."

Deathstroke spoke in a low voice, and the surrounding forest was densely packed with living corpses. The Monster Hunter team who were eating and chatting in the distance were completely unaware of the topic.

"How many such ancient gods are there?" Monaco took a breath. He probably guessed what the death knell was going to do. The totem of the ancient gods was a symbol of faith. It was not enough to prevent people from being tempted by the dimension lords. Now it is also We must guard against these beasts and ancient gods.

Su Ming placed the totem on the ground and leaned against a beam in the tribe: "As far as I know, there are bats, birds, monkeys, fish, and spiders. This is certainly not all, and there is another kind of these totems. effect."

"Oh? Isn't he the Panther God of Wakanda?" Monaco is a qualified supporter. He has been working with Deathstroke for so many years, so he knows when to support him.

"He is not. The Ancient Beast God is still a beast after all, while the Leopard God is more like a human being. I am not sure where it came from. Let's not talk about him for now. Currently in the wilderness, what I want to find most is the spider totem. Get The human being recognized by the thing behind it will become a spider-man due to various seemingly coincidental arrangements..."

Monaco imagined a human being with four arms and four legs, spinning silk from his belly button, and felt a little disgusted.

His thoughts were inevitably reflected in his expression, as if the black tea no longer smelled good.

Su Ming guessed what he was thinking, curled his lips and said, "It's not that kind of Spider-Man, it's Spider-Man, the kind of person with super powers who has all the specialties of a spider, but not in the shape of a spider."

"That's okay, it's acceptable. Will there be Spider-Man in our world in the future? Did you see it with gems?" Monaco looked interested and pointed to the totem on the ground: "You have it now?" Without the Bat totem, will we still have Batman?”

"Don't even think about Batman. He can't exist in our world." Su Ming waved his hand helplessly. Monaco really has imagination: "The one recognized by the ancient bat god is now in Attilan. The root totem is just a means of contacting these ancient gods, but each ancient god does not have a unique totem."

Monaco held the tea cup and thought. He had heard about the aliens in Attilan, and because most of the Terrigen crystals were in the hands of Deathstroke, they now lived a life controlled by others.

"Now that you have acquired these totems, the power behind them may be exploited by others first, so what is the use of these totems?"

The Prince of Magic asked, because it seemed like it would be of no benefit to the Sorcerer Supreme, and as far as he knew, Deathstroke wouldn't do anything that wasn't beneficial.

Su Ming put away the bat totem, patted the dirt on his armor, stood up, and spoke in a very relaxed tone.

"So the main target is spiders. I don't know about other totems, but spider totems are distributed in every world in the multiverse. They form a connected network like a spider web, allowing them to enter multiple levels and unite thousands of clones into one. The Ancient Spider God operates as the core. So based on this principle, we can walk up this spider thread and then walk down the other spider thread..."

"You mean, it's actually a passage to the multiverse?!" Monaco was shocked. He couldn't believe that the multiverse really existed.

When Deathstroke used to chat, he would occasionally tell him about parallel worlds or something, but he didn't take it seriously. He just listened to the story and that was it. But now, when the road to diversity was really right in front of him, he felt a little panic.

Because he simply couldn't imagine what he would be like in another world? What is the difference between the world over there and my own world?

Su Ming patted him on the shoulder and whispered hoarsely: "Relax, old man, after all, our journey is across the stars and the sea. And even if we find the spider totem, we will need some time to study how to use it safely. You will get used to it. of."

Monaco feels that he will not get used to it, because once Kamal Taj masters the ability to collectively travel to the parallel universe, it means that the overall strength has reached a big level, and everything will be different.

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