The Death Knell

Chapter 1226? It’s on fire

It was not too early for Colonel Sanders to make his debut. When he officially started operating the fried chicken industry, it was 1932, and he was already in his 40s at that time.

He participated in World War I, but did not fight much in Europe. He was discharged after returning to the United States and worked as a small town sheriff for a few years.

But his family was too poor and he needed to support his sick mother, his wife and children, so he decided to use his limited savings to start a small business.

So he first opened a gas station. At that time, the United States was rich in oil and private gas stations were also popping up everywhere.

But when he saw long-distance drivers waiting for refueling, always clutching their bellies and complaining of hunger, he discovered a real business opportunity.

He opened his first fried chicken shop next to a gas station. With his superb craftsmanship and exclusive secret recipe developed, coupled with the pressure cooker, which was still a high-tech product at the time, he invented the concept of fast food.

In those days, it was good for drivers to have a hot meal, let alone meat like fried chicken, so his business was getting better and better, and the store was getting bigger and bigger.

Today, it has almost grown from a small shop selling milk tea to the size of the Quanjude Roast Duck Headquarters.

By 1935, Sandoz's fried chicken had become famous far and wide, becoming a star company well-known far and wide.

In order to thank him for his tax contribution to the state and for his invention of the convenience food "Colonel's Chicken Nuggets", Kentucky Governor Ruby LaFond officially awarded him the rank of Honorary Colonel of Kentucky, so people called him His "Dear Colonel Sanders."

Although the business was good, Sanders was not satisfied with this achievement. He went a step further and built a motel next to the restaurant.

In this way, before the famous Johnson Motel was built, Sandoz became the first corporate conglomerate to integrate food, accommodation and gas. Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Sandoz's business was still booming.

But the good times did not last long. At the end of 1939, the outbreak of World War II dealt a serious blow to Sanders.

The government implemented oil rationing and gas stations were forced to close. Later, because the Trans-Kentucky Highway was built elsewhere and the old roads were abandoned, his restaurant's business was sluggish, there were no customers, and he was forced to close.

This sudden change pushed Sanders into the abyss of debt. After the capital chain was broken, he even used up all his bank deposits.

Harlan Sanders, the respected fried chicken colonel in the past, suddenly changed from a respected rich man to a worthless poor man.

At this time, Sanders was 56 years old, and all he could rely on was a monthly relief fund of US$105, most of which was used to pay off debts.

But he didn't want to end his life just like that. Besides, the relief money couldn't sustain his life at all, so he had to rely on himself for everything.

Looking at the first social security check the government gave him, he said to himself, 'The government has to give me 105 yuan every month so that I can barely live. But beyond that, there must be something I can do with that hundred dollars for myself and my family. ’

Sanders thought hard about what he should do to get out of the predicament. After much deliberation, he felt that the most valuable thing he owned was fried chicken, which was a huge intangible asset.

Suddenly, he remembered that he once sold fried chicken sauce to a restaurant owner in Utah. The owner did a good job, so several restaurant owners also bought Sanders' fried chicken seasoning.

Sanders, who was in trouble, thought that maybe someone would do this again, and maybe this would be a new starting point for his career. In this way, Colonel Sanders started his second business. He took a pressure cooker and a 50-pound sauce bucket and drove his old Ford on the road.

Wearing a white suit and a black bow tie, the white-haired colonel, dressed like a Southern gentleman, stopped at the door of every restaurant from Kentucky to Ohio, selling fried chicken seasonings and asking the boss and clerk to demonstrate how to fry chicken on the spot.

If they like fried chicken, sell them a franchise, provide the ingredients, and teach them how to fry it.

At first, no one believed him. The hotel owners even thought it was a waste of time to listen to this strange old man's nonsense.

Sanders' publicity work was very difficult. He was rejected 1,009 times for two years. Finally, when he walked into a restaurant for the 1,010th time, he got an "Okay" as an answer after performing fried chicken.

When there is one person, there will be a second person. With Sanders's persistence, his idea was finally accepted by more and more people, and his sauces and fried chicken methods were sold.

In 1952, the first authorized KFC restaurant in Salt Lake City was established. This was the beginning of the franchise model of restaurant franchises in the world, and Sandoz once again made history.

Immediately afterwards, Sandoz's new franchise business snowballed. In just 5 years, he has developed 400 chain stores in the United States and Canada, and he stood up again until he became the catering giant he is today.

Since then, Colonel Sanders has a famous saying, which is to face the 1009th failure calmly.

Although the DC world is the universe of American comics, it is different from the world Su Ming lived in in his previous life. For example, the DC world does not have Sanders' old enemy Lan Lanlu.

But some things won't change much, and that's the origin story of Sanders himself.

He is a fried chicken superhero. Superheroes have their own origins, and those hardships are all part of this origin.

Judging from Sanders' reaction, Su Ming knew that he had made the right bet. This colonel had experienced the same twists and turns as his counterpart on Earth.

Barry looked curiously at Colonel Sanders beside him. The old man's demeanor changed rapidly. From the dying old drunkard at the beginning, he became full of vitality in the blink of an eye.

It was like Deathstroke had drugged his drink.

It's not surprising that Barry thinks so. After all, as far as he knows, Deathstroke has never hesitated to use any means to achieve his goals.

But as he saw the drunkenness in Colonel Sanders's eyes fade away and he stood up with a clear mind, Barry felt that even if he had been drugged, it was probably a good drug.

Sure enough, Deathstroke still had a solution. He just asked a question and didn't say a word of comfort. Colonel Sanders came back.


Colonel Sanders stood up and made a strong effort, assuming a toned posture.

The white suit and shirt he was wearing suddenly shattered into large and small pieces of cloth with special effects like explosions. The rags flew in all directions, causing Barry to cover his face to avoid it.

Looking back, I saw the colonel exposing his naked upper body, constantly changing various bodybuilding postures, showing off his muscles.

Although he is old, he has been eating fried chicken every day for decades and is still extremely strong!

The muscles that were comparable to Superman were as shiny as if they had been rubbed with oil, and the pectoralis major muscles were jumping like living things, and there were many scalded oil spots on his skin from when he fried chicken. The medals won in the 'battlefield'!

There was no way, there was no air conditioning in the previous kitchen, and the fried chicken restaurant was almost like hell. He had to work shirtless and wearing an apron, and he would inevitably get splashed by oil.

"It seems that I have been immersed in the days of peace for too long, and I have forgotten that no setbacks defeated me back then! Although there are no chickens or cows now, I can always think of a way to solve this problem. If 1009 times If it doesn’t work, then try the 1010th time!”

"Oh oh oh! My blood is burning with the passion to fry chicken!!!"

Barry on the side looked excited. Colonel Sanders was indeed so excited! He is worthy of being his idol. That’s right, it’s this spirit of never giving up!

In contrast, Su Ming, who was sitting on the side watching the two people burning one after another, seemed to be out of place, with a broken expression on his face.

Didn’t we agree that it would be DC? What’s this feeling about the island country’s passionate romance? Could it be that Sanders is actually the savior of the end of the century like Kenjiro? The principle of this explosive clothing is not Beidou Shenquan or Turtle School Qigong, right?

There were so many things he wanted to complain about, and he didn't know what to say for a moment, but he had mastered another of Barry's weaknesses. As expected, like many scientific nerds, Barry was actually a deeply hidden chuunibyou. patient.

Maybe you can take advantage of...

"Ahem, Harlan?"

Su Ming tried to wake up the two people who were immersed in "another world". The two of them were like competing in a small universe. When you are finished, I will be even more fired up. If the comparison continues like this, there will be no end.

"Call me Colonel."

The old man looked up and showed a confident smile, and Barry immediately ran into the villa to help him find a new suit and put it on for him.

He is complete after putting on a white suit.

Su Ming sighed in his heart and stood up helplessly: "Okay, Colonel, we are here to ask for your help."

"Give me some time. Although I don't have chickens or cows now, because it's too expensive for the Justice League from other parallel universes to move animals, but I can always find substitutes for chickens and cows. The Justice League is my family, waiting for me If you think of a way to support your family, there will be no problem.”

The corners of Deathstroke's mouth twitched. Barry and Hal were probably the only ones in Zhenglian who liked burgers. Did Diana occasionally eat a KFC sundae? Everyone else basically cooks for themselves.

"Fast food aside, we're here to ask you how to kill a giant chicken-cow monster."

"Chicken-cow monster? Ah, Zhenglian's enemy is still as weird as ever. It's a hybrid beast monster, right? Can you tell me about the head of this chicken-cow monster? Is it a chicken head or a bull head?"

Colonel Sanders touched his goatee. He was no longer drunk at all. At this time, his confident demeanor seemed full of absolute control over chickens and cows!

"Its head is a chicken, and from the waist down it is a cow. It has wings and cow hooves and can fly short distances. It is stronger than Superman and has divine power and magic resistance."

Su Ming gave a rough description. After all, Wade didn't test anything.

"That's easy." Colonel Sanders took out a kitchen knife and a stick-shaped knife sharpener from the back of his suit. While sharpening the knife, he walked and asked, "Where is it? I'll give Zhenglian extra food tonight." , Wow~~~~ Such good ingredients, inspiration comes to me!”

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