The Death Knell

Chapter 1233? Chatting with cousin

"You seem to like this schoolbag very much?"

Su Ming was waiting to strangle and digest the chicken-cow monster. He had killed one of the top combat forces in the single universe without a direct confrontation. He was in a good mood and planned to chat with Wade for a few words.

Wade looked down at the small schoolbag, reached out and wiped the green mucus off the pony's face, letting her smile appear in his sight again.

"Yes, this is a gift from my first girlfriend. I can't remember the details. I don't even remember her appearance or her name." Wade pointed at his head, a little confused. Self-deprecatingly: "You know, the cancer has eaten three-quarters of my brain, and my memory is severely damaged."

"Have you ever slept with her?" Su Ming looked at her schoolbag. Who knows who would give Deadpool such a cute gift.

"I forgot, did I tell you about it? Everything before I was twenty years old was almost always dark. I only remember that I stayed in an orphanage for a long time." Wade shrugged and found something else on the side. He picked up his two swords and put them on his back.

Su Ming sighed. It was estimated that it would take another day for Strangler to digest the monster, and it would also take extra time to complete the evolution. As the host, he could not leave here.

It seems that Wade's role is to chat with him, at least to get back the tens of thousands of dollars.

Wade can actually accept jobs like chatting with others, chatting with others, and chatting with others. As long as he is paid, he can also go to a child's birthday party as a guest performer and perform a show of swallowing a long sword and so on.

Of course, parents who are willing to pay for Deadpool to attend their children's birthday parties are not normal people. They are either antisocial lunatics or crazy people with miswired brains.

"Then what do you remember about her?"

Su Ming sat down cross-legged, rested against the big tree nearby, and casually raised a chameleon-like monster on the tree to chop it to death.

"I only remember that she was black and gave me this bag, nothing more. But every time I see this pony, I always feel that she was very good to me."

Wade sat next to his cousin with some emotion, put his schoolbag on his lap, took out a military green water bottle and took a drink of water.

"Could it be that you misunderstood? The fact that she gave you a pony schoolbag meant that she used the foul language - 'rely on your horse'?"

Deathstroke smiled evilly and destroyed Wade's beautiful memory. He was carrying a My Little Pony schoolbag and didn't he look like 'a horse leaning on your back'?

Knowing Wade well, he would not be fooled at all. He analyzed it very calmly: "She is black. Black people in the United States basically don't like to study. There is almost no chance that she understands Chinese. Are you playing abbreviations and homophonic memes? Or is it a Tianjin accent? She She doesn’t even understand. So she probably just thinks My Little Pony is cuter...could it be that her name is Baoli?"

Seeing that Deadpool was not fooled, Su Ming suddenly felt uninterested: "Her name is Carmelita."

"Paulie, think about it, this name is quite warm... Hmm? What did you say?" Wade was talking to himself at first, but suddenly turned his head towards his cousin and made a sound in his cervical spine. Crisp sound.

The cervical vertebra was broken, and he could only put his head back on with his hands, but then he still grabbed Su Ming's arm: "What did you say her name was?"

"Carmelita, her name is, you actually met once after you graduated from elementary school. It should be around 2013, when you were at the stage where you were crazy about taking on tasks."

Idleness was idleness, and the energy absorbed by Strangulation was too much to store, so Su Ming activated a time gem to help Wade see the past on his timeline, which was also Su Ming's own future.

Wade tilted his head and recalled: "Because I wanted to give the Outlaw a house as a wedding gift. You know, her previous house was bombed by Rhino and the Green Goblin."

"I don't care about what happened between you and Inez. Although she rode you until your pelvis was broken every time, you still maintained a relationship after the divorce." Su Ming extinguished the time stone and supported his head on his knees with his arms. : "But she divorced you less than two weeks after getting married. If you ask me, she has made a lot of money. Even if she has a house worth 2 million US dollars, she may not get that much even if she waits for several years to share the inheritance with an old rich man. "

Deadpool lowered his head and waved his hands, as if he couldn't bear to look back on the past: "I am mainly responsible for separating from her. Before I accepted the transformation experiment, I was with Vanessa. As a result, I was ruined after accepting the transformation experiment." Rong, for a long time, I didn’t dare to go back to see her, thinking it would be better to let her think I was dead.”

Although Wade's previous appearance was not that of a handsome guy, he was at least human-like. He suddenly became less human, which he himself found difficult to accept.

Not to mention going back to see Vanessa with a grimace on his face, so he ran away from home.

"So you actually left without saying goodbye, then met another woman and got married during that period, and then left without saying goodbye again and returned to Vanessa?" Su Ming sorted out the chronology for Wade. To be honest, Wade's confused thinking caused him to be confused when doing things.

"That's about it, right? I can't remember clearly." Wade held his head: "I just think Inez should have her own house, so that she doesn't have to worry too much about her livelihood and work for the Green Goblin and the others. . You know, there's something a little off about both father and son at Osborne Industries."

Izune's ancestor was one of the legendary heroes of the Old West, the "Outlaw" who was a friend of the "Two-Gunman".

The Two-Gunman's guns were handed over to Holloway before his death, and Holloway became the 'Avenging Angel'. A few years ago, according to his 'last wish', the pair of guns were given to him. his son.

The outlaw was obviously not as lucky as his old friend. The days of riding horses in the wilderness were gone forever. When he got old, he went bankrupt, causing his son and granddaughter to all become mercenaries.

In order to use their ancestors' reputation to gain more business, they even used the obviously relevant code name "Outlaw".

The reason why Deadpool and Izune know each other is because she accepted Osborn's hiring to attack Spider-Man, broke Peter's bones in half, and almost broke Spider-Man's back like Bane broke Batman's back. .

When Wade heard that someone was beating his gay friend, he was naturally unhappy, so after visiting Peter, he came to fight with Iznei.

As a result, I rolled onto the bed unknowingly while fighting...

However, when they were having sex, the seriously injured Peter Parker was lying in the "Night Shift Hospital" established by Luke Cage and the others, and did not wait for Deadpool to return for a long time.

He was very helpless because he was too embarrassed to ask the nurse to help him go to the toilet. At that time, Aunt May didn't know that he was Spider-Man and couldn't ask her to take care of him.

So he held in his urine all night. When Cage went to see him the next morning, the strong black man thought Peter was dead because his face was blue.

In other parallel universes, Deadpool and Inez happened almost the same way, except that Deathstroke used the time stone to see the future of the 40K universe, and the story was obviously darker.

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