The Death Knell

Chapter 1265? Parliament established

Su Ming was actually fully prepared before entering the spider web, including dealing with a group of spiders, even Spider-Man from various parallel universes, or dealing with the Morlun family, or maybe dealing with the Ancient God himself.

But when he really saw the target at the hub of the converging pipe network, before Deathstroke could start to show off his force, the Weaver Master, who represented the ancient spider god, gave in and enthusiastically proposed cooperation.

The ancient god, which is now the network itself, also hopes to make the network bigger and more beautiful. In the past, it was only troubled by the inability to send the spider totem out of the omnipotent universe, and the appearance of Deathstroke made up for this shortcoming.

It can contribute spider webs as a transportation network between different worlds, allowing Spider-Man in each world to be subconsciously close to Deathstroke, in exchange for Deathstroke helping it spread more spider totems outside the Almighty Universe, allowing it to obtain a wider source of energy. .

Su Ming thought for a moment, and instead of cleaning out all these spiders and using his own people to coerce the Spider Ancient God who had turned into the web itself to do things, it would be better to agree to this condition.

After all, spider webs are better played by spiders. Whether you can put an ant on it and it can function normally is still a question.

This cooperation also achieved the set goal, and the ancient god also provided additional benefits, the 'favorability' of Spider-Man in each parallel world? Some value.

Spider-Man is to Marvel what Batman is to DC. It can be said that he is a well-deserved protagonist. Whether the ancient god hypnotizes them in their dreams or gives them psychological suggestions when they are awake, the spiders who become tool men are indeed very good. Easy to use.

In addition to having many friends, the little spider can easily gather people, and at critical moments, the little spider can also be used to worship the sky.

Just like the Flash next door, "Spiders sacrifice to the sky, their power is boundless." If you sacrifice a Spider-Man before a team battle, things will be stable.

Probably because it is said that people who step on spiders will be unlucky. Whether it is superstition or metaphysics, Su Ming himself has entered the real world of American comics. Nothing is impossible anymore. Sometimes you have to Believe in some mysterious unspoken rules.

So the expected battle didn't happen, and the Morlun family, whose mission was to destroy all Spider-Man, didn't show up, and everything went smoothly.

Drizzt wanted to return to Icewind Dale to continue his ordinary life of hunting and farming, but Elminster decided to go with Deathstroke to see his world, so the three-person team parted ways quickly, like all adventurer teams.

Before leaving, Su Ming gave Drizzt some good wine and a lot of snacks to feed Guan Fahai, and told him to find Elminster again if he didn't have any more.

The Master Weaver gave Deathstroke hundreds of miniature spider totems, and agreed that every time he arrived in a new world, he would find a way to activate a totem there, and the spider network would also work hard to connect there.

Well, I keep traveling to a new place, doing tasks to connect the locals to my network, and then going to new places and connecting them to the Internet again...

Why does this mode feel familiar?

But that's it, as long as you place your own hands on the spider web as a trump card, then you don't have to worry about when the weaver master and the ancient god want to fall out.

To be exact, by the time the plan was put into motion, they would have no chance to fall out.

The group happily signed the contract, allowing Weishan Emperor to once again witness the concept of win-win cooperation.

In fact, Ao Shutu and the ancient spider god have known each other for a long time. The goddess was inevitably a little sad to see it choose another path and turn itself into the concept of a 'web' and lose its body.

Its road has come to an end. It may gain more power and energy in the future, but the level has been fixed and cannot be transcended.

However, how the ancient gods reminisced about the past had nothing to do with Su Ming. He took Elminster back to his own earth, first sat at Kama Taj, and then took him around the world.

Let the mage see what a car and an airplane are, what a TV refrigerator is, and all kinds of technological products that dazzle the archmage, none of which are available in Faerûn.

Although Elminster is not young, he still learns knowledge very quickly. He basically learned how to use various electrical appliances in just a few days. Of course, it may take a few more days to understand the history of the earth.

The flow rate of the 40k earth is different from that of Faerun, so Su Ming went to Dottie and Zemo to inquire about Tony.

The strange thing is that the two members of the Supreme Council did not know that Tony was Howard's son before the assassination. They also did not know who had acted with the Jasper family before.

As for Leviathan, this year is 1991. They have become grasshoppers after autumn and will soon be finished.

It's all Howard's fault for ruining the fishing plan, and the man behind it can't be found.

So Su Ming wanted to try throwing the bait back into the water. Since he was involved in this matter, he had to have a beginning and an end. If he couldn't find the answer, he would feel like a cat scratching with its little claws.

At this time, Tony was locked in the house by Howard. This was called grounding. The educational method often used by American parents, the 'bait' was well preserved.

So he took the old mage to Howard's house, and that's when what happened before happened.

After hearing that what he had just eaten was 'Long Bao', Howard had already gone to the bathroom to rinse his mouth. Maria wanted to go, but she was stared at by the two of them. She was not wearing pajamas and was too embarrassed to get up, so she could only awkwardly Sitting on the bed holding his plate.

Su Ming sat back on the sofa, crossed his legs and said to the old master: "Look, these are the rich people in the United States. They don't even eat beef tendons, let alone dragons."

The old mage was still smiling, and his human observation project had a new record: "Yes, it seems that he has never lived in a poor place."

"He will have this valuable experience soon. The temperature of the star in Contrasia is plummeting. My fleet only needs to wait a few more days to occupy it. Then I will take you to the alien planet to play."

Su Ming took out a cigarette and started smoking quietly. In fact, when he asked about Tony before, he accidentally heard some news about the Parkers. Regarding the Death Spore Flower, not only Baron Sitric, but also The Red Skull had a hand in it.

There were originally two suitcases, and the Parkers each held one. When they were in Panama, the Red Skull's men snatched one of them and disappeared.

The Red Skull on Earth now is a fake, Malik from the Soviet Union. I don’t know which alien planet the real Red Skull is on.

Before the unbreakable alliance disintegrated, this fake had already noticed that the situation was not good. He seemed to be planning to take a chance recently and develop a biochemical weapon called 'Death Dust'.

Su Ming was too lazy to care about this matter. The Parkers were dead as long as they were dead. Whether they were good people or bad guys, it had nothing to do with the Supreme Mage. He only cared about how Pan Am paid for his tree.

He ordered the Spider Web Girls to find a way to "inadvertently" pass the news to Steve, and then wait for Captain America to hammer the Red Skull again.

Steve gets excited when he hears the Red Skull. This has been the case since World War II. He stubbornly wants to prove to Dr. Erskine who is "far away in heaven" that good people are stronger than bad guys like the Red Skull.

"Is it an alien planet? Although we could see the sky full of stars in Faerûn in the past, no one had ever realized that it was habitable." Elminster sighed with emotion. Even the gods over there were more interested in it. Prefer to occupy dimensions rather than alien planets.

Su Ming heard what he meant: "If you want to visit dimensions or planes, I have them too. You can go to Hell's Border and that village at any time."

"It's better not to rush. I have to go back to Faerun to pack my things, right? I also have to say goodbye to some old friends." Elminster looked at the violent storm outside the window, and he seemed to remember something: "Pan Faerun God The system also rules several other universes, such as Greyhawk, Abyss, Klein, etc."

"Grey Eagle World gives priority. The Eight-leaf Master will be very powerful. If you can convince them to join our cause, it will be very helpful." Su Ming lowered his head and smoked: "And the old friend you mentioned should be Storm Queen Xinbu, right? If she wants to come, she can come, our organization can bring her family members."

People who are not familiar with DND may not know the Eight-leaf Master at first glance, but the magic they invented is widely spread in the world with various magical backgrounds.

Their leader is the legendary mage Mordenkainen, who invented a series of magic such as Mordenkainen's Disintegration and Mordenkainen's Sword. He also developed magic-based cloning technology and played a role in DNA sequence cracking in the magical world... ..

Among his students was Bigby, the one who invented the flying palm, crushing fist, and grappling hand magic series named after himself.

Tanson's transformation technique and Olulik's elastic shield are all well-known spells from the world of Greyhawk. The inventors are Mordenkainen's apprentices. Together they formed the Eight Leaf Mage Guild.

Another well-known elf mage in the Gray Eagle world, Ma Youfu, a master of the evocation system known as the 'Prince of Flames', is also a friend of the Eight Leaf Mage Association.

This means that as long as you can convince Mordenkainen, you will be able to win nine legendary mages at once.

Elminster's eloquence is unparalleled among mages, and he seems to be very confident that he can convince his target.

Of course, his face is not comparable to that of ordinary people, which is equivalent to +4 adamantine armor. There is nothing embarrassing when Deathstroke talks about his father-daughter romance.

"If you want to convince Mordenkainen, you have to go to the world of Gray Eagle to connect them with spider webs first, and then I can go there." He sat next to Su Ming, knocked his pipe on his knees, and completely ignored Ma Leah looked confused: "I will bring some friends. As long as there are more legends than the other party, Mordenkainen will definitely consider my suggestion seriously. By the don't discriminate against lichs, right?" "

Su Ming shrugged and took out some small gadgets that could be used as greeting gifts and put them on Elminster, such as electronic watches or lighters:

"Not at all. I have great admiration for those masters in the Nether era who pursued the true meaning of magic. After the fall of the floating city, they did not hesitate to turn themselves into undead and continue to study magic. For example, Master Nonal who invented the fireball technique and the finger of death Master Durst is the talent our organization longs for."

Elminster smiled: "By the way, our new organization doesn't have a name yet. A magic alliance that spans countless worlds cannot continue to use the name of Kama Taj. Even if you want to lead it, you can't Don’t be so obvious.”

"Of course I understand this... The Sky Council, let's call it the Sky Council. The task of increasing the number of people depends on you. Master, please help me add more salesmen."

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