The Death Knell

Chapter 1281? Making trouble

Next, Fury told the two of them what happened in SHIELD after Howard's death. Of course, it was not entirely true, but a processed version.

In this story, after taking over, the new director launched a brutal purge and political review of Howard's cronies, and also took away the achievements of scientists and nationalized them.

"Wait a minute, you said it was state-owned?" Bucky raised his hand and spoke: "Are you sure your director was not hired from Leviathan? I remember that according to the regulations, as long as they are not Nazi scientists introduced by the Paperclip Project, domestic The scientific and technological products developed by free scholars using SSR's materials are owned by SSR, and the patent rights belong to the individual scientists?"

Everything is nationalized, right?

"Yes, the rules were like that before. This rule has not changed during the tenure of Paige and Howard." Fury nodded, his black braised eggs constantly reflecting light: "Because of this rule, scientists Only then can we concentrate on research without worrying about being 'communized' one day. We all know that scientists are human beings too, and they also need benefits."

"Go on, you haven't said where the crisis is yet." Steve stopped Bucky from interrupting and allowed Fury to continue.

"The problem is the new director, he's trying to have everything in his hands, including all the inventions of the scientists... Yes, Steve, including you."

Fury immediately said what the problem was.

Steve is the injector of SSS serum. SSS serum is the scientific research product of Dr. Erskine, and Dr. Erskine was a scientist of SSR during his lifetime, so Steve will also be nationalized.

"What?! Steve is a human being, not a weapon. He has no right to do such a thing to American citizens."

Bucky immediately protested, which was simply unbelievable.

Luo Dan first nodded in agreement, and then shook his head: "I know, this is unreasonable, but he is now the director of SHIELD. According to the rights he has given himself, he can do this. He has already issued an order to Recover all lost technological products and intellectual property from the SSR era to SHIELD now."

Steve didn't care what would happen to him. He frowned and focused on other things: "Including Howard's legacy?"

"Yes, according to what he said, all of Howard's inventions and the benefits of his inventions should be recovered by the state." Fury nodded affirmatively. Anyway, what the new director said, or whether he really said it, Shi It’s impossible for Tiff to ask, right?

As for why she chose the cavalry companion instead of those old guys, it was naturally because she was a third-level agent, which was so low that she couldn't even meet the director.

Steve remained calm: "Are you sure where he came from? Is he an American?"

"Times have changed, Steve." Fury spread his hands and grabbed the coat in his hand: "Now the country is no longer the basis for distinguishing camps, people's thoughts are. He is an American, but is he an American? Hydra or Leviathan, I’m not sure, and I have no evidence.”

"Perhaps you should talk to Peggy about this kind of thing. I have quit the Logistics Office, and there is no way to help you argue with the new director." Steve sighed. He had long discovered that the United States was becoming Nazi, and It was expected that S.H.I.E.L.D. would exist today.

Fury naturally guessed what the captain would say. He knew the man wearing the stars and stripes all too well.

"I know that I will solve the problems within SHIELD, but there is still a problem. That is, early this morning, the new director forced Dr. Pym to hand over his scientific research information, but Pym sternly refused. Afterwards, he arranged for people to prepare Let Pim die unexpectedly, but fortunately I destroyed it. But now Dr. Pim’s situation is not safe. I would like to ask you to help Pim out of personal friendship and ensure his safety.”

"Assassination?" Steve frowned. He hated this word, let alone using it on one of his own.

"Yes, he wanted to assassinate Dr. Pym, and even... Howard's death, I think there are doubts..." Fury looked gloomy and his tone was very mysterious.

Steve clenched his fists, he didn't expect this.

If the Howards were really killed, then... Fury can't be sure yet, but this is already worthy of his attention.

No one should point a gun at one of their own, let alone a scientist like Pym.

Bucky thought about it for a while, and he felt that he couldn't completely believe the braised eggs, but if he found Pim and took a closer look, he might be able to get the truth.

"Why Dr. Pym? Is there anything special about him?" Bucky asked.

Fury crossed his legs, and Bucky's question about Pim meant he fell into a trap.

Once Bucky falls into the trap, Steve will inevitably follow him. This is the captain's weakness.

"Dr. Pym has many valuable patents in his hands, such as the Pym particles he developed, such as his participation in the design of nuclear reactors, and... the highly intelligent robot system he collaborated with Howard."

Captain America put his fist on his knee and punched it hard: "So we are still staring at Howard's relics. Does the new director or the people behind him want to use these patents to develop murder weapons?"

"Maybe." Fury didn't say it absolutely, just vaguely, but that was enough.

Steve will not allow anyone to covet his friend's inheritance, or even plan to use it to do bad things. And the new director who Fury said has done all kinds of dark things is obviously not a good person.

It's his duty to kill bad guys. Steve's voice seemed to be echoing in his mind.

"I understand. Send us to the outskirts of New York City. Bucky and I will find a way to meet Dr. Pym and then start protecting him." Steve nodded: "But we still have the Red Skull sneaking into the United States. I’ll tell you the clues, you help us find him first.”

Fury nodded and turned around: "I will. Since you agreed to help, I have prepared a gift for you. Agent Melinda, turn to safe house 77."

The helicopter quickly changed direction and landed outside a farm in the suburbs of New York. Fury walked to the barn door, verified his pupils, entered the password, turned around and got into the haystack nearby.

There was a secret elevator there that sent several people underground.

The place didn't look big, just like the basement of an ordinary home. There were two lockers standing in the room. Fury turned on the light and made a gesture of invitation, gesturing for Steve to open the lockers.

Steve didn't know what trick Fury was playing. At this time, the two of them needed to receive the gift first, but being in a hurry, he didn't think much about it, raised his hand and opened it.

Inside was a newly designed Stars and Stripes uniform, as well as the five-pointed star shield that had been with him for half a century. The dummy in the cabinet is wearing a uniform, holding a shield on the ground with both hands, and looking into the distance, just like a sculpture in a World War II exhibition hall.

"My shield?"

"To be precise, the shield originally belonged to the military, but Howard bought it, and now according to his will, he left it to you." Fury smiled and nodded, his expression more natural, maybe because of the darkness. More comfortable in the basement: "But the new director wanted to take it back. I couldn't let others take away the memory you and Howard shared, so I stole it out and now it's back to its original owner."

Steve picked up the shield and did a few tricks he used to do. The weight and feel were not bad at all. When he turned around, he saw that the traces of the tape were still there.

"If it were anyone else, I would definitely not support stealing, but Fury... you did the right thing."

Bucky was already putting on the clothes in another cabinet. It was a replica of the blue double-breasted jacket he wore when he was Captain America's follower in the Howling Commandos. This one was new. , changed to bulletproof material, he liked it very much.

Especially the Zorro-style mask reminded him of his youth.

"Then get armed, Captain, America needs you. If the forces behind the new director finish cleaning up SHIELD, sooner or later this counter-revolutionary campaign will affect everyone in our country."

Fury predicted the worst, which made Steve nod silently. He looked at the Stars and Stripes uniform aside, maybe it was time.

He and Bucky had been wandering around the world for so many years and had seen countless dark and sad stories. He didn't want those terrible things to happen in the United States.

"I'll stop him."

Steve answered seriously, and then quickly changed into his uniform. His strong muscles made Melinda swallow her saliva as she peeked from the side.

Then he checked for weapons and ammunition, but found something that looked like a deck of playing cards in his pocket.

When I took it out, I saw various photos of myself on the front, and on the back was a black and yellow card with the letter W on it.

"What is this?" Steve turned to ask the black man.

"This year's new version of Captain America trading cards, if you put together a set, you can enjoy a 10% discount on the Wilson fast food chain." Fury replied very naturally: "You won't forget the Wilson Group, right? I believe you are also everywhere abroad. A chain store where you can see it.”

Steve closed his eyes in pain, and he clenched the card in his hand, as if the hamburger was back in his hand.

How could he forget!

"I know it's a trading card, I'm asking why is it in my bag?"

Fury shrugged, turned and walked out the door: "I have a subordinate who is a big fan of yours. This is the prize I promised him after he completes the mission. There is a pen in the other pocket. If you sign them, you are helping me. Another favor.”


With Fury's intelligence support and transportation help, Steve and Bucky successfully found the Pim couple who were running around. However, they did not find any danger for the time being, so the two lurked in the dark to protect them secretly and did not go out. Meet.

The Pim couple spent the day wandering between major financial groups, not knowing what they were doing, and Steve followed them all day long, until the couple went home to sleep in the middle of the night.

After hiding around with Bucky for so many years, Steve felt that his sneaking skills were pretty good now, but even if the shield was covered with an opaque plastic bag, it still seemed a bit too big and inconvenient.

"I wonder what the Red Skull was doing when we were protecting scientists." Bucky whispered, and now the two of them were squatting in the darkness on the roof of a building opposite Pym's house: "Remembering that madman is in the United States, I feel hairy all over my body.”

"Me too, Bucky, but until Fury sends back the news, we don't know the exact hiding place of the Red Skull." Steve propped up his head with a shield: "If SHIELD can't find the Red Skull, , the same goes for both of us, so be patient.”

Bucky nodded. He took out a cigarette and secretly smoked it: "That's good. It still has intelligence support. It's better than our previous plan. It's just that Dr. Pym is too calm. It's like It’s like… nothing happened.”

Steve's eyes were still bright in the darkness, and he said to Bucky seriously: "The calmer you are, the more vigilant you have to be. This is so unusual. It reminds me of the tranquility before many battles."

"You're right, I'm going to buy coffee, do you want it?"

"Coffee doesn't do anything to me, but since you're going to a fast food restaurant, bring me two burgers."

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